Seeing Things — Good War vs. Bad Peace?

One of the unfortunate results of my trip to Brussels was that I caught a European cold. Like all other EU productions, this disease has proved to be powerful and effective, and still has me under the weather ten days after the first symptoms set in. It has made it difficult to do my regular job, and raising my fingers to the keyboard to create blog posts has become a Sisyphean task.

Fortunately for me, Mr Smith, who blogs at Mr Smith’s Refusal, has stepped in to cross-post the excellent essay that follows. It’s the latest in his occasional Seeing Things series.

Note: Mr Smith’s opinions are his own, and do not necessarily reflect those of Gates of Vienna.

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Seeing Things — Good War vs. Bad Peace?
by Mr Smith

I was reading this piece at the excellent Brussels Journal (which I will have to add to the blogroll) and had a little thought when I read the following passage:

No to the EUSSR!Fjordman once wrote that the European elites have traded international warfare for civil war at home. The European peoples will not subject themselves to socialist Eurabia indefinitely. The people, betrayed by the actions of their own leadership caste, now find themselves culturally impaired, disarmed, overtaxed, gradually losing their civil liberties, tied-up-and-muzzled in the face of an unending stream of vile abuse, violence, petty crime, ingratitude, insensitivity, and exploitation by tens of millions of Third-World foreigners who should never have been allowed to settle in Europe in the first place.

They will not be satisfied with sullen submission for much longer. Looking in vain for leaders, for political parties that have the courage to state that the Emperor’s new clothes are just tattered figments of utopian insanity, simple-minded people may fall for fringe neo-fascist leaders who, almost alone, seem to see what the townsmen on the street see.

It is the great luck of Europe’s priestly caste that parties like the Vlaams Belang, SVP and BNP exist, for they too see and speak the truth, and provide an alternative that the common folks can join instead of supporting fringe movements that may expound the truth in some ways but spout lunacy ( e.g. “the Jews did it”) in others. If civil wars and Hitler redux are to be avoided in Europe, it will only be because parties like Vlaams Belang have ascended to power and have given a voice and a vent to the suppressed aspirations and anger of many millions. So if Nazi skinheads applaud VB, therein lies the hope that violent sociopaths be transformed into content, enfranchised citizens. It’s no different from MoveOn crazy fringe lefties showing at the Democratic Party’s convention.”

The thought that occurred to me on reading this was, has Paul Weston considered writing on not if Civil War in Europe is inevitable, but if it might be desirable? Mr Weston writes of a possibly inevitable bloodbath on the soil of Europe which, in his words, would make WW2 ‘look like a bun fight’. But, looking at the situation, I begin to wonder if a European civil war would be that bloody, or if having a European civil war would really be so bad.

Let me explain my reasoning. Takuan Seiyo makes an excellent point that “if Nazi skinheads applaud VB, therein lies the hope that violent sociopaths be transformed into content, enfranchised citizens”. Well, I don’t know if Nazi skinheads are violent sociopaths or not, but I do know that JFK was on to something when he said that ‘those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable’. Certainly, there may be those who would say that the Islamification of Europe is a peaceful revolution, but such people would do better bouncing off padded walls than attempting to discuss such matters. Islam is and always has been a baleful, malignant foreign influence in relation to Europe, and a takeover by such a force would not be a revolution, but would be an invasion. In point of fact, it is an invasion.
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The problem is that the waters are muddied, and badly so. In a paragraph discussing the “the Western white elite’s endless preoccupation with racism and perceived xenophobia”, Takuan Seiyo makes reference to Charles Johnson (of LGF) making a ‘kneejerk overreaction’, presumably this is a reference to Johnson’s lambasting of the BNP in a recent post on LGF. LGF is not, of course, the only counter-jihad blog which runs against the BNP, and that’s the problem. Despite the plentiful evidence that multiculturalism is a failed abomination of a social science experiment, despite the massive evidence that the legacy and activity of the Frankfurt School’s Gramscian Marxism is destroying all Western nations from within, despite the fact that no mainstream political party will touch these issues with a bargepole, otherwise sensible people rant and rail against the BNP and similar parties. And why? Because of some perceived, alleged ‘racism’ or latent ‘fascism’.

There are many issues which could be discussed here, not least of which are the complete lack of definition of the terms ‘racist’ and ‘fascist’ in their contemporary usage, but that would detract too much from the main point here, so that will have to be ‘another story, for another time’. The key thing is that, for a transient (and utterly useless) false sense of moral superiority, even the people with their eyes open to the Islamic threat will jump up and down shouting ‘racist!’, ‘fascist!’ etc, etc, ad nauseam. As tiresome and puerile as this is, it also creates a deeper problem. It ensures that the only political parties with their nation’s best interests in mind will not be elected. For if even those awake to the Islamic threat won’t go to the booths for these parties, what chance that the populace at large will? No, the BNP, the Front National, Vlaams Belang, et al, are highly unlikely to be voted into power in the near future.

This is a massive problem. If the BNP, Front National, etc don’t ascend to power in the way Takuan Seiyo hopes for, then EUrabia is the inevitable consequence, and soon. Recent EU directives have called for millions more immigrants into Europe to make up for the declining native population (for some reason, providing incentives for the indigenous people to reproduce didn’t occur to anyone), and the increased drive for legislation to ‘promote tolerance’ is observable everywhere, from legislation against incitement to ‘homophobia’, to legislation against ‘incitement to religious hatred’ , to proposed legislation to force bloggers to pay taxes and need licenses for blogging . Not to mention existing abuses of legislation to arrest and convict a man of ‘racially motivated disorderly behaviour’ on the basis of no evidence whatsoever, with the only ‘witness’ of an offence alleged to have occurred in public telling the court “I could not swear to the words I did hear”. Whether one subscribes to the Eurabia hypothesis, as I do, or sees the unfurling events as merely the catastrophic and ‘unfortunate’ results of decades of governmental incompetence, there can be no doubt that massive changes are afoot in Europe and the UK. Should these changes succeed in their aims, Europe will be unrecognisable very, very soon.

I find Paul Weston’s view optimistic, myself. Recent events suggest, and suggest strongly, that the fighting spirit of the native European populace in Europe and the UK seems to have waned considerably since the War. How else can one explain the success of the immigrant rape wave of which Fjordman has written, or of the grooming of young girls in the north of England (by immigrant Moslems), or of the takeover of Malmö ? More importantly, how else to explain the fact that the natives have not grown restless to the extent that the locals have rioted? Klein Verzet reported on one such incident, but we all know that a single swallow does not a summer make.

If current trends continue, the completion of the EUrabia project could occur as soon as 2017, and then all is lost. Faced with such a prospect, we can see that if the BNP and co do not ascend to power very soon, they will not ascend at all. Who can say with honesty that they believe the EUSSR/EUrabian superstate which is being fashioned today would allow the existence of such parties in its politics when it is already, in its nascency, instituting and implementing Thought Crime legislation at every opportunity?

A Eurabian EUSSR superstate would bring ‘peace’, no doubt. There are those who justify the EUSSR programme as being a unison of nations against a Nazi resurgence. But the old question appears here: peace at what price? At the price of our nations, our ethnic identities, our cultures, our very souls? No. That is too high a price for too false a prize. I refuse it, and encourage any and all readers to do likewise. Against that evil ‘peace’, I would rather see a good war. Or at least a civil war that isn’t the institutional, condoned, and state-approved abominations of the EUSSR’s Eurabia Project.

One of two things must happen, and that soon, either there must be a victory by a BNP-like party, or there must be civil war. One of those two must occur before 2025, or Europe is lost forever, and the UK with it. (Any British readers who think that the Islamification of the continent will not affect the UK have not been paying attention and are consequently living in a fantasy) This would leave America alone, and if even half of them follow the line that they’d rather take the Moslems over the Europeans, then America won’t last very long either.

But fear and poverty of personality are powerful factors, and are likely to ensure that a BNP-like party will not achieve power in the short time they have left to do so. People would rather be liked than be right, after all, as Stanley Milgram accidentally demonstrated in his Obedience to Authority experiment. Lest we forget, today’s authority (for most) is whatever ersatz morality the mass media manages to persuade the masses to internalise, and chief among the topics for internalisation is a ‘kneejerk overreaction’ to anything with even the faintest hint of ‘racism’ or ‘fascism’, as described but never defined by the mass media and the politicos who control them.

Under such circumstances, I begin to think that civil war in Europe and the UK is something to hope for, rather than fear.

Takuan Seiyo writes that “for the Western white elite’s endless preoccupation with racism and perceived xenophobia, and its worship of tolerance as the supreme virtue is a deep psychosis …the psychosis leads to a denial of reality; even reality as solidly established through 80 years of statistical research as racial differences of mean IQs, body types, comparative advantages etc. And reality is a jealous mistress. Spurned, she will return to take her revenge ” and is right in this, but in my opinion is only beginning to scratch the surface in the expression of this truth.

The deeper reality is what these 80 years of statistical research reflect, that we are dealing here with races and ideologies separated by hundreds of years of different breeding, learning, and culture. The result is that the differing groups hail from backgrounds as different as if one group had come from Mars, another from Venus, and so on. But an illustrative example is in order. Readers will know from history (or perhaps personal memory) that for a while Germany (and her capital city, Berlin) was split into half, East and West, forming almost a microcosm of the Cold War being played out in the wider world. This split lasted about 40 years, if we take the division of Germany in 1949 as the start date and the formal reunification in 1990 as the end date, which is the blink of an eye in historical terms, yet even as recently as the early 2000s there were still distinct differences in attitudes between the ‘Ossies’ and ‘Wessies’. This is after only 40 years of division, and that within a nation which had been together, with itself, for several hundreds of years. Reunification has not been easy for Germany, and may well not yet be complete.

Contrast that with the EUSSR project to melt all identities down by forcing them into the same pot and you see the greatest attempt in history to wipe out as many races and cultures as possible, which will result in either abortion by way of democratic action (a BNP, Vlaams Belang etc victory) or, worse, catastrophic failure or, which is much, much worse, EUSSR success.

As discussed, a democratic resolution is unlikely, leaving us again with the two options of the EUSSR victory, or all-out civil war in Europe. Of the two, I prefer the latter. We must have, as Kipling said,

‘Freedom for ourselves, and for our sons
And failing freedom, war.’

Takuan Seiyo writes that “reality is a jealous mistress. Spurned, she will return to take her revenge ”, but I think Kipling said it best:

”As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return.”

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A point of slight disagreement with Mr Smith: the Front National is not opposed to Islam per se. The BNP may be a different story, but the FN is no ally of the Counterjihad, as far as I can tell.


27 thoughts on “Seeing Things — Good War vs. Bad Peace?

  1. Muslims understand submission, obviously (since that is what Islam translates to), so they are drawn to submitting or forcing submission. They cannot seem to bear the infinite possibilities that lie in between. The irony is that not forcing them to submit to your law and custom does not work for them, because that is what they understand and live by. So it is not a kindness to show respect for their vile ways.

  2. Although Mr. Smith wrote “peace” instead of peace, a EUSSR cannot and will not be able to sustain peace in Europe after the Muslim population reaches a critical mass even if there is no civil war and no nationalist party comes to power. Anarcho-tyranny will be unleashed against the native Europeans.

    Muslims and other assorted Third Worlders will commit more and more crimes against the native populace because the EUSSR elites will be powerless to stop them due to ideological reasons and fear of the immigrants. The elites will also clamp down any any natives who try to fight back decrying the fascist militarism that’s sweeping the country and if the present is any indicator all Muslim-on-European violence will simply not be reported or “contextualized” if the truth cannot be hidden.

    Also, I do not think Europeans have lost their fighting spirit and it has only waned due to the anti-racist indoctrination that the Europeans (especially Germans) had to endure. The reason why Swedish men are not outraged by the rape of their women by Muslims is because many are ignorant of this fact but even if they are aware of it, there are no proper channels to express their greivances. They may be trapped in a cultural Marxist bind, but they are still angry.

    These “fascist” parties are the only alternative. Charles of LGF must understand that if no mainstream parties address Muslim immigration then Europe might as well give up if they should not vote for the “fascists” out of some inverted morality that only white Europeans seem to follow. Terrorism is not the problem, neither is foreign policy, it is the Muslims in our midst. Shilling for Giuliani or Sarkozy (two of Charles’s favourite politicians) will not save Europe or America because they do not address the core issue, nor will they ever.

    Until Charles starts talking about immigration and the verboten “D” word, he cannot be considered a serious anti-jihadi. He can fight as many terrorists in as many foreign wars as he wants but that will only make America bankrupt. Killing millions of terrorists, forever I presume since there seems to be no dearth of volunteers in the madrassas, will not make CAIR go away, it will not stop the creeping dhimmitude, nor will it stop the undeserved rights that American Muslims enjoy under the Constitution.

    The Steynesque “keeping having babies” mantra and the Phillipsesque “defend your culture” mantra carry much weight with neocons but they serve no purpose because like most neocon ideas, they are abstractions with no concrete direction. Europe and America need pragmatic strategies in order to address this problem and that begins with immigration reform.

  3. “Contrast that with the EUSSR project to melt all identities down by forcing them into the same pot and you see the greatest attempt in history to wipe out as many races and cultures as possible, which will result in either abortion by way of democratic action (a BNP, Vlaams Belang etc victory) or, worse, catastrophic failure or, which is much, much worse, EUSSR success.”

    Folks, I think we’re looking at the devil here. We’re looking at his jealous rage against creation itself.

    I discussed this with a friend earlier today. He denied the problem existed. I said “too many people think they are going to magically avoid what has happened in the Balkans”. But then I corrected myself before he could object: “The Balkanisation has already happened in our minds for the arguments we have are already long running, bitter, and lethal.”

  4. …. if Nazi skinheads applaud VB, therein lies the hope that violent sociopaths be transformed into content, enfranchised citizens. It’s no different from MoveOn crazy fringe lefties showing at the Democratic Party’s convention.”

    But the fringies take over the Democratic party and make it dance to their tune, which is what the neo-Nazis are going to do to your movement. They will transform you, not the other way around.

  5. yehudit–

    From your comment to G-d’s eyes. It is good that Geo Soros and his Moveons shred the Dem party. It hasn’t had a new idea since Moynihan resigned.

    Let them stay nailed to the floor by the movies. Better for the rest of us.

  6. One of two things must happen, and that soon, either there must be a victory by a BNP-like party, or there must be civil war.

    There will be neither. Equality, Tolerance and Diversity are not merely values forced upon the populace by the elites, they are largely shared by common white ex-Christian Europeans themselves. We are not dealing here with a political opinion, but a religion – a creed that has replaced Christianity.

    There will be no civil war or new rise of Fascism in Europe, just a gradual and relatively peaceful takeover by the immigrants. And because of their new religion, Europeans won’t feel bad about it. They see the death of their culture as a holy sacrifice, a redeeming rite of purification.

  7. There is, of course, another possibility which is a military coup in one or more European countries. Britain doesn’t have a history of such interventions, which makes the recent comments by a serving general that the British Army might be better placed back home – rather than in Iraq -to
    fight the enemy all the more remarkable. And encouraging.

    This is no doubt the reason that NuLabour has said it wants to see at least 15% of the British Armed Forces made up of Muslims.

    The counterjihad movement really needs to concentrate on forging stronger links with both veterans’ groups and serving military personnel.

  8. I’m not sure if maybe we’re only seeing the situation in northwestern Europe as if it were Europe as a whole. Northwest ex-Protestant countries may have largely internalised cultural Marxism (and welcome death), but southern Europe doesn’t seem to have done so below the level of the elites, and eastern Europe has some innoculation due to its experience of Soviet occupation. The death of Protestant Europe is sad, but it’s not the Death of the West. The question then arises whether the Protestant Anglo-diaspora of USA, Australia, New Zealand and Canada can survive. My impression is that some of these nations may well survive as Western countries, Australia currently looks a good candidate, along perhaps with parts of the USA. New Zealand’s leadership is strongly cultural-Marxist but the country itself is less threatened with de-Westernisation than most, and many British emigrants are fleeing there, so it’s also a good candidate.

  9. Don’t forget Russia – it may well be a wild card .

    Also Israel is having the same problems – and as usual they will find a non-PC solution ( look at divide et impera and Kurdistan )

  10. Liviu, interesting comment. What about Russia?

    I can think of worse outcomes than Europe becomming a province of Holy/Oily Mother Russia. Sooner that 1000 times than the ummah! An unapologetic, mighty Orthodox superstate may be the best we can hope for. Besides,the Russians have had a lot of experiencfe with the logistics of massive deportations.

    Let’s watch closely the European Street’s sentiment on Russia.

  11. Paul Weston is a racist and a sexist.

    In his article he concentrates on FIT MEN OF FIGHTING AGE. Why not women? Well firstly he is a sexist and doesn’t believe the girls can fight. Secondly he is a racist, and he feels physically inferior to his quarry: the swarthy Eurasian man. Racism is often motivated by a feeling of inferiority.

    Paul Westons psychology is diseased. He also believes that Freddy Thielemans enjoys illicit sex with arab boys. This is not behavioiur becoming of a gentleman. Paul Weston is a hysterical cow.

  12. As long as the economy continues to churn out goods and services, as long as the GDP continues to rise, there will be no Islamic problem. Culture is dead. Want to marry a transvesite horse? Help yourself. Unfortunately, (in this case) technology can hide the problem. A few smart men can produce all the goods with their robots… Whatever keeps the moohla flowing and a modicum of law and order (a modicum) is good. If in the meantime your culture changes color, values, meanings… it’s no big deal.

    We are already in passive (para-Islamic) mode.

    Why struggle? No one is struggling to keep anything cultural alive anyway. We don’t even care to keep ourselves alive and so instead of immigration, yes indeed better “incentives for the indigenous people to reproduce” as the article chastises.

    I agree, absolutely! But what kind of man is that? What kind of society?” Reproduction incentives? That’s already a form of mental submission.

    Gezi1 suggests: the reason why Swedish men are not outraged by the rape of their women by Muslims is because many are ignorant of this fact but even if they are aware of it, there are no proper channels to express their greivances.

    No proper channels to be outraged? How about some good old fashioned mobs? There will never be channels to express outrage. Outrage isn’t just a grievance, it’s outrage. And when outraged, the outragious occurs… like Australians reclaiming their beaches.

    But maybe we also need “outrage for rape incentives”…

    I remember watching the Genoa riots during the big G8 summit. Now there was “genuine” outrage on the part of (mostly) kids who were willing to trash their own city and burn Giuseppe’s old Fiat and trash Giovanni’s alimentare over very distant issues, whereas I’m sure it’s a safe bet to say those same kids don’t even know who their next door neighbors are. They trashed Genoa (as they had trashed other cities), so outrage still exists, BIGTIME, with or without proper channels for grievances (just as next door neighbors exist, with or without government agencies informing them of the fact). But outrage has become something allowed only for distant causes. Love thy neighbor is still as strong as ever, but just as long as they are well out of view and you don’t have to actually deal with them. (Love humanity, hate people).

    I think these kids need incentives to love their real neighbors and their real neighborhoods a wee bit more than their love of throwing free money at the Sub-Saharians.

    I can think of bundle of useful incentives… but wasn’t one of the differences of Judeo-Christian culture doing good just for good’s sake? The only incentive for that is in the next world. And we don’t believe in that crap anymore. Now we’re wise.

  13. Civil Wars are terrible things. Better by far to organize to use democratic politics. Surely there are some good signs, no? The referendums on the EU Constitution were defeated even in France.

    Also, correct me if I’m wrong (I’m writing from America) but haven’t your Euro-masters already fully disarmed you? I’m not talking about the odd registered shotgun here, but masses of privately held weapons of war such as American citizens own and cherish?

    Given that sad fact I don’t see how the “civil war” option is going to play out. You can have riots, even bad riots, but at the end of the day the authorities will descend and enforce ‘order’.

    For both the desire to avoid the horror of war, and the fact that it is a physical impossibility for most of Europe, due to comprehensive civilian disarmamemnt, I think a differt path must be taken.

  14. What on Earth was wrong with my comment, besides possible grammatical errors? What was the reason to remove it? I’d like to know.

    Anti-jihadism as a movement can be described as “club life in its lowest form”, like Hitler commented on the National Socialist Party before he took over. You won’t accomplish anything in Europe. The majority here wants Eurabia, whether they are aware of the fact or not.

  15. homophobic–

    You are skating close to the edge. Name-calling is not permitted here.

    What you are referring to is Weston’s satire.

    Get a grip, fellow.

  16. Yehudit,

    You said: “But the fringies take over the Democratic party and make it dance to their tune, which is what the neo-Nazis are going to do to your movement. They will transform you, not the other way around.”

    I agree with your observation on MoveOn, but that does not automatically mean that this dynamic is true in all similar situations.

    When I was a Flemish teen and still a monarchist (oh blessed innocence), I remember listening with mild astonishment to some of my militant friends’ theories. They would regularly conflate Flemish Nationalism with an uneasy admiration for WW2 Germany’s National Socialism (with all that entails), which meant they also repeated some blatantly anti-semitic ideology (short version: anything that happened to Jews in history they probably deserved). These are now some of the people who support Vlaams Belang, and the irony is that they have discarded their old positions and adopted VB’s conservative and pro-Israeli positions. Hard-core neo-Nazi’s in Belgium reject VB as an “instrument of Zionism” and have even made death threats against one VB leader (Frank Vanhecke if memory serves…).

    VB is therefore uniquely different from the US Democrats in that the party tends to turn fringe extremists into moderates rather than the other way around.

  17. zeke:
    “Given that sad fact I don’t see how the “civil war” option is going to play out. You can have riots, even bad riots, but at the end of the day the authorities will descend and enforce ‘order’.”

    Even in the USA firepower in the hands of the military vastly outweighs firepower in civilian hands. Both in the EU and USA it therefore depends on the actions of the military – will they fire on their own citizens, will they join with a popular rebellion. America’s safeguard against tyranny is its military’s oath to the Constitution, much more than the right to bear arms.

    In the EU, the Gramscian Long March Through the Institutions has proceeded for decades, replacing the institutional cultures of countless bodies. In the UK the police fell under cultural Marxist control within the past ten years (completed post the 1999 MacPherson Report), and I suspect the intelligence services are largely c-M from what I hear, but c-M takeover of the military is still in its early stages, the top military officers are not C-M yet, and I think it could be about 2 decades before the British military falls to cultural Marxism. So if things come to a head within the next decade or so there is still hope.

  18. Zeke,

    Good observations all… But, if I may, I would like to expound on some of your statements:

    “Civil Wars are terrible things. Better by far to organize to use democratic politics. […] The referendums on the EU Constitution were defeated even in France.”

    Civil wars may be terrible, but sometimes there is no other option except to submit to what amounts to tyranny. Socialist-dominated Belgium is trying all it can to make VB illegal as a political party in order to protect its own new (imported) constituents. In addition, the EU Constitution has been rewritten to be almost undecipherable, while still containing all that was deemed objectionable before. We know this from the brainchild of the Constitution himself, Valerie Giscard-D’Estaing – he said so twice. And now The Netherlands has accepted it. Both EU Referendum and Klein Verzet have been blogging extensively on the subject. I must conclude that the option of democratic resistance is fading fast.

    “Also, correct me if I’m wrong (I’m writing from America) but haven’t your Euro-masters already fully disarmed you? […] Given that sad fact I don’t see how the “civil war” option is going to play out. You can have riots, even bad riots, but at the end of the day the authorities will descend and enforce ‘order’.”

    I can’t speak for all Euro countries, but Britain’s exercise in disarmament folly is well-known. Belgium is following; my Dad called me several months ago that there was to be an “amnesty” after which only registered members of recognized shooting clubs would be allowed to own the maximum of 3 registered firearms (any kind, mix & match) – so I regretfully had my Dad turn in my Carl Gustav target rifle and my Lee-Enfield. France has always had more liberal gun laws than Belgium, but I’ve been out of the environment for too long to be able to comment on how things are now. I suspect that the EU’s obsession with regulation will, in the end, strangle most (if not all) private firearms ownership. Until two weeks ago i wouldn’t have seen a darker motive there, but recent news that EUROGENDFOR has been authorized to raise its manpower level to 1.5 MILLION (!) seems like too much of a coincidence. EUROGENDFOR, btw, is a Euro-wide police force which operates under military authority: several articles on this organization. And while their Charter explains that this force is to be used for situations between peacemaking and peacekeeping (which sounds like an out-of-area function), I think it’s telling that a recent demonstration for a French official had Breton nationalists as the “enemy”. A new iron Curatin surely can’t be far off…

    In the end, it’s a catch-22: the democratic option will disappear, and the armed resistance option will be limited to asymmetric action – which will be labeled terrorism and dealt with accordingly.

    As a final aside, and as a word of caution to people who suspect that fear of “Eurabia” and other EU-miscarriages is overblown: EUROGENDFOR has a really nice website, open and public – and yet my parents were astonished during their visit to us last week when I mentioned it to them. None of the citizen’s usual information channels reported on its creation -not the media, not Parliament which posts all deliberations its website…

  19. I’d like to make something very, very clear at this point, please. I don’t want war, civil or otherwise. I just want to live in my country, among my people, have coffee in the morning, beer in the evening, and mow my lawn in peace. Except that I can’t live in peace with every last part of my country and existence threatened and that threat brought in and encouraged by our politicians.

    Eurabia is coming, very soon, and the peaceful options are political victory for a patriotic party, or Eurabian victory. Perhaps it’s not very apparent from across the pond, but here in the UK it’s almost certain that a patriotic party will never win. The discussion is so much under the sway of Godwin’s law that the question can barely be raised. Which leaves us with Eurabia.

    Thankfully, a friend sent me a quotation in an email today which I think addresses this perfectly:

    “War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself” – J.S. Mill.

  20. We don’t need Front National and Le Pen any longer. Sarkozy is doing a lot of things right and is without the bigotry of that party. They have a tough situation to deal with, but the course has changed dramatically.

    As for VB, their influence is felt in Belgium. For almost ½ year there’s been no government, and their goal of secession seems to be drawing nearer. Even though they’re not in government, they *are* in influence. They’re doing fine.

    As for BNP, I’m blank. I didn’t check up on these guys for years, have no idea what they’re doing. Probably a better idea is to support the UK Independent Party which is also aware of the problems of Islam.

  21. Lauri Olavi said:
    There will be no civil war or new rise of Fascism in Europe, just a gradual and relatively peaceful takeover by the immigrants. And because of their new religion, Europeans won’t feel bad about it. They see the death of their culture as a holy sacrifice, a redeeming rite of purification.

    This is paragraph has cast a depressing pall over my morning. Let’s hope that this person’s writing skill exceed her prescience. I pray Europe will be granted a prouder fate than the melancholy one proffered above.

  22. The most surprising thing about the BNP is how badly they’re doing; they’re basically a far-left anti-immigration party and offering Labour’s traditional working class supporters pretty much everything they want, particularly if they live in an area where immigrants have taken most of the unskilled jobs.

    I certainly wouldn’t want to see them take power in the UK — some of their policies do make sense, but others are just insane — but by any rational standard they should have done far better than they have. I imagine the problem is that they have attracted racist nutters in the past and that reputation is hard to shake off; particularly given the ravings of some of their more wacko supporters on the Internet.

    Either way, I think they’re far too late; I doubt that there will be more than a couple more elections in the UK if the EUSSR continues its current path.

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