Saturday’s post about firearms instructors and shooting enthusiasts drew a lot of attention. A Danish reader was prompted to email me about Crown Prince Mary, a native of Tasmania who is now married to Prince Frederik, the heir to the throne of Denmark.
Mary, it seems, is no stranger to firearms:
You had a post about learning to use guns, well, Mary has learned.
See the Crown Princess in the Danish home guard, and also some additional photos.
You should post this story (or at least the pictures) about crown princess Mary of Denmark on your blog.She’s so cool in these pictures, and a good role model.
The articles are in Danish, and I don’t have time to try to translate them. But the pictures give you the gist.
[Nothing follows]
She’s cool!
So where are Jenna and Barbara Bush?
After all, ol’ Dad was in the National Guard…
I feel safer already!
Guns, Babes, and Denmark — What Else Would Anyone Need?
Bigger guns, more babes and a stronger Denmark — Need you ask? 😉
That’s cool. But this princess will most likely never see a combat zone.
I’m a helluva lot more impressed with Sgt. Jill Stevens who has served in Afghanistan. She’s also Miss Utah, a Miss America contestant.
So she’s the real deal.
Sgt Jill Stevens
The startled look in her eyes and the way the instructor’s gesturing at her just beg for a caption competition.
Guns, Babes, and Denmark — What Else Would Anyone Need?
Oh, waitaminute…
Thanks for the link. She’s not only pretty, but you can sense her vitality…I’ll bet the injured feel better just looking at her…
I’m going to put her up so people can vote.
Princess Mary is a hottie. But would you expect a Prince to marry a plain-looking woman?
The crownprince of denmark is a former frømand(the danish version of the navy seals) and he have been on the SIRIUS Patrol. A long long ride on dog-sled along the coast of Iceland.
Change Iceland with Greenland 🙂 Damn independent republic!
Did someone mention Guns and Babes?
Alrighty, then.
@ Jungle Jim
Yes, i would. Just look at Dutch crown princess Maxima. Or ‘princess’ Mabel…