Our Flemish correspondent VH (who is chained to his keyboard so that he may do nothing but translate for Gates of Vienna) has translated some material about recent Muslim-intensive activities in the vicinity of Cologne Cathedral, and the response of Cologne’s Christians.
First, from the Pro-Köln website:
Allahu Akhbar at the Cologne Cathedral
January 11, 2009
Some years ago the Kurds hung a red flag from the Cologne Cathedral, and the Roncalli Square in front of the Cathedral has already endured two demonstrations by Muslims for the Muslim headscarf, and a variety of other demonstrations from the Muslim environment.
On 10 January 2009, Turks, Arabs and other Muslims found themselves on the cathedral square and shouted among other things slogans like “Allahu akhbar” and “child murderer Israel.” Did our city, our Cathedral, time and again deserve to be the central point of Muslim demonstrations?
On January 3rd this year, Muslims — as part of an anti-Israel demonstration — occupied the square in front of the Cathedral in Milan, Italy, and took up their prayer position. An Italian television presenter showed the pictures in his broadcast, although it was said that it was a video-montage by rightists. Guido Horst of the Katholischen Tagespost [Catholic Daily Mail] says: “Actually, we would have expected such pictures from London, Paris or Berlin. But it has now gone this far in Italy: as far its public presence is concerned, Islam slowly but surely pushes Christianity out.” Mario Borghezio of the Italian Northern League party in Milan responded: It is unacceptable that Islamic extremists convert the square in front the Cathedral into a mosque under the open sky.
The Cardinal of Milan, Tettamanzi — one of those who is advocating the construction of mosques — remained silent. He and all the men of God who approve the opening of mosques are under the misconception that a mosque is just place of worship, like a Catholic Church. But a mosque is much more a political and cultural outpost of conquest. Take the example of Turkey: Once it was a Christian heartland, but nowadays the proportion of Christians in the population of Turkey is less than one percent. The Christians were unable to integrate the Muslims; it was the other way around.
Up to this day, non-Muslims are not allowed to visit Mecca. It would be unthinkable for Christians to say their prayers in the immediate vicinity of large mosques in Iran, Saudi Arabia, or other countries. In contrast, Muslims conquer more and more of the environment of Christian churches in countries that have a non-Muslim majority. Also, yesterday [January 10], at the marketplace in Bremen and direct in front of the Cathedral, the Koran was recited:
Pope Benedict XVI. has repeatedly reaffirmed the mission of the Church:
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“The missionary commitment therefore will remain, as has been repeatedly stressed before, the primary service, that the Church owes it to present-day humanity to give direction to cultural, social and ethical changes, and to evangelize, to give to the people of our time — who in many parts of the world suffer from widespread poverty, violence and the systematic denial of human rights and are humiliated and oppressed — the salvation of Christ.”
And the chairman of the Conference of German Bishops, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, called to modern Christians to proclaim their faith with more courage and to be in such way a sign of hope to the world.
Would not it be appropriate to bring immigrant Muslims closer to our faith and to defend the Christian character of our country towards the immigrants? Those who on behalf of Christians promote the construction of large mosques and the Islamization of our country do the opposite of missionary work, namely the destruction of faith.
Also in Cologne, several Catholic laymen’s organizations are contributing to the progress of Islamization. The Catholic representatives — in association with their new political partners of the Left — and the Caritas association in Cologne “argue strongly for the basic right of Muslims in our country to be able to build mosques.”
We are much more like Ralph Giordano, and are of the opinion that there is no fundamental right to the construction of mega-mosques. “Integration of Muslims” by the construction of mosques does not mean the integration into our society, but rather the installation of Islam and the Sharia, the Islamic way of life.
Future generations must know who the henchmen of the Islamization were who betrayed the Catholic faith and Christianity in the West.
Also from the Pro-Köln website:
Christians and Pro-Köln: We are joining in!
On June 17, 2008, in Cologne, the group Christen Pro-Köln [“Christians Pro-Cologne]” was founded. In addition to the council member Hans-Martin Breninek, who took over the Presidency in the new consortium, and the councilor Regina Wilden in the position of spokeswoman, other executives of Pro-Köln participated, including Ellen Sänger, a member of the parish council of St. Peter in Cologne-Ehrenfeld, and other interested parties.
Regina Wilden said at the formation of “Christians Pro-Cologne”:
“The Italian Rocco Buttiglione was not allowed to become EU Interior and Justice Commissioner [by amongst others, the InterNazi Daniel Cohn-Bendit of the Green/EFA coalition], because he was found to be “too Catholic”. We, as a committed group of Christians, therefore organize ourselves. By whom, if not by us, will politics maintain and preserve the legacy of the Christian West and Christian culture? The party with the ‘C’ in the name, that actually is assigned to this task, particularly in Cologne, has betrayed its mission in many ways, including promoting of the construction of Islamic mega-mosques, through the promotion of drug areas in Cologne, by setting up junkies’ centers as well as the moral and material support of gay clubs. These are all false social signals…”