Sex-Slaves in Århus

Cultural Enrichment News

Our Danish correspondent TB has compiled and translated material on a recently completed court case in Denmark. By way of introduction, he says:

Although this is not exactly a new case of cultural enrichment, I have translated it anyway, since it includes one of the most common and — to say the least — non-charming Arab characteristics: victimization, the ability of Arabs to become victims when having to face the consequences of their own despicable acts.

The case came to an end today, and the final statements from the main perpetrator are in a class of their own. In the article Mr. Said uses his “Arabness” in this discipline to the extreme. Luckily the judge isn’t falling for it.

At the end I have translated some excerpts from earlier articles about the case, just to give people some aspects of it that are not revealed in the main article.

The main article, from Jyllands-Posten:

Expelled for keeping sex-slaves

The lawyer for a 40-year-old man charged with human trafficking appealed to the court, asking that they take into account the fact that he has two children in Denmark when deciding on his punishment. But it was all in vain.

“There are no mitigating circumstances whatsoever in this case” Michael Møller Hansen made clear in Vestre Landsret on Wednesday when he argued for toughening the punishment for 40-year-old Said Fraira and 45-year-old Iveta Andersen.

In the second article, again from Jyllands-Posten, it’s revealed that he is an Arab and she is from Slovakia (editorial comments from TB are in square brackets):

The man, who has lived in Denmark for 18 years, has been expelled from Denmark for the rest of his life, while having 100,000 kroner confiscated.

The court agreed with Michael Møller Hansen and toughened the verdict to three years in prison instead of 2½ and ordered that Said Fraira was to be deported and never allowed to enter Denmark again.

“My Life Stops Here”

The man’s lawyer, Hanne Gullitz, had demanded that the court take into consideration that a deportation would have serious negative effects on his two children age 7 and 14.

The verdict made Said Fraira accuse Judge Lilholt of being unfair when he had a chance to comment on the verdict.

[Here we go — the ‘real victim’ is now talking:]

– – – – – – – –

“What right do you have to separate me from my kids? Are my kids animals? You are destroying not only my life but also my children’s. What are you going to tell them when they grow up? I have lived in Denmark for 18 years. My life stops here,” he stated in a tone that made the four officers present stand up.

[Is this not cute? I guess the life of the two girls stopped a long time ago and that he does not give a damn about it.]

Abducted for prostitution

The case started in March 2008 when a 17-year-old Slovakian girl went to the police.

She explained that she had been abducted from her homeland by the accused, who knew her mother.

They promised her that she could have a good job in Denmark and therefore she went along with them. Arriving in Århus, she found out that the job was as a prostitute.

After she told the police her story she was taken to the local Centre for Rape Victims, where they found out that she was 12 weeks pregnant. Her wish was to go home to Slovakia and give birth to the child. But before she went she showed police several of the hotels where she had worked for “customers”.

In addition to that she showed the police the apartment in Viby where the couple had kept her prisoner.

Revealing searches

The police started tapping their phones and kept the apartment under surveillance.

On May 21 police searched the apartment and found yet another Slovakian girl who could tell the same story as the 17-year-old.

In the first court of law the couple declared themselves “guilty” and were therefore punished for human trafficking.

During the appeal no further evidence was presented, but Said Fraira showed up anyway when his lawyer wanted to the court to hear to his valuation of his children’s health.

While Said Fraira explained how he saves the money that he earns in prison so that he can give his son some extra pocket money, he broke down and started crying, explaining how worried he was for his kids and their future. [Sweet, ain’t it?]

Girls did not have a chance

For Michael Møller Hansen, though, there was no doubt whether the two were guilty of committing a serious crime and a violation against human rights by keeping the two girls as prisoners, denying them their freedom.

“Technically speaking we are not talking about rape here, but in reality that is what it is. The girls were forced to be with men to serve the accused who have only tried to maximize their profit. In reality the girls had no chance to get out of this after they got in,” Michael Møller Hansen said.

At the same time he argued that the young age of the one of the girls was an aggravating factor.

The imprisonment of Said Fraira and Iveta Andersen will continue. They will also have to pay for the trial.

In the third Jyllands-Posten article, a neighbour and witness tells about his experience with the couple and their slaves:


Brutal men

During the last few years he experienced a lot of noises making it difficult to sleep at night. He also saw “big, brutal men in black jackets” hammering on the door. Always men of Arab origin.

“Sometimes the woman’s name was on the door. Some times it was not. Once they suddenly used my address to register so that I got all her mail,” the neighbour says.

Fake address

When the couple was arrested by the police last Wednesday, the woman officially lived on the other side of the city. But it was a fake address.

“I know the man a little and he asked me if she could use my place for her address. I really was not into this but in the end I allowed them to do so — only for one month though,” the acquaintance of the imprisoned man says.

Returning to the previous article:

Sex-slaves threatened with a gun

In a tragic case of serious abuse of two young women from eastern Europe has started in Århus. One of the women was freed yesterday.


According to the charges, the couple accused of the crime have earned 1.5 million kroner by forcing two poor Eastern European girls to work as sex-slaves in Århus. Each woman earned around 8,000 kroner a day by selling sexual services to men in East Jutland.

Previous posts about Cultural Enrichment:

2009   Jun   27   Today’s Cultural Enrichment News
        27   Cultural Enrichment, Coming to a Country Near You
        28   Portuguese Cultural Enrichment
        28   More Danish Enrichment
        29   Cultural Enrichment in Paris
        29   Cultural Enrichment in Berlin
        29   Today in Denmark
        29   Cultural Enrichment in Scotland
        29   A Baby as a Weapon
        30   Cultural Enrichment in Italy
        30   Today’s Danish Dose
        30   Cultural Enrichment in Sweden
    Jul   1   Cultural Enrichment in Manchester
        1   Cultural Enrichment in Germany
        2   Cultural Enrichment in Brisbane
        2   Target: The French Police

9 thoughts on “Sex-Slaves in Århus

  1. Arabs aren’t the only group famous to doing that. Jews did that to their brethen in a great number in XIX and early XX causing even to the polish to change their ethnic name from “polaco” to “polonês” as “polaca” turned in a slang to prostitute. More actual sex slavery is founded in Israel with mainly russian women, also brazilian women.

    People like that should NOT be deported, people like that should be KILLED in a very messy way! Like in the good old dirty and violent times. Not by one angry mob but by our own goverments. I’m not so offended by rape as many are but this is grossy this people really should be killed.

  2. “What right do you have to separate me from my kids? Are my kids animals? You are destroying not only my life but also my children’s.

    No, his kids aren’t animals yet, and they might never be if they have a chance not to be raised by arab mahoundians. As for his life being “ruined”, how about the lives of those two girls he turned into sex-slaves? He sure didn’t give a rat’s ass about ruining theirs, why should anyone worry about sending his crab-ridden rear end back to Sewagestan/Mahoundistan?

    And the point about the “victimization” of the Arab scum can never be mentioned too many times. Mahoundians, though the lowest of the low, see themselves as the epitome of perfection and flawlessness, and always blame others for any crimes they’ve been proven to be guilty of (when they’re supposed to be punished for them, that is.) And though a lot of leftarded and MC-enthusiastic judges love to let them get away with this sort of crap, kudos to judge Lilholt for doing the only thing anyone who has a duty to serve justice could have done in that situation.

  3. “What right do you have to separate me from my kids? Are my kids animals? You are destroying not only my life but also my children’s. What are you going to tell them when they grow up? I have lived in Denmark for 18 years. My life stops here,” he stated in a tone that made the four officers present stand up.

    So? Expell them too. Who cares anyway?

  4. “What right do you have to separate me from my kids? Are my kids animals? You are destroying not only my life but also my children’s.

    Wow. Par for the Arab course here. Build a gallows. Hang him high.

    Did he care one iota about the other children he stole from their parents?

  5. This animal’s offspring have a better chance of NOT becoming animals if they are separated from him for good.

    On the other hand, if his father’s heart can’t tolerate separation, he can always take them with him to an Arabic swamp and raise them in the family business of sexual slavery.

    What utter shamelessness that someone who snatched other parents’ children and abased them argues that his parent-child connection should be respected by keeping him in Denmark.

    Arabs must be the most narcissistic people on the planet and their invented religion shares that characteristic. It’s always all about them and their Golden Rule such as it is never applies to “infidels” whom they treat like dirt whenever in a position to do so.

  6. Arabs must be the most narcissistic people on the planet and their invented religion shares that characteristic. It’s always all about them and their Golden Rule such as it is never applies to “infidels” whom they treat like dirt whenever in a position to do so.

    That’s racist!….

    ….but true.

  7. “…….,he stated in a tone that made the four officers present stand up.”

    Oooooooo…. it would seem that he was on the verge of becoming VIOLENT.
    But that is only to be expected from ULTRA-VIOLENT THIRD WORLD BARBARIAN THUGS.

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