Beach Burqa Blues

PC seems to be losing its grip on Australia. A reader from Down Under sent this to us, scanned from the October 24th edition of The Australian:

Beach bunnies in burqas

Cartoon – scanned copy as attached; it depicts a Sydney beach, scene of recent violent clashes between “men of Middle Eastern appearance” and local Aussie youths.

9 thoughts on “Beach Burqa Blues

  1. “men of Middle Eastern appearance” – ho, ho, ho! This is good especially after the imam called women who don’t go around covered “uncovered meat.” They keep getting assertive like this and we won’t have to do much. They are busy exposing (whoops!!) themselves for the arrogant, adolescent thugs that they are suffering from egocentricity, a major dose of inferiority complex, and perhaps paranoia laced with psychotic tendencies.

    Maybe that is why they don’t like to see women unless the women are covered, the men are sexually repressed teenagers. Yikes! Sounds like they could use a little couch-time with a therapist. I mean psychotherapist.

  2. Two years ago I have been to Turkey for my summer holiday. I have seen several women wearing a burkha on the beach. Not only did they sit on the beach wearing them they were also swimming with them! Unbelievable!

  3. Whats weird is that Muslims actually seem to be condemning Hilaly bigtime (despite the despicable Keysar Trad of course who dished out the usual taqiyya).

  4. talnik, absolutely!

    Make sure it has a nice Beach Boys sort of sound…


    Little burqa little one
    Made my turban come undone
    Do you love me, do you burqa girl
    Burqa girl my little burqa girl

    I have watched you on the shore
    Listening to your husband roar
    Do you love me do you burqa girl
    Burqa girl burqa girl

  5. I can hear it now:

    “Damn ye be cursed by allah and may a thousand donkeys and camels converge upon your grave and eat your flesh for posting this arrogance against peaceful Islam.”

    If every single newspaper ran this, it would send a message home to Muslims: GROW UP.

  6. “Flawed Skull said…

    Whats weird is that Muslims actually seem to be condemning Hilaly bigtime (despite the despicable Keysar Trad of course who dished out the usual taqiyya).

    Yeah, they have learn’t how to wheel out the tame Muslims when they need to hose things down a bit.

  7. Demands that require modern, western people to adopt Muslin values are in fact Jihad by the installment plan.

    Unlike other immigrants through out history, Muslims expect their hosts to acculturate to them!

    Failing to acceed to their demands is seen as persecution of Islaam. Persecution of Islaam is seen as a Qur’anic justification of violence.

    Additionally, westerners generally do not understand the concept of al Taqiyya. Spread the word!

  8. Support the preemtive use of nuclear weapons against Islaam. If we don’t intimidate them into peacefulness, they will destroy us.

    (Doc aint kidding about this


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