An Australian reader just sent us this letter to the editor, as scanned from the print edition of his regional newspaper. He includes the following cover note:
As a demonstration of how widespread Islam really is, and of its arrogance wherever it goes, here is a letter to the editor of our state newspaper The West Australian, published on 24th July 2008 here in the world’s most isolated capital city, Perth Western Australia.
In Perth we are experiencing a massive influx of Muslim immigrants. My wife works at one of the main public hospitals here and she can tell of some choice experiences of how our once great public health system is being run down by the adherents of The Religion of Peace.
The letter is obviously referring to a previous piece of political correctness published in the same newspaper:
Alarm bells
On the same afternoon that I read the rant by Daniel Baldwin I happened to catch a bus to Victoria Park from Maddington.
I was amused when across the seat from me sat a Muslim woman who reacted most strongly when a white male sat next to her. Her body language and her mutterings caused him to look at her and ask if something was the matter.
– – – – – – – – –
He was told to move to another seat and when he informed her he was an Australian and he would sit where he liked, she instantly rang the bell and as she stood up gave him this speech: “You may be the rulers of this country now, but this will change and then things will be very different for all of you.’’
Stunned, we all looked on as she took off angrily.
So, don’t worry Mr Baldwin, very soon given Labor’s immigration policy, you will be experiencing the very Islamic way of life you and your left-wing cohorts so obviously desire.
In the meantime, maybe you could move to the Islamic state that was once called London to live among your mates providing you can find an area where white people are allowed to live.
While you are there maybe you could console Tony Blair’s wife who recently stated in an English newspaper how terrified she is for her children’s safety due to the violence that ethnic gangs have brought to her country.
Oh the irony!
— Michael Monroe, Victoria Park.
I don’t know how to prove it but I believe there IS a master plan within the Islamic world to dominate every Western country over time via immigration and high birth rates.
We in the West don’t have the cultural ability like Muslims and Asians to plan for the very long term, just look at Toyota and GM, and therefore are blind to the long term threat posed by Muslim immigration. That woman on the bus probably knows she will never see an Islamic Australia but she probably believes with all her heart and soul that her children, grandchildren, or even great grandchildren will.
Too many westerners have an attitude of not caring what happens to their countries after their deaths so make no attempt to change things. Is this fatalism, selfishness, or something else?
“Too many westerners have an attitude of not caring what happens to their countries after their deaths so make no attempt to change things. Is this fatalism, selfishness, or something else?”
Alas, Charlemagne your fear can be classified as realism.
It’s a fact that a large percentage of “Westerners” are too preoccupied with their “toys”, “games” and “careers” to grasp the threat. That of course just one part of the equation. Scattered amongst us are the naive Liberals who live in a dream world where they see only peace, harmoney and tranquility. Sort of like the cattle and sheep in the fields behind my house. As long as the grass is plentiful and green the future doesn’t exist.
It’s a real nightmare to realise that the Liberal thread is deeply imbeded in the MSM and 3rd-level educational institutions.
I don’t have an answer. Maybe it’s Karma that will lead the world to Islamic rule. I’m old enough that I don’t fear the consequences and there isn’t much I can do or say to alter the destiny of the world.
I do know the next 20-years are going to be filled woth turmoil and strife.
We must stand and fight. remember who we are, where we have come from. Oh…and breed alot. That means Patriachy. Tell me if there is another way. Yet, nearly all conservatives are scared of it, claiming ‘gender equality’ is what raises us above Islam.
Imagine if these peacefully religious folk were challenged every day like the bullying Muslim was as described in Michael Monroe’s letter. Then, and only then, can we begin to imagine the absence of Islam on our shores and in our towns and cities.
In Muslim majority zones – dar-islam in their aggressive prose – male slaves of allah will enforce sharia separations. Those savages expect us to accomodate them, even as they support oppressive Muslim homelands where religious minorities are persecuted. Kick them all out.
I don’t know how to prove it but I believe there IS a master plan within the Islamic world to dominate every Western country over time via immigration and high birth rates.
This plan is encoded already by Muhammad into the Koran and every tenet of Islam. That’s why no hierarchy or conspiracy is needed. It’s a decentralized system (it’s the local imam who carries the message), but the central message is carried within every unit. This is what it means to be a Muslim.
Compare it to the cells in your body. The know their place and part of the big plan (in how to build a living body) without a central command, since they all carry the same DNA.
“You may be the rulers of this country now, but this will change and then things will be very different for all of you.”
This is something that all Muslim tyrants and theocrats need to hear spoken by an American general as Marines wade ashore to lime their Islamic cesspit.
There are no “options” or “alternatives”. There is no conciliation or treaty possible. There is only the simple fact that Islam’s spine must be snapped like a dry twig. The only extant choices in that matter are whether we do it using conventional or unconventional weapons. Most likely that particular choice will be made for us by Islam.
If we in the West allow Islam to make that choice for us, a Muslim holocaust is literally guaranteed.
PS: Con Swede is right on the money in this case. The qur’an represents Islam’s master battle plan. There is no need for any other document or proof.
If I heard this, it would have been hard not to have put my foot on her backside and sent her head first down the stairs onto the sidewalk…….awe, so many opportunities missed….so many lives lost.
Why people keep voting in socialists who don’t give a rat’s a** about their own countries, I’ll never know.
For those who may not have visited this blog, it is truly an eye opener and well worth bookmarking. Don’t let the title fool you.
From the report:
“You may be the rulers of this country now, but this will change and then things will be very different for all of you.’’
This reminds me of a story my barber told me. He’s currently in his early 70s, he grew up in a city on the west coast of the USA. In the 1930s, there were many fruit & vegetable stands outside of town set up by Japanese-Americans, and many white Americans would buy their produce from them. My barber’s parents shopped regularly there. More than once, Japanese produce-sellers told them, to their face, something along the lines of “We are serving you now, but the day will come when you will serve us”.
The sociopolitical pathology of Japanese ideology was already in full swing by the 1930s — a pathology of expansionist supremacism and militarism couched in religious mythology that led to the mass-murders of millions of SE Asians, Chinese, and Filipinos even before WW2 ever started, when Japan formally allied itself with Hitler.
The fact that the Japanese attitude of supremacism was so prevalent among Japanese, it even found its way into the consciousness of fruit-sellers in California in the 1930s shows the danger of such an ideology, which reasonably moved the greatest liberal president of the 20th century, FDR, to intern Japanese-Americans in camps because we could not tell the difference between those whom we could trust and those whom we could not.
Note: the attack on Pearl Harbor was not the only attempt. After the war started, the Japanese had active plans to try to launch an air invasion on California.
It was later revealed that Emperor Hirohito of Japan thought it would be easy to topple America, and he became increasingly baffled why it was so difficult.
And finally, when we draw this analogy between the fanatical and militant supremacism of the Japanese of the first half of the 20th century, and Islam, not only is the analogy apt, but Islam is far more fanatical, far more concerted, has historical practice with being far more patient waiting to undermine and conquer its enemies (they spent over 600 years nursing the goal of conquering eastern “Rome” (Byzantium) and finally succeeded in 1453), is far more prevalent and dispersed than were Japanese when they were our enemy, and Islam far deadlier.
Con Swede is right on the money in this case. The qur’an represents Islam’s master battle plan. There is no need for any other document or proof.
7/26/2008 12:23 PM
This is what a lot of us have been saying for a long, long time. And day in and day out, we keep coming up against people who are basically the kaffir versions of German Jews who thought that there was a “moderate” version of Mein Kampf.
You know that Hirohito and the Japanese were just so stupid. All they had to do was just keep sending in the Japanese immigrants, and screaming “racism” if anybody complained and they would have won, hands down. Instead they attacked Pearl Harbor, what a bunch of dopes. Same for Germany and Britain, they just had to send Britain a huge bunch of poor German immigrants, and screamed “but they’re just trying to feed their FAMILIES” every time the British complained. Instead they launched the Blitz. Dopes. They coulda had it all, without firing a shot.