Moderaterna Blows Hot and Cold

Moderaterna (the Moderate Party) is the party currently governing Sweden under the leadership of Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt.

The party is “moderate” only by Swedish standards. To an American, its policies might seem slightly to the left of International ANSWER. The Moderates, like all other parties in Sweden except for Sverigedemokraterna, fully support Sweden’s immigration policies, and have reached out to Hamas in the past.

“Moderate”, min röv.

Their rule is only a lacuna in the long reign of the Social Democrats, who were unexpectedly ousted in the last elections. Given the political culture of Sweden, a return of the Social Democrats seems all but assured, unless Mr. Reinfeldt’s party can find and forge an alliance with a smaller party that would never form a coalition with the Social Democrats.

Enter Sverigedemokraterna (the Sweden Democrats). They are the pariahs of Swedish politics: the only party in the country to oppose the open-ended immigration policies of the Swedish ruling establishment.

That’s why this headline from a couple of days ago came as such a surprise:

Moderate council strikes deal with Sweden Democrats

Members of Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt’s Moderate Party in a town in southern Sweden have defied the party leadership to start cooperating with the right-wing populist Sweden Democrats.

Karlskrona council leader K-G Svensson, a Moderate, reached a deal last week with the Sweden Democrats’ group leader Richard Jomshod, on education in the town.

The Moderate Party’s policy is that its politicians should not cooperate with, negotiate with or become reliant on the Sweden Democrats, which have their roots in racist far-right movements.

Moderate officials in Stockholm were on Wednesday insisting that there was nothing they could do about the situation in Karlskrona.

“We should avoid doing deals with the Sweden Democrats, but local situations sometimes mean that you have to. There are no mechanisms for sanctions for people who break with the policy. It would be wrong to impose diktats centrally,” said the party’s head of communications, Pär Henriksson, to Blekinge Läns Tidning.

Can you tell how worried the Moderates at party HQ were? They were shocked — shocked! — to find their Karlskrona affiliate contemplating an alliance with those evil racist xenophobic neo-Nazi Islamophobes in Sverigedemokraterna.

Fortunately for the party’s reputation, the infatuation with SD didn’t last. Two days later we see this:
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Moderates: ‘no more deals’ with Sweden Democrats

After days of heavy criticism, councillors representing Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt’s Moderate Party in the southern Swedish port of Karlskrona have said they will strike no more deals with the right-wing populist Sweden Democrats.

A deal between Karlskrona Moderates and Sweden Democrats on education policy revealed on Wednesday led to strong reactions from Reinfeldt and other leading Moderates. The party’s policy is for its elected representatives not to cooperate with the anti-immigrant party.

Moderate council leader K-G Svenson wrote in an internal letter to party colleagues that there would be no further deals with the Sweden Democrats. The two parties’ local branches could still conduct informal talks, but not formal negotiations, he wrote.

Richard Jomshof, group leader for the Sweden Democrats in Karlskrona, said he was not worried by the move, adding that the Moderates would be forced to negotiate with his party later in the current term.

“If they’re not willing to negotiate with us, they will have problems getting their proposals passed,” he said.

This very much resembles the recent movement in Belgium towards Flemish independence: two steps forward and one step back.

There’s no doubt about it: Sverigedemokraterna are a force to be reckoned with. They know it, Moderaterna know it, and everybody else knows it. At some point one or more of the acceptable political parties — the real players in Sweden — are going to have to cut a deal with them.

It’s only a matter of time.

Thanks to KGS, Fjordman, and Paul for keeping me informed on this story.

The Independence of Flanders

Our Flemish correspondent ProFlandria sends a report with the latest news on the legislative proposal to divide Belgium into two independent states, Flanders and Wallonia. It seems that not all of the Flemish political parties are in agreement over what must be done, and Vlaams Belang has been left standing high and dry by some of its former allies.

ProFlandria has translated a post from the VB website, and follows it with his commentary:

11.22.2007 17.46u — The Flemish parties in the federal House [of Representatives] have just voted against considering Vlaams Belang’s proposal to split Belgium. In doing so, they have provided the proof of their devotion to the Belgian state, as demanded by the Walloons. This is remarkable given that the consideration of a proposal is a formality which does not contain a judgment on the core of the issue. Voting for the consideration is, in fact, a sign that in a democracy any proposal can at least be discussed. After debate, when the proposal is to be evaluated on its merits, one can still vote against [adopting the proposal].


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This is the reason why the consideration of this same identical proposal from Vlaams Belang in the previous legislature was supported by all Flemish parties without reservation. Today, however, those same parties are folding in the face of the [Walloon] dictate to, as “Le Soir” puts it, “Isolate Vlaams Belang, the party which proposes the independence of Flanders”, and in doing so, those parties prove their unconditional loyalty to Belgium. The positions of Bart De Wever and Jan Jambon (N-VA), who were strategically absent during the vote, was flatly disappointing.

ProFlandria comments:

These proceedings once again demonstrate how pernicious the Belgian construct is. As soon as the prospect of participating in a Federal government is dangled in front of the Flemish “mainstream” parties, they voluntarily submit themselves to Walloon pressure to conform to the existing status quo — which is uniformly detrimental to Flanders. Vlaams Belang is shunned into lonely opposition due to its pro-independence platform, while the other Flemish parties time and again experience the fact that the Belgian construct cannot be reformed from within.

An Army of Midgets

Accept disgrace willingly.
Accept misfortune as the human condition.
What do you mean by “Accept disgrace willingly”?
Accept being unimportant.
Do not be concerned with loss or gain.
This is called “accepting disgrace willingly.”

— Lao Tzu, from The Tao Te Ching (XIII)

Under the streetlightEverybody knows the old joke about the man who encounters an elderly gentleman looking for something intently along the gutter under a streetlight.

“What are you looking for, old fellow?” asks the first man.

“My car keys,” says the old man. “I know I dropped them somewhere in the park.”

“The park!? The park’s across the road! Why don’t you look for them over there?”

“The light’s better over here.”

And so it is with the Counterjihad. Here at Gates of Vienna you’ll find a little zone of illumination, the place where we gather to talk and argue and discuss. Somewhere out there in the murky dark beyond the circle of light the real Counterjihad is going on, but here we are: the light’s better over here.

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I bring all of this up because during the past twenty-four hours the intense hostility directed at Gates of Vienna has expanded to include the Center for Vigilant Freedom. I’ll be dealing with all the latest pernicious nonsense in a future post, but this morning I’d like to harken back to the early days of the current unpleasantness.

The other day, in a long Gates of Vienna comment thread, AngleofRepose reminded me of this comment by “Tasty Beverage” in a thread on Little Green Footballs:

LGF has around eight times as many members — something like 20,000, with thousands and thousands more non-members who come here daily just to read the front page.

Gates of Vienna and Brussels Journal are lucky if they get eight comments in a thread. These are marginal people reaching out to other marginal people, i.e., SD and VB.

So all of you bloggers who deigned to set yourselves up as our “leaders” in the Anti-Jihad movement (what you called “Counter Jihad”) — and who organized a conference without talking to or asking us about it first — what we want, what we think — and then decided all on your own that our movement was going to ally with these “questionable” political parties in Europe — you had the unbelievable chutzpah to piss and moan at us lowly peons when we had the nerve to say to you, (our self-appointed leaders, deciding all on your own that we must ally with these people), “NO WAY IN HELL!” —————

Get this in your heads:

We don’t need you.

You need US. Without us, without LGF, you are for the most part isolated backwaters on the internet. LGF is the mainstream, you are the fringe, or otherwise just minor in the grand scheme. Understand? And after the inevitable denunciation and repudiation you are going to receive from LGF if you do not immediately disassociate from these political parties, what you call your “Counter-Jihad” is going to remain fringe and discredited as a cynical, dishonest vehicle of neo-nazis and bigots who aren’t really opposed to islam so much as anyone duskier than you, because they can’t possibly assimilate and believe in “European culture”, even if they are born and raised in it, as their genes preclude them from doing so.

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You are never going to convince us that your new “friends” and fellow-thinkers can be trusted. Never — they have too much baggage, even if they have “reformed”, which I doubt. Get this through your thick skulls.

So the decision is yours. You will be formally and publically separated from this flagship, denounced, and you will remain on small, pathetic sites with twenty commenters, where you can all talk to each other about how much smarter you are than LGFers, and how you guys are the ones who will save Western Civilization.

(what a joke)

I suspect Charles is not going to allow all of his incredibly hard work, 365 days a year for the last six years, to be utterly and irreversibly ruined by association with your friends.

Meanwhile, the Lizard Nation will grow ever bigger and more influential, and you will only be able to watch in envy from the sidelines, self-marginalized, and thoroughly convinced that you guys are the real saviors of us all. You couldn’t be more wrong. [emphasis added]

I read this comment when it first appeared, and it’s one of the reasons I quit reading LGF. When people are saying that kind of thing about you in a public forum, you realize that it’s not a place you want to hang out.

Consider the implications of the bolded phrases in the above excerpt:

  • organized a conference without talking to or asking us about it first
  • “questionable” political parties
  • self-appointed leaders, deciding all on your own
  • LGF is the mainstream, you are the fringe
  • the inevitable denunciation and repudiation you are going to receive from LGF
  • You will be formally and publically [sic] separated from this flagship
  • Charles is not going to allow
  • you will only be able to watch in envy from the sidelines

Admittedly, these words are from a lizardoid reader, and were not written by Charles Johnson himself. And I’m sure that Mr. Johnson would deny that the sentiments expressed by Tasty Beverage reflect the official policy of Little Green Footballs.

Still… Mr. Johnson has banned people for saying things like, “I don’t agree with this.” One is led to assume that the commenter’s words reflect the party line, given the tendency of the leader to bring his followers quickly to heel when their views do not align with his own.

Ignoring for a moment the fact that Charles Johnson was indeed invited to Counterjihad Brussels 2007, and has acknowledged that he received the three invitational emails, consider the implications of these sentiments.

  • It is expected that Charles Johnson, the proprietor of the blog Little Green Footballs, shall approve in advance any gathering of anti-jihad groups.
  • No group or groups opposing the Great Jihad may gather for that purpose without notifying Mr. Johnson in advance and obtaining his approval. No party or organization may be represented at such meetings without being cleared with Mr. Johnson, nor may attendees associate themselves with proscribed parties or organizations. No one who has been friends with, talked to, had his photograph taken with, or indeed been in the same room with people belonging to suspicious groups may be invited to such a conference.
  • Violation of these edicts will be punished swiftly and severely by irrevocable excommunication.

Let’s overlook the arrogance, grandiosity, and megalomania implied by the policies outlined above. What about their practical effectiveness?

The weapons of punishment employed to maintain lizardoid ideological purity consist mainly of the flame war and the email spam attack. There is no gainsaying the effectiveness of these methods in dividing and demoralizing the Counterjihad. But how well will they serve our common cause, the struggle to confront and roll back the encroachment of sharia in the West?

LGF fields no candidates in any elections, and is not consulted in the making of government policy. The lizardoids send no lobbyists to Capitol Hill, nor do they introduce legislation in any parliaments. Charles Johnson does not appoint ambassadors to journey to Strasbourg and discuss the latest immigration issues with their EU counterparts. His order does not mobilize armies or scramble air force pilots.

Little Green Footballs is, in short, simply a talk shop, just as Gates of Vienna is. Its traffic profile is an order of magnitude greater than ours, but it’s still nothing more than a talk shop.

Real action occurs elsewhere.

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The LGF comment quoted above includes the gleeful assertion that Gates of Vienna and the Brussels Journal are pitifully small in traffic and comments compared to the huge and influential numbers displayed at Little Green Footballs.

The number of comments at LGF is indeed huge — although quantity does not guarantee quality — and Charles Johnson’s blog is truly mighty in its number of visitors.

But focusing on the traffic or comments at any given blog obscures more important facts. When you consider one blog’s traffic, you’re circling the lamppost looking intently at the sidewalk. Out there in the darkness beyond the little circle of light are more interesting facts; they’re just not as easy to see.

The relative traffic numbers are only significant if you let your ego get snared by such concerns and become pridefully attached to a single blog or website.

What’s being overlooked is the enormous new network that has formed, and is still forming. I don’t know how many bloggers are involved — there are a lot of them — but their numbers collectively amount to far more than those of LGF in terms of traffic or comments.

Add in the forums and other types of websites, the members of political parties, activists, and ordinary folk who are involved but only lurk at the blogs, and the Counterjihad becomes huge.

It just doesn’t show on Technorati, Alexa, or TTLB.

Nobody has a site meter that can track it.

That’s why all of this recent nonsense is not significant. It’s full of sound and fury. It’s annoying and occasionally infuriating, but it’s trivial and transient, and it will pass.

Something is happening out there in the dark that’s real and good and true, something that will make a difference. It can’t be seriously impeded by bloggers, journalists, or even politicians, because it arises from a source which is inherently unstoppable: the people themselves.

I know this because I’m actively involved with it.

Tasty Beverage is right: I’m a nobody. I’m just one guy bloviating here at GoV and emailing people I know and occasionally taking planes to discuss things at meetings. My part is insignificant.

But when all the parts are aggregated, something major takes form. It won’t be obvious for some time yet, but it’s happening out there in the dark all the same.

Everyone is welcome to stay here circling the lamppost, but rest assured: your keys are elsewhere.

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Prominent people and politicians will be the last to climb aboard the Counterjihad because they are so attuned to conventional wisdom and received opinion. Their careers and reputations depend on it. They flee in terror from the accusations of “racism”, “xenophobia”, “Islamophobia”, and “neo-Nazism” flung so indiscriminately in all directions.

Journalists, political leaders, major academics, and CEOs of large corporations will not be among those who initiate dramatic change. They have too much to lose; their stake in the existing system is too great.

Real change does not occur in these circles. It starts out there in the dark and only moves into the light when it has become too large to escape notice. Then, without warning, the tipping point is reached, an alternative way of thinking arrives, and a new consensus forms.

In order to bring these changes about, thousands of unimportant people throughout the West will have to labor without recognition for years. It’s already happening: people are organizing in groups to stop the building of mosques, protest the Islamization of school textbooks, object to the separation of the sexes in public swimming pools, and insist on the enforcement of immigration laws. These efforts will continue, whether or not they obtain the Lizardoid Seal of Approval.

And CVF, along with innumerable other coordinating groups, will help bring these various networks together and keep them in communication. That’s our mission.

Trivial and tedious though these tasks may be, they are not without risk. Consider the example of Lars Vilks, the Swedish artist who decided to draw a picture of Mohammed as a roundabout dog. Such a small and innocuous act! But now he has a price on his head.

Someone asked him if drawing the Modoggies was worth dying for, and he said simply, “Yes, it is.”

We’re nothing special. We’re all nobodies. Our blogs are small, and nobody important reads them. We’ll never be interviewed by Wolf Blitzer or make the cover of Wired. We don’t get to hang out with the movers and shakers or ride first class on airplanes.


Even though we’re midgets, there are a lot of us.

We’re an army of midgets.

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In times of stress or difficulty I find solace in mathematics or poetry, which are my two great passions. Nothing combines both disciplines as effectively as The Tao Te Ching. Within its eighty-one chapters can be found an economy of wisdom, guaranteed to provide a calming focus for the task at hand.

I began this rumination with a passage from Lao Tzu, and am returning to his words, this time from Chapter II, for its conclusion.

Under heaven all can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness.
All can know good as good only because there is evil.
Therefore having and not having arise together.
Difficult and easy complement each other.
Long and short contrast each other:
High and low rest upon each other;
Voice and sound harmonize each other;
Front and back follow one another.

Therefore the sage goes about doing nothing, teaching no-talking.
The ten thousand things rise and fall without cease,
Creating, yet not.
Working, yet not taking credit.
Work is done, then forgotten.
Therefore it lasts forever.

Denmark Establishes Free Speech Foundation

The Danes are in the vanguard when it comes to resisting the Great Jihad, and one of the ways they show it is in their unwavering commitment to free speech. Denmark refuses to cave in to the demands of political correctness by enforcing the Multicultural line in public discussion.

Now an initiative that was formerly confined to the Venstre party has been extended to become official Danish government policy. This is an indication that the recent re-election of Anders Fogh Rasmussen for an unprecedented third term as Prime Minister has consolidated the anti-PC trend in Denmark.

CG has kindly translated the following article from TV2:

Introducing grant for freedom of speech

Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Ayaan Hirsi AliVenstre has its own Freedom prize [Hirsi Ali got it in 2004, I think — translator]. Now the Venstre/Conservative government will introduce a freedom foundation prize which will be granted to persons who have contributed with an extraordinary effort in support of freedom of speech on an international level, the new government resolution shows.

When the grant will be introduced or how big it will be is not known.

Freedom of speech came into serious attention after the Muhammed drawings in Jyllands-Posten created an international uproar.

[Nothing follows]

Thailand, Malaysia, and the Jihad

Bangkok Reporting

This post is the latest in a series from our Bangkok correspondent, H. Numan.

Here’s a news story from Thailand along with H. Numan’s commentary. First, from The Bangkok Post:

Thai separatists kill four district officers

Pattani — Suspected separatists killed four local officials as they drove home in Thailand’s strife-torn southern province of Pattani Wednesday and injured another three with a booby trap bomb stuck in the victims’ car, police said.

The insurgents, riding motorcycles, shot up a car carrying four district officials, including two women and two men, as they were driving home from work, said Pattani Police Colonel Somchit Nasomyon.

Three of the officials died at the scene of the attack, and the fourth died en route to the hospital.

A bomb, apparently planted on the car of the victims, was detonated when police and journalists came to inspect the attack, injuring three people.

“We think the separatists had been planning this attack for some time,” said Somchit.

According to military data, more than 2,500 people have been slain over the past three years and ten months in Thailand’s troubled deep South, the majority-Muslim region comprising Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala provinces and parts of Songkhla.

Those deaths have been tallied since January 1, 2004, when a gang of Muslim militants successfully raided an army depot in Narathiwat, stealing more than 300 weapons and sparking a government crackdown on their long simmering separatist struggle.

Nearly 80 per cent of the 2 million people living in the three southernmost provinces of predominantly Buddhist Thailand profess to be Muslims.

The three-province area, which borders Malaysia, was an independent Islamic sultanate known as Pattani for hundreds of years before being conquered by Bangkok in 1786. The area came under direct rule of the Thai bureaucracy in 1902.

A separatist struggle took off in the 1950s, fuelled by government efforts to suppress the local culture and religion.

H. Numan adds this commentary:

The second to last paragraph isn’t quite correct. Muslims conquered Malaysia somewhere around 1440 CE. They didn’t send missionaries to convert peacefully, but — as usual — by the sword. Before that period Malaysia was predominantly (a mixture of) Buddhist, Hindu and animistic religion(s).

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As Thailand (the early kingdom of Siam in those days) conquered the area in 1786, we also might say that the kingdom of Thailand ruled it for hundreds of years.

A matter of “is the glass half empty or half full?”, I guess.

More information on the relationship between Islam and Malaysia:

Clash of Contrasts — Buddhism and Islam in Malaysia

Before being overrun by Islam, the people of Malaysia and Indonesia were overwhelmingly Hindu and Buddhists. In fact what are today the ASEAN countries had one religion (a mix of Hinduism-Buddhism-Animism) and one culture till the 15th century. They did not look upon themselves as different countries. A large part of today’s Malaysia was a part of the kingdom of Siam (Thailand). And at times Malaysia and Indonesia were under the rule of one single dynasty (Sri Vijaya, Shailendra, Mataram and Majapahit).

The Bas Reliefs of Borobudur in Indonesia and words like Putrajaya (name of the new Malaysian Capital), Tan Sri (honorific title in Malaysia), Garuda (Indonesia’s national air carrier), and names like Megawati Sukarnoputri (Indonesia’s former President), Imam Samudra (the Bali Bomber), which have been derived from the ancient Indian (Sanskrit) language are the only reminders of the Buddhist and Hindu past of the current Muslim population of Malaysia and Indonesia. The clash of the gentle ancestors of the Malays and Indonesians with the violent Muslims is a clash of contrasts.

This is so as there is no greater contrast than that between Buddhism and Islam. While Buddhism is intrinsically and universally non-violent, Islam is a violent, cruel and murderous paranoia as we witnessed in 9/11, 7/7, 3/11 and numerous other events in recent history. The 14 century long history of Islam has been equally violent and bloodied and cruel.

For further reading on this topic, see The History of Jihad.

This was Bangkok reporting,
H. Numan.

Thomas Jefferson and Neo Neocon

Neo-neocon at MonticelloOn the last Sunday before Thanksgiving, we celebrated a little early.

Neo-neocon called to say she was passing through the area on her way north. We made plans to meet and to have dinner. It was a wonderful and rare opportunity to meet a fellow-blogger and share experiences.

Our meeting place was Thomas Jefferson’s most famous home, Monticello. We parked in the lot below the house and took the shuttle bus to the top of the mountain, where everyone got off at the front door. I tried to imagine how visitors had come up by carriage or horseback. Back then, one would have had to find the easiest path to traverse a steep climb.

Neo-neocon had never seen Monticello. Nor had I, despite more than twenty years of passing the turn to his place nearly every day on the way to work. The Baron had been at least once, taking his niece and her friend to see our third President’s house. He also had done a painting of Monticello, though that was before I knew him…if there was such a time.

MonticelloThe house tour is brief, limited to the first floor. The second and third floors, which were the family rooms, are closed to the public, but in their day those rooms must have been busy places; Jefferson’s daughter and her husband and their six children moved into Monticello after it was finished. Before he died, his daughter would bear another three children. Jefferson wrote that he loved being surrounded by his grandchildren. Eventually there were eleven, so “surrounded” he was indeed.

And then there are the Jefferson-Hemings descendants. A long controversy continues over Jefferson’s relationship with his slave, Sally Hemings, who was also his late wife’s half-sister, and came to live with the Jeffersons at some point. Sally was only fifteen at the time, and Jefferson had been a widow for some years before he began his life-long relationship with her. Such were the intricacies of relationships and secrets of slave-owning Americans, that their amount of white or black genes were labeled. Thus, Sally Hemings was a “quadroon”. Many scholars believe the issue of Jefferson’s paternity has been resolved through DNA testing; others disagree.

Jefferson’s divided mind on this subject can be seen in his notion that mixing the two races resulted in diluting the superior white blood, and leaving the children of such unions as inferior. Yet he fathered all those children on his own slave, whose blood was already “diluted” by her black mother and white father.

Thus his slave children are allegedly related to both Jefferson and his wife, Martha, whose father sired Sally Hemings with one of the slaves that Jefferson inherited from his father-in-law. So Sally Hemings’ children were more than merely the half-brothers and sisters of Jefferson’s “legitimate” children. The reality is that they were closer to three-quarters related to their more fortunate siblings.

We will never be free of the “race” questions and tensions in America. And that is a good thing: it means we bear in consciousness the mistake the Founding Fathers made in giving in to the southern, agrarian slave owners in “order to create a more perfect union.” Had they not compromised themselves in this, the north and south would have been divided from the beginning and there would never have been a federation of states. Instead, they left the problem to be resolved by the blood, sweat and tears of their own descendants eighty years later. Even now, the argument goes on, in more muted terms. It is not an evil that is capable of being exorcised from the body politic of this country. The call for “reparations” — as though this could be resolved by the laying on of money — trivializes the mystery of America.

But back to the house; it is such a reflection of its architect and owner: the floor plan is both beautiful and ingenious — Jefferson was a gadget lover, and his various tools and entertainments are out on display. His ingenuity extends to such things as Palladian windows that can be raised to let in the mountain air in the hot Virginia summers, and dumb waiters to bring food and wine up from the cellar to be served in the first floor dining room.

His home reflects Jefferson’s personality in another way. Myron Magnet, writing in the latest issue of City Journal, compares the houses of some of the other Founding Fathers with Jefferson’s effort to create Monticello:
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When you compare the houses of Virginia’s other Founding Fathers with Monticello, what strikes you is how they’ve grown up organically, the products of historical development. You can see George Washington’s increasing importance written all over Mount Vernon, for example. This gentleman-architect first raised the story-and-a-half 1740s house he had inherited from his half-brother to two stories, then expanded its middle to accommodate a grander hall and staircase, then added a pediment to try to disguise the asymmetry he had created, and finally built additions on either side with splendid presidential rooms, stylishly neoclassical by contrast with the earlier rococo. Similarly, as a young congressman, James Madison brought his bride home to his parents’ 1760s brick house, Montpelier, and in 1797 built a private four-room extension for the two of them, with a separate entrance, like a duplex townhouse in a modern condo development. A new Tuscan-columned portico helped the two-family house look more like a single mansion, and in 1809 a new front door and new wings made the house look truly unified and presidential, with plenty of space for entertaining as well as for Mother Madison, who lived with them until her death at 97. But inside, you can still trace the piecemeal development.

Monticello, by contrast, looks like the product of a single, unified conception, springing from Jefferson’s brain like Athena from the head of Zeus. It didn’t, of course. It was over 50 years in the making: Jefferson and his wife began their ten years of marriage in one of the little pavilions, basically a studio apartment with a basement kitchen, all that then existed of Monticello. Jefferson kept changing his mind about what he wanted, especially after he returned from his four years in Paris, filled with visions of French neoclassicism and smitten with the Roman Maison Carrée at Nîmes, which he gazed at “whole hours . . . like a lover at his mistress.” He tore down walls, designed historically accurate details in all the classical orders, extended porticoes, moved stone columns, enlarging and perfecting. “Putting up and pulling down [is] one of my favorite amusements,” he commented, with the result that for years he found himself “living in a brick-kiln” with unplastered walls. But he produced something transcendent, like Palladio’s villas or Lord Burlington’s Chiswick House.

The years of turmoil to reach this result make one reconsider skeptically his description of the American Revolution as “a beautiful example of a government reformed by reason alone, without bloodshed.” What about the years when Washington froze and his men starved trying to outlast British armies that chased them for 600 miles? As Jefferson’s experience building Monticello should have taught him, nothing springs forth like a fully formed Platonic ideal. Yes, there is a self-evident right to liberty, but it took six years of bloodshed to establish that right in the New World. And many of those fighting believed that they were safeguarding not an abstract idea of liberty but the historical liberty that they had enjoyed during five or more generations of self-rule here in America and that belonged to them as freeborn Englishmen, protected by such “musty records” as Magna Carta.

There is a certain otherworldliness to Jefferson’s political philosophy (compared with his hardheaded pragmatism as president). But one remembers that he did not fight in the Revolution, since he was serving as Virginia’s governor…

Actually, Jefferson himself didn’t “tear down walls…” He had a hundred and fifty people to do his bidding and it was they who made the bricks, constructed the walls, and then tore them down again as their master changed his mind. One begins to wonder if this is where the phrase “them crazy white folks” might have originated.

Released from the brief and well-orchestrated house tour (there were other groups coming up behind us) I walked the grounds with Neo-neocon and the Baron. The spirit of those people who made Jefferson’s dreams into reality were far more present to me than was Jefferson. However brilliant a polymath he was, it was they who had to understand his dreams enough to bring them into reality. It was they who were the life and blood, the muscle and sinew who brought Jefferson’s ideas into being and buffered him from the harsher aspects of feeding, clothing, and cleaning up after oneself. It was their section — the dependencies — that I really wanted to see: the kitchens, the animal stalls, the ice house, the brewery, and of course, the slave quarters for the house servants under the eastern terrace.

MonticelloJefferson designed his mansion so that the dependencies are under the house, much like the English basements of the Federal period, except that these rooms take up all the undersides of the house, and are cut in half by a long breezeway open at both ends. Neo-neocon observed that since the view from his home was so important to Jefferson, that at least subliminally, he might have wanted to put out of sight and mind the slave cabins, smokehouses, and outhouses that dotted the landscape of most plantations.

I think she is right: we know fairly well a house in our area that has been lived in by generations of the same family since it was built in the early 1800’s. Originally built on a thousand acre plantation on the James River, it is reduced from its former grandeur to a tenth of that. Some of the slave cabins remain and are used for storage. The house itself is supposedly designed by Jefferson. It is situated so that at the vernal equinox the sun shines through the front door on the east and the light exits at the back door at the west end of the house. Only now, the “front” or eastern door of Springview is really at the back of the house, since visitors no longer have to make the climb by horse or carriage. It is much easier to park near the west door. Like Monticello, some of the original furniture remains. However, unlike the Monticello Foundation’s immense outlay of funds for restoration, as new generations took over and installed their own furnishings, the older things got shoved closer to the walls to make room. Thus the closer you get to the walls, the more ancient the pieces you will find.

And like Monticello was then, Springview remains heated by wood. It gives the house a pleasant smoky odor that reminds you what Monticello must have smelled like in its time as an actual residence.

There were slave quarters at Monticello, of course, on Mulberry Row. Even though they housed 150 people, they no longer exist, having been bulldozed down at some point to make a road. It is mostly the dwellings of the wealthy that remain for us to contemplate.

Monticello is indeed beautiful. Looking across the expansive vistas of his five thousand acres of property, preserved so that no human endeavor is visible from that hilltop, there is a flicker of visions of Eden…Eden after the Fall, when the neat rows of the vegetable gardens were tilled by the sweat of men wielding hoes and driving mules through the red Virginia clay.

Jefferson hated waste of any kind, especially time. One ought always to be busy. He said, of walking as exercise:

“A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks.”

He wrote thousands of letters, and his ingenious copy-writer device, allowed him to preserve facsimiles his voluminous correspondence before it went on its way to the recipients. My, how he would have loved owning a laptop. Jefferson was probably one of the few who, had he been hurled into the future, would have instantly begun examining its artifacts even as he decried the degradations of an increasingly uncivil, illiterate society. So much for his ideal “free yeoman” — now they are all encased for eight hours a day in small cubicles, stacked floor after floor on top of one another…and yet they live a life of more material ease than he could ever have done.

Neo-neocon and I made the requisite tour of the gift shop, while the Baron, a guy, mostly wandered on the porch, only coming in as they rang up my purchases: a paperback copy of one of my favorite books on the Founding Fathers, some rose and lemon tea made on the plantation, and various children’s entertainments. I am not too old to color the cards of butterflies…

Our visit to Monticello was followed by dinner at an Indian restaurant. The Baron could eat Indian food every day, and this particular restaurant fixes it to his liking. When he introduced me to it, I preferred the mild varieties. Now I eat it Indian style, fiery and wonderfully flavorful.

That night, when I lay down to sleep, the first thing I saw when I closed my eyes were those vistas from Monticello. There is something about being able to gaze into a far horizon that works its wonders on the soul. Whether it be the horizon of the eternal ocean, or the hazy Blue Ridge Mountains in the distance, those images remain for a long time.

Thank you, Neo-neocon, for an early Thanksgiving day…

The Barnstorm Flyers

The Curtiss JennyThe average American G.I. who showed up in Europe in 1942 was likely to be more mechanically inclined than his counterpart in the British armed forces. The automobile had spread rapidly throughout the United States during the preceding two decades, so that almost every city teenager knew how to tear down the motor of a car, and every farm kid had to know how to fix a tractor engine.

This motor-mania extended to airplanes as well. Maybe it was something about the instinctive drive within the American psyche that longs to break the chains and soar: The sky’s the limit!

Between Kitty Hawk and Pearl Harbor the number of airplanes in the United States grew enormously, and air shows sprouted up all across the country to provide a new form of entertainment.

My uncle Carter was a teenager during the period, and he was typical: he collected cars like stamps — in fact he still does. He took them apart, rebuilt them, and left the discarded remains all over the back yard, much to the dismay of his parents (and then later his wife).

He took an interest in airplanes, too. He had a friend who started an air show outside of town, and Uncle Carter was allowed to pilot the planes from time to time. To the end of her life our cousin Mary recounted with horror the story of the time Carter persuaded her against her better judgment to take a ride with him into the sky. He did loop-de-loops and other aerobatics and nearly frightened her to death.

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Uncle Carter and Cousin Mary and the Depression-era rural air shows of Virginia come to mind whenever I listen to this song by Al Stewart, from his recent album A Beach Full of Shells:
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Immelmann Turn
by Al Stewart

I always was the reckless kind; I do what I must do
I put the danger out of mind and go on
I joined the Barnstorm Flyers back in 1922
And above those dusty farms we put a show on

Fly, fly to the western skies
Where the fog bank shifts and the danger lies
Why, why would you never learn
That you won’t come back from the Immelmann Turn?
Fly, fly to the red sunrise
Where the cloudbanks drift under copper skies
Why, why would you never learn
That you won’t come back from the Immelmann Turn?

From aboard a Curtiss Jenny, oh, you see things differently
And the farm boys wait for joyrides in the clearing
I went out walking on the wing in 1923
And above the engine noise you’d hear them cheering

Fly, fly to the western skies
Where the fog bank shifts and the danger lies
Why, why would you never learn
That you won’t come back from the Immelmann Turn?
Fly, fly to the red sunrise
Where the cloudbanks drift under copper skies
Why, why would you never learn
That you won’t come back from the Immelmann Turn?

The Curtiss Jenny

Oh, you won’t come back from the Immelmann Turn
Why, why, why?
You won’t come back from the Immelmann Turn
Why, why, why?
There never was a one like you
Who knew that way to fly
But you won’t come back from the Immelmann Turn
Why, why, why?

The frost was on your ailerons and the wind was in your hair
When you went into the climb I saw you laughing
When the engine stalls you start to spin
You won’t get out of there
And a hush comes on the crowd as you go falling

Fly, fly to the western skies
Where the fog bank shifts and the danger lies
Why, why would you never learn
That you won’t come back from the Immelmann Turn?
Fly, fly to the red sunrise
Where the cloudbanks drift under copper skies
Why, why would you never learn
That you won’t come back from the Immelmann Turn?

Oh, you won’t come back from the Immelmann Turn
Why, why, why?
You won’t come back from the Immelmann Turn
Why, why, why?
There never was a one like you
Who knew that way to fly
But you won’t come back from the Immelmann Turn
Why, why, why?

For more information on the Immelmann Turn, see this Wikipedia entry. At the bottom of the article you’ll see a mention of Al Stewart’s song.

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up

The reader who tipped us to this article provided the above title as the subject line of his email. I think you’ll find it’s apt.

From The Daily Mail:

Illegal immigrant demands to be flown home because Britons are ‘rude and unfriendly’

An illegal immigrant has demanded to be flown home after saying he was fed up with British people — because they are “rude and unfriendly”.

Speaking today, Mokhtar Tabet, 30 — who has been given a home, food and free travel around London — claims his local council has breached his human rights by moving him to a place he does not like.

He was refused asylum in 2004 and is set to be deported.

He said: “The council evicted me from my home in September and moved me to Streatham, which I don’t like.

“The new place is small, and the kitchen closes at 9pm, so I can’t have anything to eat late at night. They have taken away my human rights.”

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Croydon Council says it has bent over backwards to help Tabet, who fled Algeria in 2002.

A spokesman said: “Mr Tabet was accommodated in Norbury Crescent, with Croydon Council paying his rent, council tax and utility bills.

“In July, his landlord gave him two months’ notice to quit the premises, and the council offered him a flat in Anerley Road, which he refused citing its poor state of repair.

“The necessary repairs were carried out and he again refused it.

“He was told that refusal would amount to him making himself intentionally homeless and he would be placed in hostel-style accommodation. He agreed to this.”

Mr Tabet is entitled to return to Algeria at his own expense and admits that he “does not like it here”.

But he refuses to do so and says Britain will have to pay for his travel if it wants him to leave.

He moaned: “I miss Algeria. The English people are not helpful, they are so unfriendly and rude.

“I thought I had made friends in Croydon, but when I ask them for money they don’t give me it, so I know they can’t be my friends.”


He now receives £32 a week in vouchers from Croydon Council to buy food with while he awaits deportation.

Unsatisfied at this, he griped: “Croydon Council only gives me food vouchers, they won’t give me cash. I want the money.

“I have nothing to buy new clothes with, I have to go to a refugee centre. But if there’s not anything nice there, you leave with nothing.

“I want the council to give me a bigger flat and money instead of vouchers.”

Mr Tabet suffers from diabetes, a retina disease and kidney failure and believes he should be allowed to stay in the country so he can continue to get free NHS care.

He said: “The Home Office said I could afford the medicine back home, but I can’t, I don’t have a job.”

I should probably refrain from commenting, since it’s impossible to gild this particular lily. Nevertheless…

What could make it clearer that the real problem with Western Civilization is not Islam?

Hat tip: HTP.

The Un-PC News from Europe

Europe NewsIf you want non-Multicultural, non-PC news about Europe, EuropeNews is the place to go.

Full disclosure: I know the people who run this site. Henrik Ræder Clausen is a Dane who writes for EuropeNews in English; I met him at the Brussels conference. Gates of Vienna readers will recognize him as “Henrik” from our comments.

EuropeNews also has a German-language section, news broken down by country, articles written by the editors, and links to major news stories. I noticed an article about Iran, a re-post of Fjordman from Global Politician, and a review of Paul Belien’s book.

Here’s a little tidbit by Henrik:
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An American friend of mine said:

Please don’t think worse of Americans because of the recent happenings at LGF.

Not to worry, I ain’t doing that. I find common Americans to be among the most sensible people anywhere. When possible, I try to correct anti-Americanism, which is a bit out of control.

Part of that is to go against specific mistakes made by the US government, which unfortunately count quite a few. A compounding problem is that you don’t have much of an option to get rid of bad governments fast — you always have to wait until the next election.

Enough Bush-bashing for now 🙂

Possibly the worst mistakes in recent history happened in the Balkans, where we in the west largely ended up supporting the wrong people, backed by massive smears from the press.

EuropeNews is definitely worth a stop if you want to find out what’s happening in the EU (and elsewhere).

Cool War — Warm War — Hot War

This is the latest in a series of essays from the British author Paul Weston.

Cool War — Warm War — Hot War
Part 1

by Paul Weston

If there is one issue on which the liberal/left and I can agree, it is that neither party wishes to see another war in Europe. My personal feeling is that the suicidal belief systems of the Western elites will not only lead to war, but — as an added bonus — also serve as a virtual blueprint on how to subsequently lose it. Such a paranoid outlook, of course, is not shared with those of the spiritually enlightened left.

They are more in tune with the European Union’s motto, “United In Diversity” which in truth is more a phrase of liberal wishful thinking than one grounded in reality. There are several groups of people who would testify to this, notably the Serbs, Croats and Muslims of ex-Yugoslavia, the non-Muslim Africans in the Sudan, the Jews of Israel and their dwindling remainder in the Middle East, the Tutsis and the Hutus, the Catholics and Protestants of Northern Ireland or even the Flemish and Walloon populations of Belgium itself — to name but a few.

Arbeit Macht FreiIn fact, it would be hard to find a phrase exhibiting such an awe-inspiring example of utter historical ignorance coupled with sinister Orwellian doublethink, save perhaps for “Arbeit Macht Frei”, the “welcome” sign above the gates of Auschwitz concentration camp.

It should never be forgotten that the Nazi party were the one-time allies of the Communists, those moral-free “egalitarians” whose present day ideological progeny now run the European Union on unelected soft totalitarian fiat, unashamed that their motto harks back to the sloganeering of genocidal regimes, and unaware, apparently, that they are setting the wheels in motion for future genocidal conflict.

What the liberal/left palpably fail to realise, is that not only must our present policy of “United In Diversity” — manifested as it is, in mass immigration and multicultural relativism — inevitably lead to war, but that we are already at war on many fronts, and we are losing all of them.

A full scale war between Islam and the West, should it materialise, will be the “Hot War” that must logically follow the “Cool” and “Warm” wars currently being waged in Europe specifically, and the West as a whole.

The cool war is carried out on a number of fronts and is made up of the culture/civilisation war; the political/propaganda war; the demographic/immigration war; the territorial war; the faith war and the knowledge war. The warm war is made up of terrorism, jihad, and the end game of total war, described by James Burnham in his book Suicide Of The West as: “Political control over acreage.”

The Culture / Civilisation War
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The culture/civilisation war has been ongoing for several decades, but appears to be reaching its peak in the attitude demonstrated not only by the vitriolic hatred shown toward the West by radical Islam, but also by the liberal elites of Western societies as well, who appear to perversely loathe their own people and their own culture.

On Sep 8 2001, the UN held a conference in Durban, under the heading: “The United Nations Conference Against Racism, Racial Intolerance And Xenophobia.” America, aware of the impending anti-Western hate mongering, declined to join them, but the best of the rest of the West were arrayed in force. America’s suspicion turned out to be remarkably prescient. The event turned into a hate fest.

The Cuban dictator Fidel Castro was introduced to rapturous applause as: “The leader of the most democratic country in the world” whilst Robert Mugabe, the altogether barmy President of Zimbabwe, taking a well-earned rest from the persecution of his white and black countrymen, was similarly cheered to the rafters in his denunciation of the white imperialist oppressor; his ovation only surpassed by that offered up for the Syrian Prime Minister’s denial of the Holocaust.

Britain’s Tony Blair, France’s Lionel Jospin, Canada’s Jean Chretien, and an aesthetically displeasing assortment of Europe’s great and good, beat their collective breasts in time with the rhythmic thudding of the anti-racist bongo drums, offering no counter-arguments such as the ethnic cleansing of whites from Zimbabwe, or the imprisoning of AIDS victims in the Cuban “socialist paradise,” choosing instead to raise their soft, bruised hands aloft and proclaim “Yes, you are correct. We are white, we are Western and we are GUILTY!

The UN’s Mary Robinson declared the event a great success. The oppressors and the oppressed packed their bags, paused briefly at the airport to exchange a little more brown hatred for white guilt, and went home. Forty-eight hours later, Muslim terrorists flew three hijacked aircraft into the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, thus ensuring celebrations all over the non-Western world, indeed even within the West itself, where Muslims danced in the streets and liberal Western intellectuals crowed that America had finally been given the bloody nose she so manifestly deserved.

WTC on 9-11No doubt those noted anti-racists, Mugabe and Castro, danced until dawn, such vitriol and hatred for the first world from the third being nothing new. But even with 9/11 on top of the obscene appeasement in Durban, our liberal elites still refused to admit to themselves that their culture was any better than that of Islam’s. Nothing personifies this more than the controversy caused by the remarks made by (the then) Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, who, in the wake of the 9/11 Islamic terrorist outrages, stated:

“We must be aware of the superiority of our civilisation, a system that has guaranteed well-being, respect for human rights, and — in contrast with Islamic countries — respect for religious and political rights.”

Such a statement, at such a time, should not have been controversial. After all, how could Western Civilisation possibly be held as the moral and cultural equivalent of Islam — a religious and political ideology that orchestrated and celebrated the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent men, women and children in the name of Allah?

But controversial it turned out to be. No sooner had the words left his lips than a bevy of European politicians rushed to denounce his heresy. Belgian Prime Minister, Guy Verhofstadt, said: “I can hardly believe that the Italian Prime Minister made such statements!” whilst Jean Christophe-Filori, the spokesman for the European Commission, added: “We certainly don’t share the view expressed by Mr. Berlusconi,” and to round off a positively surreal day of reality denial and anti-Western loathing, Italy’s centre left opposition spokesman, Giovanni Berlinguer, called the statement “eccentric and dangerous.” Faced with such an onslaught, Berlusconi was forced to retract his factually correct statement within a matter of days.

Such anti-Western sentiment is no longer merely confined to the mindset of our ruling elites. By successfully infiltrating the educational establishments, the liberal/left have captured the most important section of society that any wannabe totalitarian regime could wish for; the unformed minds of unquestioning small children, upon whom they could indoctrinate and brainwash to their hearts content.

The liberal/left culture war in our schools and universities has been carried out over at least four decades, and has been extraordinarily successful. Targeting children as young as three in order to “unlearn” racism, young Westerners have been persuaded that their history is one of national imperialism, Christian imperialism, white privilege, oppression, genocide and racial brutality. They have been brainwashed into believing that their country, race, religion, culture and history — or more succinctly, the very essence of their being — is not something to be proud of, but something to be ashamed of.

This is a powerful and potentially lethal form of disarmament. Wars have always been fought over four basic impulses: the acquisition of territory, the subjugation of a race or tribe, the subjugation of a religion and the subjugation of a culture. If young Westerners are as ashamed — as they say they are — of their country, race, religion, culture and history, then they will not be particularly keen to even verbally defend them, as is the case today, let alone to fight and die for them. As, no doubt, was the intention.

Palestinian childrenSome may say the removal of reasons to fight can only be a good thing, that it will lead to peace and prosperity for all men, for all time. But multiculturalism does not work that way. Whilst we are shamed into perpetual appeasement, the non-European and non-Christian groups within the West are taught the exact opposite. Their cultures and their religions are held up as paragons of virtue, they are taught to think and act as distinct racial or religious groups, whilst being encouraged to believe that any difference in civilisational success between their culture and Western culture is due solely to their historical and present day oppression by the prejudiced West.

As wars are traditionally fought by males, so another vital part of the culture war is to remove the natural aggression prevalent amongst boys and adolescents. To this end, young Western males are encouraged — nee forced — to lay down their toy guns, end their games of cowboys and Indians, cease taking part in competitive sport with its inevitable winners and losers, and instead to play with dolls, get in touch with their “inner selves,” develop their “self esteem” through the “medium of dance” and to express their “emotions” in “empathy workshops.”

Christina Hoff Sommers details this obscenely sexist social engineering in The War Against Boys, where she writes:

There are now conferences, workshops and institutes dedicated to transforming boys. Carol Gilligan, professor of gender studies at Harvard Graduate School of Education, writes of the problems of boy’s masculinity. “We’ve deconstructed the old version of manhood, but we’ve not yet constructed a new version…” In the spring of 2000 the boys’ project at Tufts offered five workshops on “Reinventing Boyhood” where the planners promised emotionally exciting sessions: “We’ll laugh and cry, argue and agree, reclaim and sustain the best parts of the culture of boys, whilst figuring out how to change the terrible parts.

Christina goes on to quote the words of “gender experts” at a meeting made up of feminists from Harvard, Wellesley and Tufts:

“It may be too late to change adult men. Boys on the other hand are still salvageable — providing one gets to them at an early age.” As one keynote speaker said, “We have an amazing opportunity here, Kids are so malleable.”

Gloria Steinem is of the same opinion, once saying: “We badly need to raise boys more like we raise girls.”

This evil social engineering is now par for the course in the West — but it gets worse. When little boys rebel against this warped ideology of enforced feminisation, they are diagnosed with various psychiatric disorders and “ritalinned” to the eyeballs in an attempt to chemically achieve what brainwashing could not. In Britain, some 60,000 children, principally of course boys, now suffer this abuse.

Francis Fukuyama’s The End of History and the Last Man is not usually known for the last man part of the title, but I think he was implying the last man to be the last “alpha male,” that patriarchal upholder of masculinity so despised by the perverse Marxist mindset that now controls our educational establishments. Whenever a potential alpha male rears his patriarchal little head, our quasi-Marxist educators reach for their psychoanalytical Rolodex and the keys to the drug cabinet.

This does not happen within the Muslim faith schools, the madrassahs and the mosques, where masculinity is pushed to the other extreme. Whilst little Western boys learn about the merits of femininity, and become, as Ann Coulter so wonderfully puts it — “girly men” — little Muslim boys learn about male dominance, violent jihad and the superiority of Islam over the infidel kuffar.

Palestinian militiaAs the little Muslim boys grow into adolescence, there are any number of mosques they can attend to further reinforce their ideology. It is no longer a secret that many of the 2,000 mosques across Europe are funded to the tune of 90 billion dollars by Saudi Arabia, that they promote extreme Saudi Wahhabism and actively encourage violent jihad against the West.

If the entire world was full of feminised men then perhaps we could, as the liberal/left persistently shrill, “give peace a chance,“ but in a continent of Western girly men and masculine Muslim Jihadists, it is obvious who has the upper hand. As feminists (male and female) continue with their social engineering of Western boys, whilst refusing to condemn the inculcated aggression of Muslim boys, one is led to conclude that this is not simply a case of typical short-sighted liberal stupidity, but a deliberate attempt to further negate the ability of Western males to recognise the threat before them, let alone stand toe to toe with the enemy.

One peculiar aspect along with the feminisation of boys is the concurrent “masculinisation” of girls and young women, who are no longer encouraged to become housewives and mothers. Instead, they are brainwashed into dressing in men’s clothes, entering the work place and embarking on careers; the proceeds from which should be spent on the latest “must have” baubles and trinkets so beloved of both magpies and women’s’ lifestyle magazines.

A little harsh, a little sexist some might say, but it is important that is said nonetheless. Western women have put careers before children, and as a result — for the first time in the history of womankind — we are no longer replacing ourselves. If we did this for long enough we would become extinct, leading one to believe, quite naturally, that such a deviation is unnatural. Masculinised women, as well as feminised men, have become denatured.

Does this denaturing of the Western people matter? Well, yes it does; it is of supreme importance. The driving force of all living organisms is reproduction and survival. Western women have ceased to reproduce at a replacement level, thereby giving the hard left just the excuse they needed to foment revolutionary change in the Christian, capitalist West — which they eagerly carry out via the importation of inalienably alien third world immigrants with a history of anti-Western aggression.

Whilst Western women have forgotten nature’s law of reproduction; Western men — brainwashed into dhimmitude and unable to comprehend invasion when they see it — have similarly forgotten what it takes to survive. If one asked an anthropologist the likely future for a species that spurned nature’s most fundamental requirement, he would answer with one word — extinction.

If the coming war was fought only by the products of our liberal establishment, then look out Vienna. Feminised men will find the singing of Beatles peace songs whilst performing androgynous dance moves singularly ineffective as a defence mechanism when confronted with scimitar wielding bearded fanatics. When our backs are to the wall, the feminists will look to the currently smeared alpha male types — if there are any left — for their defence.

And they had better hope that there are. Feminists have little appreciation of the “spoils of war” mentality Should Europe fall to Islam, the peculiar feminist theory that ALL penetrative sex is rape, would suddenly become not just a hazy memory, but a longed-for return to the good old bad old days, when Western men were still men and it was just the desert roaming camels looking nervously over their humps with an air of doleful resignation.

It is no bad thing to remove the impulse for war from the minds of Western man, but to do so whilst actively encouraging mass immigration from the third world and to simultaneously inflame their tribalism and resentment, smacks not simply of double standards, but the deliberate importation of one increasingly radicalised group at the expense of an indigenous population, brainwashed into appeasement.

What would have been obvious to previous generations of men, those who lived through or shortly after WWII, is no longer obvious to the brainwashed and feminised Western male. The inhabitants of European nation states have allowed an utterly alien culture to cross their territorial border, dismantle their culture, colonise their cities, rape their women, and blow their citizens up; all the while calling for the overthrow of the West. If European males think this is something to “celebrate” as liberal/left orthodoxy would imply, then we are in terrible trouble. Perhaps if I shout it loudly enough, they may hear me:

“You are not engaging in some mutual act of multicultural tolerance. Your country is being invaded!”

As a final note: what should be all too apparent is that the civilisational war against the West is not carried out by external forces, but by our own rulers, against their own people. This is of course, wholly unprecedented in the history of mankind.

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To be continued.

I have only covered one small aspect of the assault, both from without and within, against the West. This may yet run to three or four articles.

Aging into Extinction

Watch out for elderly peopleAfter the Brussels conference last month I took four days off and went to visit my old stomping grounds in the north of England. The part of England where I used to live — the Yorkshire Dales — is many miles away from the post-industrial slums and crime-ridden behavioral sinks described so effectively by Theodore Dalrymple. The area has changed in the last forty years, but it’s still recognizably the old Yorkshire I knew.

And it’s also older. As people reach retirement age they leave the cities and inner suburbs and move to places like Ripon, Knaresborough, and Thirsk. Life there is pleasant and civilized, with a low crime rate, plenty of amenities, and only a few immigrants here and there. I can see why people migrate there; it’s a delightful place.

The preponderance of retired people was evident in all the small towns I visited. Sometimes it seemed that the only children I saw were visiting there as tourists with their parents.

The demography of Britain, like everywhere else in the West, is graying. To add to the trend, the rate of emigration is accelerating even as the influx of new Third World immigrants reaches record highs.

According to The Daily Mail:

Half a million foreigners came to live and work in Britain last year as immigration hit new records, official figures showed.

Nearly a quarter of a million said they came for jobs and more than 150,000 more arrived as students.

At the same time, an unprecedented total of more than 200,000 Britons left to live abroad.

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The breakdown from the Government’s Office for National Statistics shows that the number of foreigners coming to live in Britain went up by nearly ten per cent in a year.

Fewer than one in five were from Eastern European countries. They were outnumbered by migrants from Commonwealth countries in the Indian sub-continent and Africa.

Most new arrivals were heading for London and the South East.

The unprecedented wave of foreign citizens came as a record number of British people joined the exodus for new lives elsewhere. For the first time ever, more than 200,000 British citizens left the country in a single year. Some 207,000 turned their backs on the UK, more than half the total of 400,000 people heading overseas.

Most of the Britons went to Australia, New Zealand, France, Spain or the U.S.


Including returning Britons, 591,000 people came to live in this country last year. The figure for net immigration — the number who arrived minus the number who left — showed the population swelling by 191,000. Overall, there was a gain of 316,000 foreign citizens and a loss of 126,000 Britons.

The departing natives are likely to be the most skilled and ambitious Britons, people in their prime who want to escape confiscatory taxation, crime, and the barriers to entrepreneurship that are the common characteristics of mature European socialism.

When they go, they leave behind a large cohort of lower middle class uneducated and unsocialized young men with no marketable skills and an indifference to the law, not to mention the immigrants and their descendants, most of them Muslims.

If there was ever a recipe for serious social trouble, this is it. Things can’t continue as they are — everybody knows that. It’s only a question of when the camel’s back will finally break. Given the accelerating trends, it could be sooner rather than later.

And it’s not just Britain. According to The Local, Sweden set a new record last year by taking in 95,750 immigrants, while persons of Swedish background are departing in record numbers.

So ethnic Europeans, the dreaded white hegemons, are voluntarily declining into oblivion. While they do, the overwhelmingly Muslim immigrants brought in under the Eurabian project are reproducing rapidly even as more and more of their compatriots arrive.

Here’s a report from LifeSite on the demographic trend in Germany:

Expected that one third of all European children will be born to Muslim families by 2025

By Gudrun Schultz

Germany’s downward spiral in population is no longer reversible, the country’s federal statistics office said Tuesday. The birthrate has dropped so low that immigration numbers cannot compensate.

The fall in the population can no longer be stopped,” vice-president Walter Rademacher with the Federal Statistics Office said, reported Agence France-Presse.

Germany has the lowest birthrate in Europe, with an average of 1.36 children per woman. Despite government incentives to encourage larger families, the population is dropping rapidly and that trend will continue, with an expected loss of as much as 12 million by 2050. That would mean about a 15 percent drop from the country’s current population of 82.4 million, the German news source Deutsche Welle reported today.

[ … ]

Germany has one of the largest populations of Muslim immigrants in Western Europe, with a Muslim community of over 3 million. That trend is expected to continue, leading some demographic trend-watchers to warn that the country is well on the way to becoming a Muslim state by 2050, Deutsche Welle reported.

The Brussels Journal reported last month that one third of all European children will be born to Muslim families by 2025. There are an estimated 50 million Muslims living in Europe today—that number is expected to double over the next twenty years.

The population losses faced by Germany reflect a trend occurring across Europe—The European Union’s statistics agency Eurostat has predicted an overall drop in Europe’s population of 7 million people by 2050.

The demographic decline coincides with a dramatic drop in Christian religious belief and a consequent rejection of Christian morality and emphasis on the benefits of family life and children.

While I was reading articles and collecting material for this post, the title of a Robert Heinlein novel kept running through my head: If This Goes On —

I wasn’t sure why, since it had been more than forty years since I last read the book. But it made sense once I did an internet search and found a synopsis of the plot:

John Lyle, Legate and Angel of the Lord, a member of the elite corps that guards the holy person of the Prophet Incarnate, has a sickness in his soul: he finds life at the Palace, capital of the former United States, disillusioning. While standing guard on a parapet one night, he meets Sister Judith — a fresh-caught Virgin, nervous about her coming service to the Prophet…

And to make the story even more interesting, there’s this:

The Cabal, an underground resistance group, or consortium of groups led by Freemasons and committed to restoring secular, democratic government to the United States.


If this goes on…

Hat tips: Jens, Fjordman, and TB.

And the Banned Played On

The excommunication of the AlbigensiansIt’s been mentioned frequently in the last several weeks that the huddled masses who were excommunicated from Little Green Footballs and Hot Air needed a place to go, and as a result they’re showing up in the comments here and at Jihad Watch.

Gates of Vienna, of course, welcomes all the wretched refuse when it arrives here. We’re proud to be the Ellis Island for the homeless and tempest-toss’d refugees from the tyrannical Ancien Régime of the right-wing blogosphere.

The funny thing is this: our traffic hasn’t risen much, if any, since all the uproar started. That makes me conclude that our new commenters are former lurkers who have only now joined the conversation.

Welcome, ex-lizardoid lurkers!

Almost all of the new arrivals are contributing thoughtful and substantive remarks, and have given added value to our comment threads. That prompts the question: What the heck did they get banned for in the Old Country?
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Whatever it is, it’s not bothering us here. They seem to be aware of the GoV ground rules — comments must be civil, temperate, on-topic, and show decorum (details here) — and they don’t mind adhering to them. I don’t always agree with every commenter, but they make their points with reasonableness and verve, which is all one could ask for.

We’ve always hoped for serious and substantive discussion here, and we’ve been fortunate so far — very few trolls, hardly any flame wars, and a wealth of interesting information supplied by people from all over the world.


I have two questions for our refugees, if they care to answer them:

1.   What got you banned back where you came from?
2.   Are you doing the same naughty things here?

I look forward to the answers in the comments; they’re bound to be entertaining reading.

Through a Glass Darkly

We often make quick judgments, based on what we think we know, only to discover later that our brilliant insight may have been wrong. In fact, not only wrong, but unkind and — in the long run — harmful.

Thus, the story in The Daily Mail. A story about someone we thought we knew, someone we made into an iconic symbol of all that we hate and fear since 9/11.

Islamic Rage Boy He’s a poster boy for islamic terrorism, right? He hates, and it shows on his face. But what is behind that façade? I’ll bet that like me, you thought you knew his story, or at least it’s general outlines.

If so, then like me also, you are guilty of the rush to judgment of another human being… guilty of indulging the need for a scapegoat who can carry our fears, if only in his image.

Yes, Rage Boy. That funny, strange face that I called “the missing link.” Mea culpa. That others have used to make money by putting his image on coffee cups and bumper stickers and underwear. Mea maxima culpa.

I don’t know if this reporter’s story is true or not. However, he travelled all the way to Kashmir to examine the life of Rage Boy and to draw his own conclusions. But first he sets the stage with our pre-determined ideas about this man:

Islamist extremism is rarely out of the news these days. It showed its most inhuman side last week when a Taliban suicide bomber killed politicians and a group of schoolgirls in an attack in Afghanistan.

In Pakistan, former prime minister Benazir Bhutto said the bomb that blew up her homecoming convoy, killing 140 people, may have been strapped to a child dressed in her party colours who was handed up to her vehicle moments before the blast.

[… ]

Islamist terrorism — the reason given by General Musharraf for declaring martial law in Pakistan last weekend — has spread its tentacles wide, leaving people and governments frightened about how best to respond.

If anyone embodies the violent potency of this threat, it is Islamic Rage Boy. Over the past few months he has become as much of a hate figure as Bin Laden.

Journalist Christopher Hitchens calls him a “religious nut bag” full of “yells and gibberings”, and says that he refuses to live his own life “at the pleasure of Rage Boy”.

On Jihad Watch… ‘The Goobs’ writes: “Can you IMAGINE how nasty it would smell standing next to this nutter? Whatcha wanna bet he hasn’t ever owned a can of Right Guard?”

‘Johndoe’ thinks “Rage Boy will never rise from the madness that enslaves him. Never. He is past the point of no return — irredeemable like millions of his fellow psychotics.”

And then there is the summation of Rage Boy by Real Clear Politics last June, comparing the ugliness of his open mouth to the ethereal beauty of an unknown British man’s mouth, fully opened to sing an aria from Puccini. The author (as I did) already knows who Rage Boy is, and what he is thinking. We both know this even though we don’t even know his name:

In Rage Boy’s world, anything or any person perceived to undermine his fragile sense of self is justification for someone to incite a riot, or to wear a bomb to market, or even to fly an airplane into a building. The fact that Rage Boy is obviously an actor sent out to hype outrage at these orchestrated events only confirms the cynicism that underpins jihad’s moral bankruptcy. Rage Boy is nihilism unleashed.

But are those summations of Rage Boy his actual truth? Patrick French went to Kashmir to find out.
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He hadn’t been to Kashmir since his exotic travels as a teenaged backpacker. Back then, as he says, it was full of “hippies and tourists”, but they are long gone. The beauty of the place remains, but the airport is anything but welcoming:

… since the start of the anti-Indian insurgency in the late Eighties, it has become a place of bloodshed. When India became independent and Pakistan was created in 1947, the Kashmir valley became a part of India despite having a large Muslim majority — a decision that was to have fatal historical reverberations.

Arriving at Srinagar airport, I got a taste of what was to come: sand-bags, fortified arches draped with camouflage netting, pill-box bunkers, armoured vehicles with gun barrels poking out of their turrets, roads lined with razor wire. Indian paramilitary police in helmets and metal breastplates manned frequent checkpoints.

I soon realised that my mobile phone was not working: all foreign phones are jammed as a security measure.

Mr. French, with the aid of a local reporter, made his way to what his guide called ‘the Gaza Strip of Kashmir’:

We went to Malik Angan, a poor area that the security forces monitor closely, though they risk being shot at or stoned.

As we arrived, paramilitary policemen were searching a cloth vendor, making him dismantle his cart.

This is the place where Rage Boy lives and moves and has his being. This is the place where he even has a name and a history beyond what we have allotted for him. Mr. French arrives at the house where this man resides, and climbs the wooden steps to the third floor and comes face to face with this icon:

There, standing in an empty room, dressed in a salwar kameez and zip-up cardigan, with crooked teeth and a quizzical look on his face, was Islamic Rage Boy.

His name? Shakeel Ahmad Bhat. His age? Twenty-nine. His occupation? “Failed militant.”

During the following two days, Mr French sat on the floor of the home Shakeel Ahmad Bhat shares with his mother. Through an interpreter, he listens to this man’s life story, while part of him — the observing reporter — asks himself if this is the truth. He decides finally on the simplest answer –

His story was not what I had expected and showed the personal torment of life in a society that has gone wrong. Although it is hard to prove the authenticity of his story, given my knowledge of Kashmiri political history over the past 20 years, everything he told me sounded plausible: after all, what reason would he have to lie?

Indeed. As you read the details, you realize that he’s probably not capable of lying now; perhaps he never was.

Rage Boy — I mean, Shakeel — is from a Sufi family. He says his father brought him to mosques and told him two rules: don’t be greedy and help to spread Islam peacefully.

In this country Shakeel would have been designated as “learning disabled.” Even beatings at school did not make him literate, so at the age of ten he was permitted to stay home. By the age of thirteen, he’d been recruited as a “militant” to fight Indian troops. His recruitment came about through a family member:

While searching for militants, police raided Shakeel’s home and threw his 18-year-old sister Shareefa out of an upstairs window. She broke her spine and died from her injuries four years later.

So much for his father’s admonition about being peaceful. Shakeel joined other boys headed to Pakistan for training. He was so small, he was often carried on the shoulders of the bigger boys as they traveled over the mountains to Muzaffarabad and the training camp run by the Pakistani army — along with the help of the Al-Umar Mujahideen. Then, dressed up in his AK-47, Shakeel made his way home. He would drive the Indian army away from Srinagar:

“I thought Kashmir should have the right to self-determination… ”

[… ]

Shakeel was not a very good militant. When I asked him how many people he had killed, he looked embarrassed.

“I gave scares but I never killed anyone,” he said. “I couldn’t. I never hurled a grenade in a public place.”

His greatest achievement was opening fire on the cavalcade of a visiting Indian government minister.

Even when his team caught a police informant, Shakeel called for him to be set free. “I thought I would set an example. Forgiveness is better than killing.”

In 1994, when he was 16, he was arrested and taken to a military barracks. Of the 20 boys and young men who had crossed the border to Pakistan with him, only eight were still alive.

Once detained, his story of torture is familiar, so numbingly routine has it become (for us, at least, who are the armchair readers).

  • He was stripped naked, watered down, and treated to electric shocks.
  • A nail was pushed through his jaw. He still has the scar thirteen years later.
  • They pushed his head under water, to simulate drowning (was this ever done to you as a kid by the “big boys”? It feels as though you will die… which is the point, I presume)
  • His right arm was so badly injured that he is unable to lift anything.
  • Even after they let him go, they still kept watch. Once they visited his home and since Shakeel wasn’t available, they beat his grandfather instead. The old man’s leg was broken and he spent his remaining years bed-ridden.

Because of his injuries Shakeel doesn’t work; his brothers support him.

Mr. French reports that Shakeel says he feels like he’s a hundred and ten years-old. That is a common feeling for PTSD victims. One of the more common results (the “sequelae” as the experts would say) of post-traumatic stress disorder is that feeling of being old and fragile, even if you’re only ten.

As I read of his illiteracy and injuries and very limited life, I wondered how this man had managed to become an icon all the way across the world:

Shakeel’s understanding of the world is limited by his inability to read or write. He likes going to demonstrations and has an ambition to start a political party.

“But not to be the puppet of Pakistan or India,” he insisted.

He sometimes watches Al Jazeera English on television and although he cannot comprehend much of what is said, he told me he can work out what is going on from the images on screen and from what his brothers have told him.

If something upsets him, he organises a demonstration.

He seems to be quite an idealist.

He has demonstrated against the Pope’s comments about Islam, against the sexual exploitation of Kashmiri girls, against police violence and ‘encounter’ killings and against the honouring of Rushdie. Why did he object to Rushdie being knighted?

“He has a reputation for Muslim-bashing,” he said solemnly. “Why is the London government encouraging someone who does these things?”

Does this seem contrived? It might have to me, had it not been for The Man on Route 29. This is a divided north/south highway that makes its way from Florida through Atlanta and edging east to Washington, D.C. before it ends in Maryland. Along parts of the way it is named “The Seminole Trail.” There are lots of stories about the origins of its name, but as you travel it, you can see why it made such a good Indian trail.

For many years, to the west of us, as the Seminole Trail cuts through Nelson County, an old man used to stand in the median strip — or sit in his folding chair — during the daylight hours. He spent all his time waving to the passing cars. People who used the road everyday got used to him and waved back.

The Waving Man was a fixture for years. When he was forcibly removed by his sister, who found his behavior embarrassing, a petition was begun to bring him back to the spot he called “my church.” I haven’t been there in years, so I don’t know if he succeeded. But his mission reminds me of Shakeel’s. Sometimes your vocation just doesn’t have to be very complicated:

When the Islamic Rage Boy phenomenon took off and Shakeel had his face reproduced all over the world, the local police got worried and brought him in for questioning.

“They had photocopies from the internet which they showed to me.”

They told Shakeel to stop going on demonstrations but he refused.

He says he was brought before one of Srinagar’s most senior police officers, who offered him an administrative job in the government, and said he would find him a girl to marry. I believe him — Indian authorities have a habit of trying to rehabilitate militants who are no longer an obvious threat.

“They said they would drop all the cases against me if I quit going to demos.” He refused.

Just because he is simple, doesn’t mean he isn’t as complex as the rest of us. Mr. French asked him what he would most like. The answer is surprising: to marry a non-Muslim woman and convert her, thereby earning his way into Heaven. Mr. French remarked that there might be suitable candidates in Britain.

Even though he is poor and illiterate, he has folders of his images that people have printed out for him. Some of the work hurts his feelings:

Shakeel leafed through the pages: Islamic Rage Boy on clothes, being force-fed a pork chop, as a vampire, as a beer bottle, as a woman in a bikini, as ‘Jihady Idol’, as ‘Adolf Mohammed Rage Boy’, distended and jabbing his finger at a photographer above a quote from Christopher Hitchens: “It’s impossible to satisfy Rage Boy and his ilk. It’s stupid to try.”

One picture showed what looked like an American preacher holding a microphone while wearing a Rage Boy baseball cap. Shakeel stopped on an image of his face superimposed on a pig.

He looked profoundly shocked and upset by this picture…

“I surely get hurt when I see these pictures,” he said. “This is terrorism for me. The people who do this are showing their own culture, so why do they tell us that we are uncivilised?’

Mr. French calls Shakeel “an eccentric” but finds him more representative of Muslim anger than those who follow the hijacked Osama bin Laden synthetic version.

While I agree with Mr. French about this man — limited by poverty and a victim of Indian-Pakistani politics — we still must return to the dangers of the synthetics that the Salafists and Wahhabists would impose on us.

Those British-trained Muslim physicians who had their own terror cell do not inhabit the same spiritual universe as Shakeel or Mister Waving Man. And unlike his ineffectual dreams of world peace, they strive for world domination.

The problem for the rest of the world is how to tell the two apart. We want to simplify it: poverty, lack of education, marginalization — all the politically correct visions of The Problem of the 21st Century.

But the poor ones demonstrate and dance in the streets. And the educated, assimilated Muslims go about their daily lives just like the rest of us. It is that tertium quid — that third version — which seeks to destroy us. These are the educated, angry, and essentially envious ones who hate us simply because of their doctrine, a doctrine born of envy and hatred for a culture that came even and then passed them, hundreds of years ago.

There is nothing more dangerous than projected hatred and envy. But there are not enough bombs in the universe to eradicate the feelings of humiliation these killers carry. And like a virus, their hatred and envy spread to infect their fellow Muslims.

In fact, these Evil Ones are indifferent to the fate of their brethren. Does it bother Iran that any bombs aimed at Israel will kill many, if not most, of the neighboring Palestinians? Not at all. Palestinians are simply collateral damage waiting to be blown up, and they know it. Perhaps this knowledge fuels their hatred, too. Meanwhile, as we search for a path past this dilemma, it is helpful to remember that the story is seldom as simple as we paint it.

Rage Boy is more than the sum of our fears.

The Author of “Culturism” Replies to Our Readers

Hello all,

John Press, the author of the book Culturism, here.

It is hard to answer all of the comments here. More information can be found at the website. But…

Doctor, it might make you a culturist. (no “al”)

Aeneas, freedom of speech is one of our values, so I understand your concern. But allowing public airwaves to push drugs and violence shows we do not have any values. In the age of the internet, not allowing crude antisocial behavior on the few public channels would not stop free speech. It would say that someone cares.

Conservative Swede, the real emergency to self-government is Islamic fascism. That said, self-government involves the ability for communities to make collective decisions. The Constitution does and should prevent abuses. But individual rights have now cancelled out self-government. No one can have any tradition if one individual is threatened. Individual rights enforced by the court need to consider the health of the culture that supports them – cultural rights.

Locomotive Breath, I can’t get to all your comments. But, thanks for the input and…
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the big way to decide which cultural beliefs we should have comes from our traditions. As the anthropology chapter in Culturism shows and weekly terrorism demonstrates, diversity includes some very broad behaviors. We should not allow people that believe in tribal warfare, violence, jihad, female genital mutilation, gang rape, etc in here. Those things may be fine elsewhere in the world, but they run counter to our broad traditions and sustainability. If we go, rights will exist nowhere.

Number four was asked by someone else. When we give no moral guidelines or guidance in our schools, when the only values we support are tolerance, we should not be surprised when macho, violent, sexist, gangs result. Mankind, without guidance, may not be lovely. We need to teach not to fight, take our Western traditions for granted, respect teachers, learning, etc., Heavy teen pregnancy is another thing we can expect if we are not willing to discourage such behavior. That means culturism, not having no values under the multicultural guise of tolerance.

Mrgennoiz, as I said, I do think self-government is undermined by courts enforcement of individual’s protection against any discomfort…

Lucille, I try hard to define our culture under the chapter “Western culture.” It is easier when contrasted with Aztecs and Islam. But our culture is progressive and so is much harder to nail down than many. But I have not tried nailing jello so cannot say for sure about that : ) Also, see above on number four.

OMMAG, not sure who should think about the questions. They are, for sure, just a teaser to get people thinking. The hope is that, as Doctor, people might consider identifying as culturists. The hope that this will disarm those who sneak out of conversations by calling everyone racists. It also provides an antidote to the mindless acceptance of multiculturalism.

Many more details are at the website.

Thanks to Dymphna and all and to all a good night!!