Cologne Offends Everybody

Nobody can offend like the godless post-modern European kuffar. A brief reminder from GeenStijl, as translated by our Flemish correspondent VH, of why Germany and the Netherlands rival Denmark as Infidel Cesspools that Grievously Offend Muslims:

Put God in the loo. Nail the Prophet to the cross.

Kreuz Mohammed

Offending during Carnival as it should be done. And because it can be done. In Germany they know how to deal with weeping believers who can’t appreciate a little satire at the traditional citizens’ party. Caption: The actor playing the role of Mohammed is nailed to a cross during the dress rehearsal of the parody Immigrantenstadl [immigrant-barn] in Cologne, Germany, 29 January 2009.This slightly different carnival session, ‘made by immigrants for all the world’, premieres on 30 January.

Instant Update: Christian dogs, goatf***ers, everyone participates. Jesus and Mohammed in a public john!

The 30th of January has come and gone. I wonder whether the Muslim Street has risen up as one over the infamy in Cologne…?

[Concerning the Cologne Carnival, see this news feed post.

No further disgusting blasphemy here.]

3 thoughts on “Cologne Offends Everybody

  1. Where’d your graphic banner go? All I see is this: Vienna viewed from the Belvedere Palace, by Canaletto, Kunsthaushistorisches Museum, Vienna. And your Koranic script background, which I really liked…where did you get it?

  2. Jewel —

    Our ISP, which hosts our larger images, is down at the moment. Probably another fiber cut.

    It will return to service in due course.

    As for the Koranic script — I don’t remember where I picked that up. I borrowed it from somewhere…

  3. Equality among women – be invisible!

    I suspect some war-made reason for covering the women captured in a war could not be traced and freed easily.

    To make it more “carne” thay might hold glasses with their clitoris – totally subdued.

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