In response to my request for more information on Pro-Deutschland, our Flemish correspondent VH compiled this concise summary of the recent emergence of various citizens’ movements in Germany and other European countries:
To supplement “Invading the City, One Bezirk at a Time” and “More Information on Pro-Deutschland”:
Pro-Deutschland and similar movements
The citizens’ movement Pro-Köln is a group of conservative-democratic voters that is represented by a separate group in the city of Köln. In the 2004 municipal elections in the province of North Rhine-Westphalia, the citizens’ movement Pro-Köln gained 4.7% of the votes in the Cologne city council election.
After this, on January 5, 2005, the citizens’ movement Pro-Deutschland was founded — whose chairman is the city councilor for Pro-Köln, Manfred Rouhs — and the regional citizens’ movement Pro NRW, that is lead by the Pro-Köln chairman, Markus Beisicht. In a way, the Pro-movement is comparable with the “Livable” [Leefbaar] movement in the Netherlands in 2001/2002 (theLeefbaar Rotterdam was founded by Pim Fortuyn and after his assassination led by Ronald Sørensen and Marco Pastors), the PVV (led by Geert Wilders), and the Vlaams Belang (which has as its most well-known politicians Filip Dewinter and Frank Vanhecke).
I just mention a few names here, but these movements have many talented and truly democratic and freedom-loving politicians in their midst, and they all are patriotic, opposed to the EU dictatorship, opposed to super-states, and opposed to the Islamization of their societies.
(On Pro-Köln I would like to recommend the article by Diana West here on GoV; a short list of similar European parties can be read here, although Sverigedemokraterna, The Sweden Democrats, should have been on that list as well.)
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During the past decade more countries have seen the emergence of real freedom-loving parties that oppose the disastrous multicultural “old” politics that have been shown not only to be incapable of answering the real dangers and problems of present time, but also display a disdain for the electorate.
Many of these new parties are considering taking part in the EU elections to stand up against the dictatorial super-state it is becoming. Hopefully these parties will join in the EU parliament to form a front against the disastrous old-style politics. And in this they should ignore the screaming Nazis and Fascists of the Left who, for instance, forbid the PVV from sitting at the same table with the Vlaams Belang.
Yesterday I switched on NRW TV accidently and I saw the face of Wilders speaking to me in English. It was very strange feeling, it was like broadcasting from Gates of Vienna.
NRW is Nordrhein-westfalen Germany TV usually in German for Cologne plus Duesseldorf (the capital).
What I find still boring in these interviews is the fact that the moderator treats Wilders as something abnormal and exotic. He gets him in and out at the same time.
It would be worthwhile to create similar discussions among our groups mentioned in above article.
It would counter immediately the effect that we treat something outside the MSM. The discussion would feel like our own MSM. It might deepen our understanding how deeply we are linked together with various details which focus on our differences, concepts. Esp. Amsterdam, Cologne and Antwerpen are very close to each other. Involving Prague, Warsaw, Cracovia would be fine.
It would be fine to keep islam as one of the themes, since if we become monothematic, we will soon reach our limits. We should use something better than youtube or at least remain independent of it.