Issac Schrödinger is Free at Last!

Note the typo in Isaac’s name in the title above, brought to my attention by Discarded Lies. Lewy says, “I’m blaming Dymphna at Gates of Vienna for misspelling the name. Damned cut and paste…” Quite right, too.

I’m not going to change it at this late date, because that would alter the permalink. The memorial of my dyslexia shall remain!

Remember Isaac Schrödinger’s panicked dilemma?

He had fled Pakistan, renounced Islam, and settled in Canada. Then the authorities decided he didn’t fit the refugee “profile” and were going to deport him. As a declared apostate, he faced death if he were to be returned to his native country.

As you can imagine, getting your story heard in a bureaucracy requires an immigration attorney to present it for you. And immigration attorneys have to make a living.

Thanks to the generosity of the blogosphere, Isaac collected enough money for legal representation (though this lawyer must have been working partially pro bono, since the total raised was somewhat over two thousand dollars, a very modest legal fee).

At any rate, after all these months of fear, Isaac can now literally breathe free.

Here’s his email:

From: “Isaac Schrödinger”

> Dear friend:
> I had a grueling, almost four-hour hearing today in
> Toronto. I’ll provide the details on my blog next week.
> Though, I will give you the final words of the judge as
> she made her decision.
> “You are a convention refugee.”
> Thank you for saving my life.

Send your congratulations to: i.schrodinger-AT-gmail-DOT-com

7 thoughts on “Issac Schrödinger is Free at Last!

  1. One problem, though, is that if we give automatic refugee status to anybody who declares he’s an apostate Muslim, then all a jihadist has to do is declare himself an apostate (jihadists are allowed to lie in order to accomplish their missions) and he’s in.

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