In the book, The Reliance of the Traveller, Revised Edition, published by Amana Publications of Beltsville, Maryland (ISBN: 0-915957-72-8), it is clearly stated that non-Moslems cannot live in the Hijaz–the area of Mecca and Medina, nor can they ever enter the Meccan Sared Precinct under any circumstances (o11.7). Jihad is defined as “Jihad means to wage war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word Mujahada, signifying warfare to establish the religion (o9.0).
And this book is “approved” by the Federal Government to be purchased with your tax dollars for inmates to read.
As I have said before we should treat Muslims in the West exactly as non-muslims are treated in Saudi Arabia . I am a passionate believer in equality , no more , no less .
The Arabic script above “MAKKAH – MUSLIMS ONLY” reads:
The road to Hell no doubt
Yes, that does sum it up rather well.
In the book, The Reliance of the Traveller, Revised Edition, published by Amana Publications of Beltsville, Maryland (ISBN: 0-915957-72-8), it is clearly stated that non-Moslems cannot live in the Hijaz–the area of Mecca and Medina, nor can they ever enter the Meccan Sared Precinct under any circumstances (o11.7). Jihad is defined as “Jihad means to wage war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word Mujahada, signifying warfare to establish the religion (o9.0).
And this book is “approved” by the Federal Government to be purchased with your tax dollars for inmates to read.
As I have said before we should treat Muslims in the West exactly as non-muslims are treated in Saudi Arabia . I am a passionate believer in equality , no more , no less .
The Arabic script above “MAKKAH – MUSLIMS ONLY” reads:
“Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here“
Dante put Mohammad in The Inferno.
Wise Man.