The Behavioral Sink in German Schools

Here’s a grim news report about the lawless and violent behavior of Muslim immigrant kids in German schools. In German with English subtitles:

Hat tip: Steen.

[post ends here]

19 thoughts on “The Behavioral Sink in German Schools

  1. Not to minimize the difficulties of the teachers, who I’m certain are immense, but there seems to be a big part of comedy in these youths’ bragging.

    When the journalist asks one of them the very conventional question: “What is your future?”, the little yob answers: “My life will be one of burglaries. Every day.” And he’s actually smiling saying that; almost laughing.

    It’s obvious he’s feeding the media what they are asking for. He’s playing the part of the poor victimized Turk, who, of course, won’t be able to get a job because of these racist Germans, so obviously he’ll have to steal for a living.

    He does not believe a word of what he’s saying to the camera.

    Naturally, it’s also the proper thing to say vis-à-vis his peer group, but what we are seeing here is the leftist propaganda that permeates Europe being shamelessly used by these young immigrants against their host country.

    And the media, who produce and disseminate this propaganda in the first place, religiously record such preposterous lies when the propaganda is fed back to them.

    The same thing happens in France. And journalists really seem to fall for it.

    Unfortunately, the violence that results from such lies being fabricated by politicians and intellectuals is all too real.

  2. How much more clear does it need to be? Notice how at timepoint 1:11 the “Asian” yoot threatens the reporter’s life saying, “You’ll get $hit! Don’t film this or I will kick you to death, you fu*****!”

    From all appearances that is an overt death threat. Why hasn’t the local constabulary made any attempt to apprehend the individual in question?

    Without wishing to be too indelicate, Germany knows damn well how to deal with scum like this. They’ve been much more cruel to less deserving people in the past. Either mass deportations begin immediately or they can wait around while the ovens warm up.

    Robert Marchenoir: He does not believe a word of what he’s saying to the camera.

    In this particular case, I believe that you could not be more wrong. Islam has always been a looting culture and the property of unbelievers is just so much jizya merely laying around waiting for the taking. These little scumbags mean every word they say. Disregard their threats at your own peril. Quite clearly the Germans already have.

  3. And another thing: when I watched this video, my first reaction was, this is the end of the road. There’s no other solution than to deport them. The whole lot of them. Back to where they came from.

    That does not pretend to be a thought-out proposition or an actual agenda. Just a gut reaction. But gut reactions sometimes are useful to predict the future.

  4. The constant violence, threats, intimidation, and posing for the cameras shows these people are less humans and more animals acting on beastial instincts of alpha-male dominance.

    These people are shameless and are proud of their degenerate behavior.

    However if we state the obvious need for ethnic cleansing that’s ‘nazi’ and since Germany is forever to blame for once being nazi instead they will simply have to surrender and die. Too bad, but we must retain our moral standards after all.

  5. Grim indeed. Coming to a school near you very very soon, all across Europe.

    A couple of notes on the translation – it says 3 immigrant youths attack a “coeval”, no idea where this word came from, the German narrator just says “boy”

    Apart from that, they forgot to include the mobile-phone cameraman, so unless he happened to be a freelance impartial CNN or BBC chappie just hangin’ out with his homies in da hood, that makes 4 attackers.

    For some light relief, have a look at this vid of a German businessman talking about his various business deals in the area, halfway through a young Turk barges into shot, the German asks him if he has a problem, otherwise keep walking. Turk doesnt move, and gets the biggest clout of his young life, German asks him if he STILL has a problem. German stomps off down the street muttering that he’s really not in the mood to be chatting to these a**holes

    There’s no subtitles, but you will get the drift.

    Ah, the good old days


  6. “Islam has always been a looting culture and the property of unbelievers is just so much jizya merely laying around waiting for the taking.”

    Yes, Zenster. This is true. And, at the same time, teenagers routinely make fun of journalists’ pomposity by acting tough, because that’s what’s required of them.

    Young French muslims have confessed to that in the past, and it’s obvious when you read or watch some reports.

    Both things can be true at the same time.

    The Turk who’s making death threats seems seriously incensed; but his colleague bragging about burglaries everyday (come on, even hardened criminals don’t do burglaries everyday…) is obviously bullsh*****g the naïve journalist.

    Also, speaking of Muslim culture, you have to consider that, to them, “I’ll kill you” is a bit like an American teenager saying f*** you. The latter is not about to f*** anybody. The former is not about to kill anyone (most of the time).

    Don’t get me wrong: I’m not condoning such behaviour (neither the f*** you part, nor the death threats).

    But saying a policeman should have been summonned to the place does not fly. Besides, you cannot do a reporter’s job and call your mummy — sorry, the police — each time you get insulted on location. If only because people will never, ever speak to you again.

  7. The 17 percent German kids at the first school were quite noticable by their absence, wonder if they were all hiding behind the bike-sheds, cursing their parents for sending them to such a hell-hole.

    A friend of mine in London last year had to choose a school for her son who was set to leave primary school and heading for secondary school (aged 11/12 , is that junior high in the States?). She had to struggle long and hard with her conscience to decide whether to send him to the nearby 90 percent Asian school (read Muslim), or to send him halfway across London to a more mixed school. It was her values, you see. Her long-held principles that we are all the same under the skin, and if we just hold hands and learn about each other’s culture, well everything will work itself out. She was a true British liberal. But in the end, she chose the mixed school.

    I told her it was a disgrace that she had even considered sending her kids to a school where they would be a small, threatened minority. It was a disgrace she was willing to let her own naive wishful thinking allow them to be put in danger.

    But as it turns out, she was right about being a classic British liberal. Multi-culturalism for you, but not for me if it affects me or mine. Mass immigration and violence for the white working class on their estates, but not for the liberals in the leafier suburbs. Just a wider choice of restaurants, thankyou very much.

    We are still goof friends, by the way. And she recently confessed (through gritted teeth) that she agrees with a lot of the things I say about Islam and Muslims. So that’s one down, many to go.

  8. I saw the video and thought, “This is an inner city High School in New York. The Moslem kids are like Blacks in NY”. The Europeans are idiots. They imported this problem. They learned nothing from the US experience of the 1960s.

  9. I would place undercover officers within this lawless bunch, and give them shoot on sight orders where they encounter violent foreign born Muslims. The gutter homelands of these scum are either ethnically cleansed of religious minorities, or that process is being finalized. Its time to show these pigs that the door to civilization works both ways.

  10. Robert Marchenoir: … at the same time, teenagers routinely make fun of journalists’ pomposity by acting tough, because that’s what’s required of them.

    Although seemingly of a different scale, I maintain that these thugs must be treated just the same as Amahdinejad when that monster raving loon squawks about “wiping Israel off of the map”.

    Braggadocio or not, each of these buffons must be taken at their word. The only way of stopping this this crap is when Western victims take such garbage seriously and attach a heavy price tag to Muslim intimidation of any sort.

    To not do so doesn’t just encourage more of the same, it empowers the perpetrators and leaves the door open for escalation. By allowing punks like that one in the video to mouth off without fear, when a new opportunity presents itself to go one step further, they will not hesitate.

    Their verbal intimidation is “gateway” behavior that leads directly to physical violence. Any police officer will tell you this. I’ll bet that young Turk in Piggy Infidel‘s video will think twice before poking his uninvited snout into another ongoing interview.

    The same sort of smackdown is needed in every single one of these cases. Yes, a few big-mouthed punks will find their @sses cashing some checks they wrote in jest but, just the same, when the next opportunity arises they’ll pause before hanging any more verbal “paper”.

    Maybe Amahdinejad didn’t really mean all of his warmongering rhetoric but, after he gets his @ss bombed a few times, he’ll make sure the microphone is turned off before throwing more anti-Semitic tantrums.

    We’re dealing with a culture that has ZERO respect for law, decency, courtesy or integrity. Taqiyya’s mere existence is the only proof that’s required. All they care about is bullying the next hapless victim they can gang up on. Ignoring it in the hope that it’ll go away is a fool’s errand.

    As you yourself noted earlier:

    … when I watched this video, my first reaction was, this is the end of the road. There’s no other solution than to deport them. The whole lot of them. Back to where they came from.

    I could not agree with you more. Either we expel the Muslims or bury them. The absence of any other alternatives is not our own fault. Muslims—aided by their Multicultural handlers—have intentionally ratcheted up the situation to this point. All we can do now is act upon the sole remaining options.

  11. “Braggadocio or not, each of these buffons must be taken at their word. The only way of stopping this this crap is when Western victims take such garbage seriously and attach a heavy price tag to Muslim intimidation of any sort.” (Zenster)

    Yes, and it begins with the public and journalists realizing that some of these “destitute” youths know how to play the media like a violin.

    This should lead, in turn, to tougher questions from journalists, or lesser airtime given to such claims.

    And it could help to challenge the victim culture which tends to excuse crime because of “poverty”.

  12. “Yes, Zenster. This is true. And, at the same time, teenagers routinely make fun of journalists’ pomposity by acting tough, because that’s what’s required of them.

    Young French muslims have confessed to that in the past, and it’s obvious when you read or watch some reports.”

    Acting tough?

    Those French Muslims were more than acting when they were burning down entire neighbourhoods a while back.

    I hate the main stream media for playing their trump card and making a bunch of Arab maggots look tough so they can sell their newspapers…………..


    Those Arab maggots have teeth and they, like their cousin fly larvae who infest putrified flesh and feast on it, are using those teeth to destroy decent society from the inside out.

    We have condition RED and we’re expecting rain in the European Union Mr Robert Marchenoir and your typical, Liberal apologist excuses aren’t helping matters.

  13. supercargo said…
    I would place undercover officers within this lawless bunch, and give them shoot on sight orders where they encounter violent foreign born Muslims

    Most of the kids in the schools are born in Germany. That’s the monkey sitting on the back of the elephant in the room, so to speak. If people are keen on the idea of deportation, they are going to have to accept that most of the deportees will be citizens, on paper at least. A very uncomfortable pill to swallow for many, and as numbers increase exponentially over the next few years, expect to hear those same people ruefully proclaim “oh if only we’d done this years ago, there are too many now”

  14. Two thoughts. This is like a double dose of poison. First you have the violence , intimidation and superiority that comes along with Islam. Throw that in with the whole “Gangsta Rap” thing that these kids have obviously bought hook line and sinker( notice their dress) and you have the makings of uber savages. Is some of this chest thumping? Could be? But are you willing to take that chance?

    I have always said that the only way to “educate” these people (much like the unruly blacks and hispanics here) is to lock them up from age 14-20. This seems to be the only way these people will pick up a book. Make them a captive audience and them seem to pick up Nietzche, history, science etc. That would leave the rest of us and our teachers the opportunity to learn. As someone who went through the NYC public school system I wish they would have locked up 65% of the schools I attended. On second thought, I dont think this would work with Muslims. You still have that pesky Islam problem. Never mind. Deportation.

  15. And when they attack the native German kids, they don’t fight back.

    JG everyone for making Germans ashamed of themselves, too ashamed to even want to live.

    The German state is in need of revolution then, because the Government has failed to do it’s most basic job.

  16. Once in Germany Jews were treated like this. Now that it is white Christian Germans being treated like this, I wonder what German Jews think? The ones that aren’t lawyers representing Muslims that is…

  17. Very Lord of the Flies wherever large numbers of testosterone charged male teens congregate with absent or impotent adult supervision.

    However, being brought up Muslim adds to the virulence. You’ll note the apparent lack of Turkish community support for education going by their offspring’s behavior. This spells disaster, and it’s no coincidence that they dress like black ghetto denizens who also sneer at education.

    Then there’s that ever present sense of entitlement, including some 13 year old feeling free to mouth death threats at an adult reporter and another announcing his future career as thief. Even if they’re not devout, they’ve soaked up the supremacist aspect of Islam. Everything belongs to Allah and even the most unworthy parasitic Muslim outranks any infidel no matter how accomplished. What is ours is theirs in their minds. They’re tax collectors for Allah and if they have to break a few bones to collect, well that just adds to the fun.

    OK, the German zeitgeist has switched from sadist to masochist. But what is the excuse for any other European to lie down and let such punks trample their nation and their pride?

    By the way, no one can deport these junior vipers born on European soil.

    The first step is to stop all immigration from Muslim nations immediately. Any loss in work force will be more than offset by savings in Welfare. Then turn the screws to make Europe unwelcoming to Muslims. First turn off the welfare taps. Substitute workfare with assigned jobs. Even the baby breeding machines should be out during the day cleaning public buildings such as nursing homes etc. A moratorium on all mosque building. This can be announced as awaiting reciprocity in Muslim nations for non-Muslim religious buildings. Public airing of all lessons taught in mosques and churches. Any imam preaching sedition or hatred for kuffars must leave the country. Zero tolerance for crime. If a non-citizen is convicted of a crime, hand out a sizeable jail term which can be shortened only by deportation.

    But stopping immigration would give a breathing space and is key. Europeans must vote against the mainstream parties who wrought this disaster and for anyone promising to halt immigration. To any Muslim or leftist enabler who starts shouting “racist” announce that it’s the pot calling the kettle black until Muslims stop mis-treating non-Muslims in EVERY MUSLIM COUNTRY.

    Westerners are idiots for allowing the most xenophobic culture in the world to lecture them on tolerance.

  18. laine: Even if they’re not devout, they’ve soaked up the supremacist aspect of Islam. Everything belongs to Allah and even the most unworthy parasitic Muslim outranks any infidel no matter how accomplished. What is ours is theirs in their minds. They’re tax collectors for Allah and if they have to break a few bones to collect, well that just adds to the fun.

    A more perfect description of Muslims and their pestilential jizya would be difficult to find. Spot on, with every letter and dot of your post, laine!

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