And Now, a Word From a Lizardoid

Over at LGF, Beagle has a few facts to consider, and suggestions for action against the new Utopian mass murderers:

Generally speaking this war against a global jihad – religious movement – is not going well. I’m not talking about Iraq. That’s the problem, thinking in terms of nation-states. Fighting “terrorism” is like fighting “armored warfare.”

Some basic facts need to be addressed. Muslim leaders in any nation will use jihadis when it suits their interests. Pandering to Islam is a necessary survival tool in any nation with a Muslim majority. We need to quit thinking in terms of a separation between politics and religion. As cloudy as that distinction can be in the United States, it’s crystal clear compared to nations with an Islamic majority.

Instead of looking at leaders of individual terror cells we should be looking at the mosques they attended. So many politicians love to talk about cutting off the head of the snake, and proceed to chase the tail.

Once again, I implore our leaders to consider a Former Muslim Protection Program. As we’ve seen, even Danish cartoonists can be forced into 24-7 protection for line drawings. Film makers can be butchered in the streets of Europe. It’s MUCH WORSE for Muslims who might try to reform or leave Islam. Terrorism is just a reflection of the Islamic doctrine of total war. Sounds crazy, a religion with a military strategy, but it’s reality.

We must address da’wa, new converts (the most dangerous), demographics, and dhimmitude in our institutions. Smooth-talking Muslims must be held to account in public for the actual doctrines which motivate their co-religionists to cut off heads, treat women like dirt, and blow up hospitals and children seeking candy.

Islamophobia is the most successful example of Orwellian deception since social justice replaced communism. (emphasis, Gates of Vienna)

The vital question for our country is: will “social justice” trump our Constitution, founded as it is on an a priori individual liberty?

Note: “Beagle” can be found at politics and religion

9 thoughts on “And Now, a Word From a Lizardoid

  1. Muslims must be held to account in public for the actual doctrines…

    Until those doctrines are exposed for what they are, the war will wage on.

    With regard to the Koran, keep distinguishing between the earlier Meccan verses and the later Medinan verses. The average Westerner doesn’t know about that distinction, and it’s very important to explicate.

  2. “Islamophobia is the most successful example of Orwellian deception since social justice replaced communism.”

    As Miriam indicates, not only is this terrifyingly apparent, but its terrifyingly obvious – the terror made all the more terrible when we see those who “will not see” what you see. They are the people who are the sucessful products of Saudi PR machines and ridiculous “identity politics,” the ones possessed by a noological fervor to see only the yearing for the rationally maximizing amidst those who celebrate murder, torture, rape etc.

    But there are those who can see through the doublespeak and who fish with digital query-nets the dark stuff of memory holes. Baron’s Bloody Border projects represent a response to this situation and it embodies a vibrant new political activism, empowered by amazing new political conventions. In essence, he produced a “mashup,” a recombination of data that elegantly illustrates relationships that would never be so easily demonstrated. Fundamentally, I think efforts at IT-political activism are the best thing going for the West right now, what with all the moribund old guards.

    For whatever reason, this IT activism seems to only reside in the eager and inspired ranks of “conservatives,” what with the left offering what amounts to well-produced propaganda, be it the Iraq Body Count, data mining for LGF thought crime or MS Word forgeries.

    I’m just a simple undergraduate, but your efforts have encouraged me to develop my IT skills and begun plumbing for data to reconstrue and throw in the face of CAIR, our fifth columns and even Bush’s RoP claptrap. Its one thing to textually bitch; its another thing to let sharply construed information hit the fifth column-fan. I’m not certain what I will do yet, but I look forward to this summer when I can devote more time to following the lead begun at this weblog. I say this just to emphasize that the ranks of the “eager and inspired” Americans may be growing, despite the constant MSM tropes of malaise amidst chaos. 2006 will tell us much about the pathos and ethos of our Republic.

    So when we say, “its not going well,” we must understand that the strategic landscape has changed once again, and we must adapt to dominate it. For instance, you can divide the GWOT into several distinct landscapes, defined by several distinct conflicts:
    -the Infinite Justice against the Taliban
    -the Enduring Freedom against corrupt/failing Arab political culture
    -the Huntington’s paradigm of the Danish Cartoons
    -the high-stakes international efforts to preclude proliferation re: Iran

    To these obvious cases of different landscapes, Beagle and GoV have added to Huntington’s paradigm with the notion that the morbidity of ascendant radical Islam is as much manifest in lawfare and cultural discrimination as it is suicide bombing, beheadings and public health-motivated clitorectomies. I believe there is a developing consensus in this regard and I will reference as anecdotal evidence the convergence of positions between myself (a proud Bush voter) and a dozen of my college friends at various Universities who not only proudly voted for Kerry, but profoundly dislike Bush. In this Huntington’s conflict of cartoons and capital punishment for conversion and baffling mistreatment of women, we are all wary, fearful and sick of the fuzzy angry PoS that stuff their pockets with our millions and make off as plastique-brandishing bandits to the nearest Sbarro’s, night club or cafe. I’m not sure who we will all vote for, as this developing consensus may still be fragile enough to be turned against itself again by retarded party leadership, or the appeal of a 3rd party candidate. But be inspired and made more eager that your efforts to emphasize the obvious have produced, in part, this consensus, and that IT solutions to political conundrums may be our best tool. And its for that I’d like to say thank you and keep up the good work.

    We don’t need Victory Gardens; we need victory databases. Godspeed.

  3. I’m not sure anything we do really
    matters in regards to Islam. The
    French have started to deport the
    more radical mullahs, the Germans
    monitor mosque services and Britain
    has prosecuted Abu Hamza and kicked
    another Mullah out of the country.

    Shoot, even Saudi Arabia decided it
    had to screen sermons delivered in
    its own mosques when al Qaeda style
    bombings and shootings erupted there.

    The idea that Europe or anyone else
    can manufacture a moderate version
    of Islam is on a par with modern
    liberal Protestants thinking they
    can toss out the inconvenient parts
    of Christian theology and still be
    a Christian church. Sure you can do
    it if you don’t mind preaching to
    empty pews.

    Just as I don’t consider Bishop
    Gene Robinson, a drunken homosexual
    from New England, as an authentic
    Episcopalian why should a Muslim
    consider some French government
    approved Muslim Imam as authentic?

    Religion doesn’t work like that.

    So we got what we got. Now why is
    Islam so much more a threat today
    than it was 20 or 30 years ago?

    The problem started with the defeat
    of the USSR in Afghanistan. That
    the Red Army never numbered more
    than 100,000 there and that the
    Muslim victory owed as much to CIA
    military aid as Muslim arms doesn’t
    matter. It was the first victory by
    a Muslim force against a modern
    nation in centuries. Worse still,
    the Muslim warriors were not part
    of any national army but simply
    a collection of men whose sole
    commonality was radical Islam. That
    they weren’t, for the most part,
    even welcome back in their own
    societies after the war meant they
    either stayed in their Afghan camps
    or fled to Europe.

    There they not only got the measure
    of Western European society they
    also found a large number of second
    generaton Muslim youth unable to
    partake of the affluent hedonistic
    society their parents had brought
    them to. Thus the Abu Hamzas could
    set up their Finsbury Mosques and
    radicalize the Muslim youth of
    Europe. The official Muslim mosques
    and assimilated Muslims who had
    ‘made it’ were the Floyd Pattersons
    in a world where Muhammed Ali was
    the new champ.

    Worse still, because of the spread
    of satellite television, video
    cassettes and, now, the internet
    the Muslim hinterland could also
    be reached by these new champions
    of jihad.

    How do you put a cork back on this
    bottle? I don’t know. You probably
    can’t. Therefore its likely to come
    down to a fight. We need a Smokin
    Joe Frazier to knock their champ
    off his feet. Grabbing OBL would be
    a good start. If I were the US
    military command in Iraq I would
    shut up about capturing the 28th
    top aide to Zarqawi. Sheesh he must
    have more staff than the Chairman
    of the Joint Chiefs to judge by all
    of his top people we have captured
    or killed.

    Knocking off their biggest ‘stars’
    is what we need to do. Israeli
    style targetted assassinations.
    Put the hurt on the civilians too
    where necessary. I noticed Islamic
    Jihad started to blink today in
    response to the Israeli pressure on
    Gaza. We might consider knocking
    the electrical grid out over Tehran
    in lieu of bombing their nuclear
    sites. Tell the Iranian people the
    lights will come back on when they
    get rid of Ahmedinejad. Well that’s
    some thoughts off the top of my

  4. Sounds crazy, a religion with a military strategy, but it’s reality.

    No, it doesn’t.
    Islam was built on war and terror why would it change now?

  5. scott:

    I’ve said it before; the jihad-preaching radical imams need to start having “accidents”. In every country in the world.

  6. Real nice one from Beagle

    In other news
    Here it is – straight from the horse’s mouth

    Why Muslims are a Threat to the Western society?
    By Alamgir Hussain (04/10/2006)

    “Indeed, Muslims have destroyed or tried to destroy every culture and tradition that they had come across during the glorious days of Islamic conquests and replaced them with the Islamic ones or sought to do so.”

    Now there is a real “moderate”

    and here is another immoderate one
    Man accused of raping six daughters in Singapore

    “He fathered more than two dozen children 12 years ago, the newspaper said, and the numbers have more than doubled since then.”

  7. “Some basic facts need to be addressed. Muslim leaders in any nation will use jihadis when it suits their interests. Pandering to Islam is a necessary survival tool in any nation with a Muslim majority. We need to quit thinking in terms of a separation between politics and religion.”


    Instead of looking at leaders of individual terror cells we should be looking at the mosques they attended. So many politicians love to talk about cutting off the head of the snake, and proceed to chase the tail.”

    No. That is more tail chasing. Further up the tail sure, but still tail. The clerics are used to spread the message to the followers. They are instructed in Islam by respected scholars in Universities. They are employed and funded into mosques, granted funds to preach. These are people from poor countries offered travel and wealth and a degree of power to preach the word of God, as long as the money exists to fund them there will be an inexhaustible supply of Immans.

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