Here’s an encouraging news story concerning the notorious Henry Louis Gates and his recent encounter with law enforcement in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Maybe we’re more post-racial in this country than I thought. Loyalty within the Cambridge police seems to trump racial solidarity:
The Gates-gate story is playing out in several interesting ways:
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I predicted that when Obama’s negatives began to exceed his positives in opinion polls — which they do now, by about 10% — he would play the race card as soon as the opportunity arose. With the economy in ruins and his foreign policy a joke, the Messiah’s only hope for getting his numbers back up would be to leverage that good ol’ white guilt that got him elected in the first place.
But it’s not working. And it’s not just those nasty white WAYCISTS who are turning on him: there are now black Americans who are willing to tell the TV cameras that they no longer support him.
An intelligent well-spoken black policewoman says that she voted for Obama last year, but she won’t vote for him again.
Now that’s change we can believe in.
Fortunately we are not yet in a post-sexist situation.
That spokeswoman is a babe!
This is good TV!
I can already hear the screams of “Uncle Tom’s” from the left. What was it they called Juan Williams? “A good house Negro?” And he is a leftist!
Got that smell of the end of the Western Roman Empire about it. When the Roman aristos started to kill off their most capable and loyal generals because they were not of the blood lines.
It’s going to get tribal and anyone whose objective and buys into the full democratic ideal will have to forget that romantic nonsense and pick a side.
The cop dissed Gates by asking for his Mass Driver’s License. You never ask a black man for his DL. You ask him for his Certificate of License to Drive (COLD). When you ask for his COLD you show respect. When you ask for his Drivers License you show you are dissing him by dissing Obama. Obama understood that right away. That’s why Obama spoke out.
Dayamn, Mr. Lighthouse, that was all codgery!
No chance not to speak down nor up easter. Thank you Mr Jewel.
Old Atlantic Lighthouse: The cop dissed Gates by asking for his Mass. Driver’s License. You never ask a black man for his DL. You ask him for his Certificate of License to Drive (COLD). When you ask for his COLD you show respect. When you ask for his Drivers License you show you are dissing him by dissing Obama. Obama understood that right away. That’s why Obama spoke out. [emphasis added]
AHA! That’th it! Syntax trouble! [/Daffy Duck]
Who knew that Sgt. Crowley’s vernacular controlled the situation’s entire outcome.
Moreover, who could possibly predict that Professor Gates’ inability to properly command the English language would have led to all this?
Ah, Professor Gates…he of Harvard and Martha’s Vineyard and his 15 gear tricycle. The same person who says the light at his summer place reminds him of France…who uses phrases like “deja vu” when being interviewed.
The very same one who drinks a whole draught of rage straight down so he can go on a binge against what he thought was an ignorant, no-account Cambridge cop he could use. The same professor who regresses to street language about the cop’s mother, hoping to provoke him.
Gates was in it for the opportunity and the money. He played the race card and now those who have been muffled for so long, who have been guilty until proven innocent so they are forced into silence (notice that Crowley may not speak yet so everyone else is doing it for him)…those folks are now free to say what is on their minds.
Attny Genl Holder taunted white Americans, claiming they were “cowards” about race. Fortunately for us, his boss dropped the race card in the middle of the game, thinking he had trumped everyone.
Bingo! Now everyone has permission to play the same card and to talk about it…except Crowley.
I sure hope he brings his fellow policewoman to the forced “reconciliation” with Gates and Obie. She’ll give a little life to the show.
Of course if that were to happen, Michelle would keep an eagle eye on things, wouldn’t she??
Dymphna: Of course if that were to happen, Michelle would keep an eagle eye on things, wouldn’t she??.
Well, at least with respect to what she wore, no?
It’s not blind loyalty to a fellow cop, it’s loyalty to a fellow cop that they know is not a racist fool.
And, I suspect, memories of similar interactions with arrogant, snobbish, self-inflated Harvard faculty (of varying appearance).
DYKWIA is a pan-ethnic disorder. Though ISTM that black American VIPs are more prone to it: when they achieve status, it occupies a disproportionate place in their minds.