Here’s something for the Francophones among our readers. I received a note this morning about a “work in progress” that has just begun at the blog F. Desouche:
We have just issued the beginning of a series of short videos about the inanity of the Islamic-Christian dialogue.
It is in French by two major figures of Islamology, Remi Brague and A.M. Delcambre.
- The falseness and falsification, according to Islam, of the Old and New Testaments
- The reverse “Islamification” of the Jewish and Christian prophets.
- “Interpretation” is a totally different concept in Christianity and Islam.
Work still in progress (there should be a total of 5 vidéos).
F. Desouche
[Nothing further]
“F. deSouche” suggests the phrase francais de souche, which means “French of French descent.”
Literally, “French of the stump.”
You may like to keep an eye open for the Quilliam Foundation.
Read here
UP Pompeii
It seems the link didnt work.
Just go over to Gandalf’s UP Pompeii site.
Pope Benedict, a stout defender and proselytyser of the Christian faith, has a far more sanguine view of the promise arising from Islamic-Christian dialogue:
But if your point of view is “kill or convert,” then these videos seem to be just for you.
The french are Christians?
My, but they’ve managed to hide the fact quite well.
Islamic-Christian Dialogue
I can just hear it now:
Christian negotiator: Brother, what do you want from us?
Muslim negotiator: Convert to Islam or we’ll have to kill you all.
Christian negotiator: But! Isn’t there some middle ground?
Muslim negotiator: Of course! There’s plenty of middle ground. Just convert or we’ll kill you all.
Christian negotiator: But, isn’t Islam the Religion of Peace?
Muslim negotiator: Things are very peaceful when you’re dead.
Christian negotiator: I still think you’re being a bit unfair.
Muslim negotiator: There’s nothing unfair about it. Just convert or we’ll kill you all.
Christian negotiator: But shouldn’t conversion be voluntary?
Muslim negotiator: Not if we have any say.
Christian negotiator: Isn’t that rather arrogant?
Muslim negotiator: Who are you calling ‘arrogant’? I ought to kill you for that!
Christian negotiator: But, don’t I have any choice?
Muslim negotiator: Choice? What’s that? Let me look that up …
Christian negotiator: Sure thing, take your time.
Muslim negotiator: Oh, c h o i c e ! … Sure you have a choice. Convert or we’ll kill you all.
Christian negotiator: What sort of choice is that?
Muslim negotiator: The usual one?
Christian negotiator: I mean, how sincere can a forced conversion be?
Muslim negotiator: Sincere enough for us not to kill you.
Christian negotiator: Look, there must be some alternative.
Muslim negotiator: Of course there is!
Christian negotiator: Well, what is it?
Muslim negotiator: Convert or we’ll kill you all.
Christian negotiator: But that’s what you said before!
Muslim negotiator: No, never! You misheard me!
Christian negotiator: I could have sworn that’s what you said …
Muslim negotiator: Are you accusing me of lying? I’ll kill you for that!
Christian negotiator: Fine, fine … I take it back. It’s just that I could have sworn …
Muslim negotiator: Sworn what?
Christian negotiator: That we must convert or all die.
Muslim negotiator: Finally, we’re reaching some middle ground.
Christian negotiator: What?
Muslim negotiator: I’m glad you’ve finally come to your senses.
Christian negotiator: About what?
Muslim negotiator: About converting so we don’t have to kill you all.
Christian negotiator: I never said that we’d convert.
Muslim negotiator: You clearly said, “we must convert”.
Christian negotiator: That’s not what I meant!
Muslim negotiator: Are you lying to me? I’ll kill you for that!
Christian negotiator: No, I’m not lying. We just don’t want to convert.
Muslim negotiator: Well, then. I’m going to have to kill you all.
Christian negotiator: But! Isn’t there some other sort of choice?
Muslim negotiator: Of course there’s some other sort of choice!
Christian negotiator: Phew. I’m glad to hear that. What is it?
Muslim negotiator: Convert or we’ll kill you all …
The french are Christians?
My, but they’ve managed to hide the fact quite well.
Yes, they have. It’s not supposed to be bruited about since it’s sooo antiquarian no one likes to admit it.
But check out The Taizé Community.
France makes a bundle on those pilgrims…and their singing is ethereal.
There’s a wiki entry around somewhere which will give you some historical background.
BTW, the rector of an Episcopal parish near here, originally from England, is retiring next year…to France.
“Yes, they have. It’s not supposed to be bruited about since it’s sooo antiquarian no one likes to admit it.”
That must be the case, then.
The only french christians I have personal experience of are Louisiana Cajuns, (I guess because we’re declasse).
Oh…and Huguenots.
“BTW, the rector of an Episcopal parish near here, originally from England, is retiring next year…to France.”
It must be a Limey thing…I’m sure he could have Florida or Arizona, but they all seem queer for Provence.
It’s because France is a beautiful country. Most of the actual problems with the frogs are problems with the parisiéne and other urban french. In the countryside they’re all staunch catholics,. That old divide between the barony and the villein is still very strong in France, far stronger than the urban/rural divide in the US or the UK, only witht he urbanites taking on the role of the barony. The rural inhabitants are very different. It’s no surprise that the resistance was primarily made up of rural frenchmen.
On the other hand they do have enough clout to keep their subsidies rolling in and they’re loathe to give them up. It’s one of those uniquely gallic situations…
But France is a beautiful country. I’d live there myself if it weren’t for all the French living there.
Thanks very much for that link to Taize.