Ann Fishman’s Speech in Copenhagen

Ann Fishman was another American guest speaker at last Sunday’s Trykkefrihedsselskabet conference in Copenhagen. Many thanks to Steen for the video:

Ann Fishman is a practicing attorney and the founder and president of the Liberty Legal Project, LLC, which provides legal research, analysis, strategy, publications and conference services to organizations which promote human rights, especially free speech and free exercise of religion.

[Nothing follows]

3 thoughts on “Ann Fishman’s Speech in Copenhagen

  1. “promote human rights, especially free speech and free exercise of religion.”

    All of which Geert Wilders plans to abrogate in his fight against Islam.

  2. At 19:29 Ann Fishman asks:

    “Considering the viability of blasphemy laws, religious insult laws, hate speech laws and hate crime laws, we must ask ourselves when does speech or symbolic expression constitute a protected thought or viewpoint and when does it constitute an impermissible racial or religious discrimination?”

    Islam demands all their pious hate speech and anti-kufr doctrine/ violence is to be protected – while anything contrary to Islam be considered a crime of discrimination and automatically considered “presumptively racist”.

    Before they deny us the right to think for ourselves, Ann Fishman suggests “we must confront this challenge by proactively engaging in the law making process on the national and international level to change the legal landscape before it is too late.”

    It’s good to know we have attorneys like Ann Fishman and David Yerushalmi undermining the stealth litigation jihad.

  3. Quote Homophobic Horse:
    “promote human rights, especially free speech and free exercise of religion.”

    All of which Geert Wilders plans to abrogate in his fight against Islam.


    To think that free speech and free exercise of religion should include Islam, is to have a rather perverted conception of freedom. Wilders is defending these basic freedoms while putting his own life on the line. A little thank you would perhaps be appropriate.

    Kind regs from Amsterdam,

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