A reader sent us an email this morning with an intriguing series of questions:
Hi, I’ve been reading your blog, Gates of Vienna, for a while now. Therefore, as you can imagine, I have a million questions about this situation, not only in Europe, but throughout the Western world. In your latest post, you say that Europe will become majority Muslim in the next half-century (in less than 42 years). My question for you is what do the European elite gain from selling Europe to the Arabs?
My other questions are:
1) Why is immigration occurring in Europe? Everyone knows that we don’t need it, and the government can only lose from uncontrolled immigration since it leads to social unrest, drains on our resources, and people can vote to switch the government. Doesn’t the government fear a civil war on Europe’s soil? 2) What will happen to Eastern Europe? Islam tried but was never successful in occupying Eastern Europe (e.g. Romania, Russia). 3) If the present government is replaced by an Islamic one, what will happen to the members of our current government? Won’t they be forced out of power? 4) Finally, I’m just overwhelmed by all the information. The multicultural and PC groups want to destroy European identity, their culture and traditions — only like this, their plan can work. However, more and more people are finding out and revolting against this. What are your predictions for the future? 5) What can regular folk do to prevent this? 6) Countries in Asia (e.g. Japan, South Korea) and the Middle East (e.g. Israel) are going through the same demographic decline. Why isn’t mass immigration forced on those countries as well? 7) If their aim is a world government, what will the Western world look like?
I’d like to answer these thoughtful questions at length.
To the first one: in selling out their countries, the European elites gain whatever any corrupt political leaders gain from doing treacherous things: money, power, and perquisites distributed among themselves, their families, and their cronies. They hope to escape the deadly consequences of their own decisions, but eventually the scimitar will fall on them as well the rest of us.
Thanks to the price of oil, there is plenty of Arab money to be spread around Europe and North America to do the job.
I’ll answer the individual numbered questions as well as I can:
– – – – – – – – –
1) |
Why is immigration occurring in Europe? Everyone knows that we don’t need it, and the government can only lose from uncontrolled immigration since it leads to social unrest, drains on our resources, and people can vote to switch the government. Doesn’t the government fear a civil war on Europe’s soil? |
This is one of the great questions of our time. Depending on whom you ask, the answers will range from mundane economic explanations all the way to mass conspiracy theories.
The answer probably lies somewhere in between. There’s no doubt that what is happening is the result of some kind of concerted and coordinated policy by the countries of Western Europe — the results are too uniform across the region, and are so contrary to the express will of the peoples involved. It can’t just be the EU, since Norway and Switzerland, two non-EU countries, are similarly afflicted. Perhaps it all began as a centrally-planned effort to bring in low-wage workers in view of the coming demographic decline. Now, several decades later, immigration has developed a life of its own. Large immigrant constituencies have a powerful influence in Europe’s largest cities, and help formulate policies that will bring in further waves of their countrymen. In addition, the oil-rich countries of the Middle East and North Africa are able to blackmail European countries into taking more of their unemployed surplus population, thus acting as a safety valve for their own domestic political unrest. In other words, it’s a vicious circle. |
2) |
What will happen to Eastern Europe? Islam tried but was never successful in occupying Eastern Europe (e.g. Romania, Russia). |
It depends on how thoroughly the countries of Eastern Europe assimilate to the EU. If they buy into the whole Multicultural ideal promoted by Brussels, they will come to the same pass as their Western neighbors, only a little bit later. |
3) |
If the present government is replaced by an Islamic one, what will happen to the members of our current government? Won’t they be forced out of power? |
It depends on how gradual the process is. If it is a slow process of attrition — the mayor of Rotterdam here, the members of the Brussels City Council there — the power structure will remain the same, but the players will all be Muslims.
New skin for the old ceremony. But the current trend, especially with the looming collapse of the welfare state, is towards some kind of eventual civil war, beginning with minor skirmishes, riots, gang wars, etc., and escalating towards something much nastier if the authorities are unable to contain the violence. At that point, the question of who rules will be decided by raw violence, as it was for so many centuries before modern times. It’s anybody’s guess who will become the new boss sitting atop the resulting rubble. |
4) |
Finally, I’m just overwhelmed by all the information. The multicultural and PC groups want to destroy European identity, their culture and traditions — only like this, their plan can work. However, more and more people are finding out and revolting against this. What are your predictions for the future? |
Some kind of unrest is inevitable. It’s very hard to predict where and when it will occur, and what form it will take, because we are approaching what El Inglés calls a discontinuity, after which the situation becomes chaotic.
It looks increasingly unlikely that the issues can be resolved electorally. One way or another, however, they will be resolved. |
5) |
What can regular folk do to prevent this? |
Vote for somebody who’s not a Socialist — assuming that you can find such a creature. |
6) |
Countries in Asia (e.g. Japan, South Korea) and the Middle East (e.g. Israel) are going through the same demographic decline. Why isn’t mass immigration forced on those countries as well? |
Israel is a special case. It had within its borders an Islamic fifth column from the day it was formed.
Japan and other Asian nations are simply not Western. For some mysterious cultural reason, they don’t share the suicidal ideological tendencies that are destroying us. |
7) |
If their aim is a world government, what will the Western world look like? |
If a world government ever develops, the Western world will no longer exist. A world government will be an enlarged version of the OIC, and our various formerly Western nations will resemble Lebanon and Zimbabwe.
Pray that you do not live to see such an eventuality. |
Readers are invited to supply alternate answers of their own.
Love of totalitarian tactics makes strange bedfellows.
The attraction of European elites for their Islamic counterparts who should be an anathema to them (for their opposite views on sexual licence, abortion, feminism, secularism etc) demonstrates that control freakiness trumps specific preferences. Like calls to like.
How Euro elites would adore to command their “subjects” as Saudi emirs or any dictators do theirs and how they work toward that end, criminalising any resistance!
What is less clear is why free peoples are milling about like sheep, following their destructive leaders to their doom instead of sweeping them out at the ballot box while they still have the numbers.
The bogeyman of being called a racist should be defanged in a secret ballot. Does it take only a couple of generations of leftist public education to make everyone lose all commonsense and be brainwashed to the extent of losing their survival instinct and acquiescing to clearly suicidal policies?
When considering the economic reasons one also has to look to Sweden. Through the last 100 years they have fostered several influential economists like Wicksell (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knut_Wicksell), Ohlin & Heckscher (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckscher-Ohlin_model), Cassel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Gustav_Cassel), Lindahl (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Lindahl)and Myrdal (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunnar_Myrdal). See also The Stockholm School of Economics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_school_(economics))
Based upon, among others, the thoughts of David Ricardo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Ricardo) they (especially Heckscher & Ohlin) have laid the ground for some very powerful economic theories which obviously and visibly is reflected in today’s international economic policy. In Sweden and elsewhere. Basically much of the theory is founded upon the idea of comparative advantages. Especially the Swedes has, in my humble opinion, been blinded by the (admitted) promising aspects of this simple (yet so difficult to comprehend in full) theory and completely forgotten that with people comes culture.
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My tuppenceworth as a British nationalist:
1) Why is immigration occurring in Europe? Everyone knows that we don’t need it, and the government can only lose from uncontrolled immigration since it leads to social unrest, drains on our resources, and people can vote to switch the government. Doesn’t the government fear a civil war on Europe’s soil?
It isn’t immigration but colonisation. It is being planned and executed by marxists who hate the west. The goals are cheap labour, erasing of national identity followed by chaos. Out of chaos – which will include the collapse of welfare, the collapse of the economy and civil war will come order, a marxist core philosophy.
2) What will happen to Eastern Europe? Islam tried but was never successful in occupying Eastern Europe (e.g. Romania, Russia).
Fully agree with Baron.
3) If the present government is replaced by an Islamic one, what will happen to the members of our current government? Won’t they be forced out of power?
They will be told to either convert, pay the jizya or face execution as per sharia. But I know many people who believe the muslims are being set-up to be the next holocaust with the marxists annihilating them as part of the chaos to bring about their new world.
4) Finally, I’m just overwhelmed by all the information. The multicultural and PC groups want to destroy European identity, their culture and traditions — only like this, their plan can work. However, more and more people are finding out and revolting against this. What are your predictions for the future?
Unless the nations of Europe smash the marxists and turn to nationalist organisation who will put the ineterests of their own people first and promote identity, it is doomed.
5) What can regular folk do to prevent this?
Join and support your nationalist political party. We Brits are lucky because we have the BNP which is growing and growing. The rest of the west needs a similar party who will fight to preserve the identity, culture and tradition of their own people and nations.
6) Countries in Asia (e.g. Japan, South Korea) and the Middle East (e.g. Israel) are going through the same demographic decline. Why isn’t mass immigration forced on those countries as well?
Because these nations refuse to dilute their culture and surrender their identity – rightly so.
7) If their aim is a world government, what will the Western world look like?
Like the USSR – an elite group of leaders ruling by force a population who exist to serve the interests of the elite.
“The bogeyman of being called a racist should be defanged in a secret ballot.”
Never before has an entire culture thrown itself away from fear of being called a bad (racist) name. The ultimate betrayal to the past, present and future. It would be laughable if it werent so pathetic.
This is all very worrying for sure. Outside of joining true European parties everyone should have no fear to tell anyone who will listen of the dangers for our children and ourselves as we grow old. The more people become sympathetic to their fellow Europeans the more the destruction of Europe can be stalled.
For some mysterious cultural reason, they don’t share the suicidal ideological tendencies that are destroying us.
There is nothing misterious about it – they just were not converted and poisoned by Christianity, that’s all.
Regarding Japan and South Korea in particular, both countries are somewhat disconnected from other countries like Europe and the US are. Asian countries like Japan, South Korea, and China tend to be a bit more xenophobic than other and don’t import as many low-wage workers. In Japan, there is however a lot of immigration coming from South America. The birth rate of Japan has been falling for a long while now and is facing a serious problem in the future.
Israel has the highest fertility rate (counting only the jewish population) of the western world: 2%9!
To the first question — why mass immigration? — the Baron seeks to find the rational explanations for it (based on someones self-interest). But this is not why it happens. Western people are doing this simply because the see it as their moral obligation. Their minds are stuck in (modern) Western morality concepts, and they are constitutionally unable to think outside of the box. This is the whole explanation. All the rest is merely of secondary importance.
Baron B wrote:
Japan and other Asian nations are simply not Western. For some mysterious cultural reason, they don’t share the suicidal ideological tendencies that are destroying us.
There’s nothing mysterious about it, as I indicated above. They simply do not adhere to Western morality.
Tchh… all Portuguese night!
Júlio Cunha, the great Caturo… Well Caturo, I strongly disagree with you sometimes but your blog is a must see in the Portuguese Nationalist landscape. And your knowledge of ancient Europe, the Roman and Celtic roots of Portugal. Thank you man, you’ve done a great work.
I do not like PNR. However, I’ll vote for them/you.
“Japan and other Asian nations are simply not Western. For some mysterious cultural reason, they don’t share the suicidal ideological tendencies that are destroying us.”
Caturo and Conservative Swede claimed the same reason: Christianity. The reason, in my opinion?
They simply are not in the list to be destroyed. East Asians may have many problems but stupidity is not one of them. Go look in Brussels Journal for the essays of Tuan Seyko – I believe. Or any look a like Japanese name. Its elucidative, one of the best essaysts of our time.
Thank you, Afonso Henriques, and above all we must stand united against imminvasion – that’s our point of agreement, and it is solid enough, because it’s a matter of life or death.
In response to this comment “In addition, the oil-rich countries of the Middle East and North Africa are able to blackmail European countries into taking more of their unemployed surplus population, thus acting as a safety valve for their own domestic political unrest.” I’d like to say that the US has far more oil than all of the Middle East. Europe must find a way to convince the US to drill and export its bountiful oil as a means to tell the Arabs to go to Hell and keep their populations home.
This is the key.
What will the Western World look like?
Take a look.
Quoth Charlemagne:
“I’d like to say that the US has far more oil than all of the Middle East.“
I’d like to say that too, but it’s a lie. The USA has just 3% of the world’s oil reserves, and its production has just fallen below 5 million bbl/day (down from the all-time peak of 9.2 mmb/d in 1970). Deposits like oil shale will always be too expensive, because the energy cost of converting them to liquids is nearly as much as they yield. If Nature hasn’t done the job for us, it’s not going to get done.
This is why it is a matter of life and death to get off oil (and anything else that either comes from the Middle East or depletes rapidly – natural gas is both). Our money should stop going to Chinese products and petroleum vehicles. We must buy rails to replace diesel trucks, insulation to slash energy requirements of buildings (that energy can go elsewhere, like LNG for remaining trucks), electric vehicles of all kinds, and massive amounts of both wind and nuclear power. We must use all the alternatives we have (even if it involves some personal loss or discomfort—freedom isn’t free!) and view anything but the least necessary petroleum consumption as unpatriotic, even treasonous.
Hugh Fitzgerald knows this. It’s time for all anti-jihadis to get spines, admit the facts (no matter how much they sound like the tribal shibboleths of the eco-left, and thus anathema) and do what needs to be done.
Abraham —
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Abraham said…
“and the Middle East (e.g. Israel) are going through the same demographic decline”
Actually the Jewish birthrate in Israel is above replacement rate and rising, so demographic decline is not a problem. They have about 1,000 other problems however.
The Jewish birth rate was expected to exceed that of Muslims in Israel over the next 18 years
The group, in a report entitled “Forecast for Israel 2025,” projected a 79 percent Jewish majority as well as long-term population stability between Jewish-Arab population groups in Israel.
The average fertility rate among Jewish women rose from 2.7 in 2005 to 2.8 in 2006. Muslim women’s fertility has declined to four children, compared to 4.7 in 2000.