The Battle of Vienna

John SobieskiA reader has emailed me with the following request:

     Given the name of your website, which I read regularly and tend to agree with, I wondered if you could point me to any comprehensive history books that chronicle the Battle of Vienna – what would you recommend? Thanks.

Since I am a history buff, I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve never read a book dedicated solely to the Battle of Vienna. Everything I’ve read treats it as a part of the much larger history of the advance and decline of the Ottoman Empire.

However, I know that many of our regular readers are more well-read on this topic than I am. Axis of Islam, this means you! Among many others, of course.

Everyone: please weigh in with suggestions, with Amazon links if you have them.

12 thoughts on “The Battle of Vienna

  1. Neal Stephensons book Quicksilver” the first book of his fantastic Baroque (sp?) Trilogy, has two of his main characters meet during the siege of Vienna.

    Its a great read even tho the 3 books total ~ 2000 pages…

  2. The only monograph on the Siege that’s currently in print is The Siege of Vienna by John Stoye, which should be available from Amazon. It’s a good survey, and the only other one in English I can think of offhand is Double eagle and Crescent: Vienna’s Second Turkish Siege and its Historical Setting, which is well out of print and must be ordered from used book dealers.

  3. “The Shadow of the Vulture” by Robert E. Howard – admittedly fiction and probably out of print.

    Still of note for the introduction of Red Sonja of comic book fame – strange but true – she had nothing to do with Conan and metal bikinis and everything to do with throwing back the Turk.

  4. Baron:

    You’re going to have to sit us dummies down one afternoon and teach us those tricks 😉

    “Honestly, guys, we need clickable links for all the lazy Sluggos out there!”


  5. It’s surprising there isn’t more out there on the siege–there’s so much folklore stemming from it. Allegedly, the bagel, the crescent roll, and the first European use of coffee (though this was later proven not to be so) came out of it.

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