17 thoughts on ““Senator Tarzan”

  1. I have seen this guy before. Beyond his message he is an absolute scream. He is actually trying to do something I find incredibly refreshing and that is to organize a trip (of blacks only) to Gettysburg to pay respects to all the Union soldiers who died to end slavery. Whether or not they died to end slavery is debatable. But the concept itself coming from a black man in America 2008 is astounding.

  2. Poor chap has obviously been coopted by the inherantly white racist value built into the framework of Christianity, and is now pushing a de facto racist message of white supremacy, and therefore is either a self-hater, or traitor or at minimum blinded by the false conciousness of christian “values”.

  3. To topple the joke of jokes, maybe we should start thinking a real black renaissance.

    The file would be called/known as “What Obama did not do, could not do”.

    Some of you should start to criticize, persecute, bash some of us, who would simply pretend to be black.

    The ultimate ruler is mostly an outsider anyhow 1), so pulling the strings for (us) the blacks would not be a problem…

    1) Outsiders ruling their “nation”

    Prussian Bismarck, Austrian Hitler, Corsican Napoleon, Albano-Macedonian Atta Tuerk, English(??)-Indian Khomeini, non-Corinthian Haider, Hungaro-Greek-Jewish Sarkozy, Luo- whitey Obama, Abchazo-Georgian Stalin… …

    All these guys had ethnically nothing/little/half way to do with the nations they were “speaking” for. Amazing.

  4. Well I just emailed a hyperlink to this blogspot for people to listen to that pastor. I am glad there are some reasonalbe, straight shooting blacks out there.

  5. wow … Wow … WOW … WOW!

    The man has a degree of candor that would strip the varnish off of most American politicians. A verbatim quote from his sermon:


    I would venture that the good Dr. James David Manning has amply covered all of the bases Obama might tag up at.

    Thank you, Yorkshire Miner and Baron Bodissey for this breath of fresh air. Especially after the article covering Howard Stern’s reporter as he interviewed Harlem Black folk who could not distinguish between platforms or running mates of the candidates, even as they cast their lot with Obama. And also after Colin Powell’s craven obesiance to The Annointed One.

    I think that the good Dr. Manning has more than adequately identified the sort of Black people who will vote for someone who touts himself as Black and is “considered” Black despite all contradictory evidence. The good Dr. Manning names them well and vividly separates himself from them with the sort of forthright and impassioned oratory that puts both presidential candidates to absolute shame.

    I , too, will be forwarding this sermon to others I know.

    As to the good Dr. Manning being racist. If this man of God is racist, then we need a whole lot more racists like him. The fact that the good Dr. Manning even draws breath serves as a calumnious, standing rebuke to the mere existence of scum like Jeremiah Wright and his tainted flock.

  6. Fellow Peacekeeper said…

    Poor chap has obviously been coopted by the inherantly white racist value built into the framework of Christianity, and is now pushing a de facto racist message of white supremacy, and therefore is either a self-hater, or traitor or at minimum blinded by the false conciousness of christian “values”.

    do you really believe what you are saying? well.. i guess you do and this means that you are not commenting in the right place.

    Fellow Peacekeeper said…

    Poor chap has obviously been coopted by the inherantly white racist value built into the framework of Christianity, and is now pushing a de facto racist message of white supremacy, and therefore is either a self-hater, or traitor or at minimum blinded by the false conciousness of christian “values”.

    This preacher is one of the little sane black voices in this upsidedown American election.

  7. What’s jore likely, costin: that FP means what he’s saying and has been keeping up a pretence all these times, or; that he’s being sarcastic.

    Think about it. Go read his previous comments.

    The quickness to leap up in with an offended bellow and no real thought is so much a part of the problem inflicting the world today.

  8. Rev, Manning’s a hoot. I’ve been listening to him for months bad-mouthing the long-legged Mack Daddy.

    He’s got tons of videos. In one he got quite emotional describing his low-life past and how he walked out on his children.

    Well it’s sure as hell a strange religion, but there are times of pure gold when he says what needs to be said to his people. (He’s also on record talking about how those preachers who preach against him will be struck down with heart attacks and cancer. (Not noce).

    And most have those unsettling slightly zombified people in the back that regularly dampen my enthusiasm with the heebie-jeebies.

  9. Excellent speech! He’s got the energy.

    And yeah this is how I feel sometimes when commenting in this forum. There are so many such big lies that so many swallow so easily. So easily. It’s flabbergasting.

    Way to go, preacher man!

  10. Sarcastic – means you know how to wear the shoes of your adversary, you know his anatomy and you can handle him.

    The victim is almost sarcastic too.

  11. Amen, Amen, Amen.

    This is a black man who does not have any blinders on, and he is no fool. God Bless this Reverend and his congregation.

  12. I’ve just discovered this. I have to say that a few times I have been tempted to stand up and applaud in front of the computer. Amazing. He’s like a hurricane. Many black people can be absolutely fabulous when they resist the liberalism, resentments and hatred inoculated in their minds by the leftist white trash.

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