Below are excerpts from Diana West’s latest column:
Britain’s Silence Ammo For A Sharia-Run Future
by Diana WestStrange, the apparent lack of public alarm in Britain over an extensive new poll showing that significant minorities of Muslim students at some of Britain’s better colleges and universities embrace the most threatening aspects of Islam. These include the conviction that killing in the name of religion can be justified (32 percent), belief that men and women shouldn’t mix freely (40 percent), support for Sharia (Islamic law) in Britain (40 percent), and support for a global caliphate (33 percent) based in Sharia, among other repressive tenets.
Of course, the poll, conducted by the online research company YouGov and commissioned by the conservative Centre for Social Cohesion, came out just this week. Still, having recently visited England and interviewed a string of political, media and religious figures, I’m going to guess that these horrifying numbers — and they are indeed horrifying, despite the emphatic disclaimer that the majority of polled Muslim students support secularism and democratic values — will kick up little cultural dust. After being plastered across a news cycle’s worth of papers, they will be regarded as so much political wallpaper that people gaze upon without seeing — or, at least, without reacting.
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Fear or outrage would be considered Islamophobic, of course, and isn’t there a law against that? Concern for British common law would be called nationalistic, and that’s got to be a crime against multiculturalism. Calling for any action would be labeled xenophobic-slash-mean-spirited. Better to read and weep, silently.
One early exception was a laudably passionate outcry from columnist Minette Marrin writing in the venerable Sunday Times. Marrin’s concern was palpable; she ticked off many of the poll’s disturbing statistics, noting also the perils to be found within Muslim uncertainty over key questions. For example, she wrote, “When asked how supportive, if at all, they would be of the introduction of a worldwide caliphate based on Sharia, fully 42 percent said they weren’t sure. That’s quite some uncertainty.” She added: “One in five wasn’t sure whether Islam is compatible with the western notion of democracy. Insecure young people can be swayed by extremists.”
And then she acknowledged the all-important and consistently avoided problem: “The question is how to stand up to the extremists.”
Did the columnist next call for a campaign of zero-tolerance for Islamic law? A new immigration policy designed to stop or even reverse the growth of the Islamic demographic in Britain as a means of preventing the democratic implementation of Islamic law in Britain?
Not a chance. “First,” she wrote, “I think, we should abandon all discussion of what Islam truly is.” In other words, just stop the conversation, PC-halting as it already is…
Read the rest at Town Hall.
Fear or outrage would be considered Islamophobic, of course, and isn’t there a law against that? Concern for British common law would be called nationalistic, and that’s got to be a crime against multiculturalism. Calling for any action would be labeled xenophobic-slash-mean-spirited. Better to read and weep, silently. [emphasis added]
Attempts by the Multicutural Politically Correct to contain all objections within the four walls of any given protestor’s home will turn those domiciles into individual pressure-cookers. When these collective bombs—a technical term for pressure vessels—finally explode, the devastating results will cause Muslims everywhere to “read and weep”. The Multiculturalists are bringing about this explosion as surely as any rabid jihadi.