Denmark the Model… Again

As usual, Denmark is leading the West. This time it is speaking up on behalf of the rest of us by insisting on a boycott of Durban II if the OIC refuses to give up its push to make opposition to Islam equivalent to racism.

According to today’s Jyllands-Posten, as translated by Henrik Ræder Clausen of Europe News:

Danish foreign minister threatens Western boycott of Durban II

by Jette Elbæk Maressa, October 28th, 20:03

Jerusalem — Either the Organisation of Islamic Conference withdraws its proposal to make criticism of religion equivalent to racism, or the Western countries shall stay away from the UN conference on racism, Durban II.

This is the message of the Danish foreign minister Per Stig Møller to his Arab partners during a round trip to the Middle East.

“If the OIC pushes through this draft resolution, they should not expect European or Western countries to be present at the table”, said the minister of foreign affairs at a press conference in Jerusalem this evening.

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According to Per Stig Møller, he has given the same message to, amongst others, the Syrian minister of foreign affairs Walid al-Moualem and the Egyptian minister of foreign affairs Ahmed Aly Ahmed Abul Gheit, both of whom the Danish minister has met on his round trip to Syria, Egypt, Israel and the Palestinian areas on the West Bank.

Durban II was also discussed Sunday evening in Cairo during a dinner with Amr Moussa, chairman of the League of Arab States.

“I have explained the Danish point of view, which is that we cannot accept that religion be conflated with racism. You can be a Muslim no matter your race,” said Per Stig Møller.

The Durban II conference, a follow-up to the United Nations’ conference on racism in 2001, is scheduled to take place in April 2009. Advance criticism has been severe, and intellectuals as well as many politicians have openly demanded a boycott of the conference.

8 thoughts on “Denmark the Model… Again

  1. I don’t give a damn what the OIC says, Islam is a cancer that must be crushed and I will say so openly and loudly.

    The best thing the US can do is get out of the UN and then get the UN out of the US. Perhaps they can relocate to one of the 3rd world Hell holes in the OIC. Let ’em booze it up there!

  2. Absolutely Charlemagne, the UN has been a parasite on the US consuming from us and plotting against us. It’s controlled by groups who hate us, their Allahs tell them so. Cutoff the jizya, all of it.

  3. Good for Denmark!! But may I remind you that Canada was the first country to declare its intention not to attend Durban II.

    I agree that the UN should be booted out of North America and all the democracies in the organization should leave it and take their money with them.

  4. Why not go even further? This policy they object to, to make opposition to Islam equivalent to racism, isn’t the real issue for free people. The real issue is, what authority has the right to define or outlaw what they call racism? The western countries should refuse to let the enemy control the discussion. Let’s say, if Denmark were to prevail on this issue, and the Islamic states agreed that opposition to Islam isn’t racism. Well, everyone is still preoccupied with defining and punishing racism, so that gives the same people a great deal of leverage, because Western people tend to be white and will be at a disadvantage until they refuse to discuss racism.

  5. Good point, Louise. It’s not forgotten.

    I think that, if we come, we should bring the following point for the agenda:

    Racism and anti-Semitism in the Quran

    That would be a good place to start.

  6. The last word shall belong to Pres. Odinga Obama and his friend Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam. So don’t be carried away by whishful thinking you might be called Racist!

    What dou you think?

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