Our Danish correspondent TB just sent this link-fest for anyone who reads Danish:
- DPP: Wilders is now a must in Copenhagen
- Socialists in DK: Freedom of speech should be unconditional
- Venstre: Rejection unthinkable in Denmark
- Social-Democrats: Freedom of speech before religion
…you get the point. 🙂
[Nothing follows]
you could add:
Naser Khader: black day for freedom of expression
Naser Khader is a truely secular muslim and democrat (police protection 24/7 is a valuable qualifier)
For anyone wishing to read any foreign language web site I recommend getting firefox or flock or any of the firefox variant web browsers and getting the plug in translator. Its really quite remarkable for machine translation and very fast. It adds a button to your browser and when you open a web page not in English you just push the button and a few seconds later it is. I believe it is called FoxLingo. Well worth the moment to install and the free price.
The Danes invite Geert to a Conference about islamism and freedom of speech in april.
Islamisme og Ytringsfrihed