Pro-Palestinian Riots in Oslo

Our Danish correspondent Skjoldungen sends this brief report about tonight’s events in Oslo:

Oslo riotsNorway — Hamas’ only active supporter in the West — reaps its bitter fruit. A pro-Palestinian demonstration in Oslo tonight ended up in a massive riot. One policeman was badly injured, twenty arrests, tear gas, pepper spray, firebombs, looting, broken windowpanes etc. Mostly “cultural enrichers” but a few “Antifas” as well.


There’s video at VGTV. I couldn’t figure out a way to embed it here.

A report (in Danish) is at Hodjas Blog.

[Post ends here]

9 thoughts on “Pro-Palestinian Riots in Oslo

  1. To paraphrase Shakespeare:

    How sharper than the serpent’s tooth be the thankless Muslim.

    As Pat Condell is so fond of noting, any Muslim grievance is merely the thin end of an even larger wedge. There is no limit to the offense that can be suffered by Muslim “sensibilities”. They are a culture of perpetual aggrievement and endless cyclical violence. If we ran out of ways to knowingly or unknowingly offend Muslims, they would make them up.

  2. What they ask for is a nice Gaza strip on an island close to the fresh polar ice with plenty of chances to dig nice tunnels in the undersee rocks.

    I can foresee the densest population of imams on earth preaching on the seashore to the seals in the mighty wind governed by allah personally.

    Like for abandoned dogs and cats there would be a running add for umma to pick them, feed them and bring them “home”. “Ice muslims” covered with endless layers of cloth might be a symbol of sexual purity as well.

    There might be 2 islands – male and female – to show them we are serious about their sensitivities and for protecting them from further dehumanizing procreation.

  3. From an article in the Norwegian paper, Dagbladet with rough translations:

    – Én palestiner blant 34 verstinger i gateslaget

    One Palestinian among the 34 arrested in street fight

    To etnisk norske, resten med annen arabisk tilknytning….

    Two ethnic Norwegians, the rest with other Arabic connections

    Totalt ble 34 personer pågrepet eller anholdt i går. Én av ungdommene var under 16 år og ble dimmitert etter kort tid, mens mange var i 16-20-årsalderen. De eldste bråkmakerne som ble tatt var i 20-åra.

    Totally, 34 people were arrested or detained yesterday. One of the youths was under 16 and was released(?) after a short time, but many were 16-20 years old. The oldest that was arrested was 20.

    – Bare én av de pågrepne hadde palestinsk bakgrunn. To har etnisk norske navn, mens resten har arabiske navn….

    “Only one of those arrested had a Palestinian background. Two have ethnic Norwegian names, but the rest have Arabic names….”

    Fem politifolk ble skadd i opptøyene. Etter det får opplyst har alle de fem skader i ansiktet, blant annet brukne neser og tenner….

    Five police officers were injured in the fighting/unrest. Dagbladet (the newspaper) has found out that all of the five had injuries to the face, such as broken noses and teeth….

    Rundt 15 politibiler har fått skader, og så da en ordinær politibil som ikke var utstyrt for opptøyer ble ramponert av en gruppe demonstranter med improviserte slagvåpen….

    Around 15 police cars were damaged, and Dagbladet saw that one ordinary police car that was not equipped for rioting(?) was attacked(?) by a group of demonstrators with improvised fighting weapons….

  4. From Aftenposten:

    Kun én palestiner ble tatt under opprøret i Oslo

    Mange etnisiteter

    Personene som er blitt tatt er av minst 13 forskjellige etnesiteter. Etter det kjenner til har de opprinnelse fra Pakistan, Tyrkia, Iran, Marokko, Jordan, Gambia, Libanon, Jugoslavia, Irak, Afghanistan, Norge og Somalia – i tillegg til den ene palestineren. To etniske nordmenn er blant dem som er blitt tatt.

    – Flere av dem er kjenninger av politiet … sier politiførstebetjent ved Sentrum politistasjon Tina Mjelde til

    Only one Palesinian arrested during disturbances in Oslo

    Many ethnicities

    The people that were arrested/detained are of at least 13 different ethnicities. Aftenposten knows/has confirmed(?) they originate from Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Morocco, Jordan, Gambia, Lebanon, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Norway and Somalia – in addition to the one Palestinian. Two ethnic Norwegians are among those who were arrested/detailed.

    “Several of them are known to the police …” said police chief with the Center (Downtown) Precinct, Tina Mjelde to Aftenposten.

  5. A lot of the papers in Norway are saying or quoting people as saying that there hasn’t been rioting like this in Norway since the ’80s — as an excuse, I think — you know, this is nothing new in Norway (i.e. not due to all these immigrants) — “we’ve had rioting here in the past.”

    I don’t know the history of the rioting in the ’80s, but I think there’s a hint to who was doing the rioting then in this article from Aftenposten:

    – Må tilbake til tidlig 80-tall for å finne lignende i Norge

    Tung jobb

    – Dette er en av de tyngste jobbene og største utfordringene vi har hatt. Vi må tilbake til tidlig 1980-tall for å finne lignende situasjoner i Norge, sier stabssjef Johan Fredriksen i Oslo politidistrikt til

    På slutten av 1970-tallet og begynnelsen av 1980-tallet var det hvert år voldsomme opptøyer i Oslo natt til 1. mai, og politiet brukte – som nå – tåregåss, skjold og hester for å roe demonstrantene….

    “Must go back to the early 80’s to find similar in Norway”

    Heavy job

    “This is one of the heaviest(?)/toughest(?) jobs and biggest challenges we have had. We must go back to the early 1980s to find similar situations in Norway,” said chief of staff, Johan Fredriksen, of the Oslo police to Aftenposten.

    In the late 1970s and early 1980s there was every year violent riots in Oslo night of May 1 and police used — as now — tear gas, shields and horses to calm demonstrators….


    May 1st demonstrations? Sounds like leftists to me.

  6. Some of the rioters also tried to set fire to the Christmas tree that is still standing in downtown Oslo — see the second photo in this article in Verdens Gang. The caption to the photo reads:

    End of Christmas: Here demonstrators attempt to set fire to the Christmas tree on Karl Johan [the main street downtown Oslo]. Shortly afterwards, however, the police sent in a strong force to drive the youths away from Oslo’s parade street [Karl Johan is the street where Norway’s National Day parade takes place every year — the royal palace is at one end of the street and can be seen in many of the photos of the rioting].

  7. Of course, the anarchist/communist/socialist radicals, Blitz, in Oslo have come out in support of the rioters and have approved of the violent actions yesterday. This is a similar sort of group to the one in Sweden (don’t know the name) that attacks the Social Democrats there — Fjordman has mentioned the Swedish group on several occasions.

    The Blitz group in Oslo say that they are now planning further demonstrations, including a Saturday demonstration that will begin outside the Parliament (where the rioting began last night) and will go to the Israeli embassy. The police say they are preparing for more rioting:

    Blitz hilser opprørerne velkommen

    Google translation of that article.

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