Feckless, reckless, and out-to-lunch

From the Washington Independent:


NY-23: Scozzafava Photo-Op Goes Horribly Wrong

They have some related links on the side bar:

Hoffman Calls on Scozzafava to Leave the Race

GOP County Chairman Writes off Scozzafava

Meanwhile, Michelle Malkin says:

One thing is guaranteed at the conclusion of the NY-23 special congressional election: The Beltway Republicans who endorsed radical leftist Dede Scozzafava are going to have indelible egg stains on their faces. And GOP establishment fund-raising organizations will be the poorer for it.

That’s the problem in a nutshell: the bigwigs in the Beltway don’t have any good grassroots organizing skills. They don’t listen and they don’t ask questions.

Feckless, reckless, and out-to-lunch.

Post ends here

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