It’s Not Just Zionism

The World Without ZionismDr. Zin at Regime Change Iran has a request to make of the blogosphere. He wants us to get the word out about what “The World Without Zionism” envisions in its entirety.

It’s not just the destruction of Israel. Iran’s President Ahmadinejad is quite explicit that the United States in particular and the Anglosphere in general are very much in the crosshairs of the Great Islamic Jihad as orchestrated from Teheran. Just look at the complete graphic the mullahs produced for the week of jihadist zeal: both Israel and America are falling to the bottom of the hourglass.

Read the words of Ahmadinejad’s chief strategist, Hassan Abbassi:

     We have a strategy drawn up for the destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization… we must make use of everything we have at hand to strike at this front by means of our suicide operations or by means of our missiles. There are 29 sensitive sites in the U.S. and in the West. We have already spied on these sites and we know how we are going to attack them.
But it is not only the US that Abbasi wants to take on and humiliate. He has described Britain as “the mother of all evils”. In his lecture he claimed that the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, and the Gulf states were all “children of the same mother: the British Empire.” As for France and Germany, they are “countries in terminal decline”, according to Abbasi.
“Once we have defeated the Anglo-Saxons the rest will run for cover,” he told his audience.

Given the predilection of the craven appeasers now dominant in the media, academia, and the upper levels of the diplomatic corps, it’s understandable that Mr. Abbassi might come to this conclusion.

Those of us who form the backbone of the Anglosphere know that he is wrong, tragically wrong, but there is no way to communicate that to him. Our only hope of avoiding massive carnage is regime change in Iran.

So we’ll let Dr. Zin have the last word:

     The vast majority of the people of Iran do not share [Ahmadinejad’s] views and long for real democracy in Iran. How long will we wait to support the people of Iran in their struggle to free themselves from these dangerous mad men?

9 thoughts on “It’s Not Just Zionism

  1. I have to think the “Iranian street” should be the catalyst for Iran.

    I hear quite alot about Iranians that desire freedom, but if they are only going to talk about it, nothing will happen.

    Where are the Iranian underground soldiers? Where are the millions calling for freedom? Where are the uprisings of millions of like minded people?

    There are no millions calling for democracy in Iran, I am afraid.
    Those who are calling for it are students, or others with info and knowledge gained from access to the internet.
    Which is, of course, a generalization.

    I do not think the population of Iran has enough critical mass to allow a rebellion to succeed, even with our help, short of blowing up everything.

    It appears that yes, indeed, we will have to do something. Or Israel will have to do something.

    As sure as the sun rises every day, the U.N. will do nothing. Until the mushroom clouds blossom from the B.S.

    Iran stated it’s goals, clearly and concisely.

    Here we stand, doing nothing.

  2. We hear much about Iranians and their struggle for freedom, but the real truth of this is that Muhammed rules all.
    Iran is an Islamic state and to my knowledge, once a state turns Islamic the lights go out on all hopes for the future.
    England, France, Germany, and Sweeden are probably next.

  3. Errmm…

    For those of you who have a Christian belief (the rest of you can ignore me, okay?), I have been troubling over something for the last 3 weeks.

    Christians know a few things. We are the salt that preserves and restrain the revelation of the Anti-Christ. The AC cannot be revealed until we’re removed (raptured).

    We all know that much, if we belong to a typical spirit-filled church.

    So, less of us know that the AC will come from the Leopard Kingdom of Daniel – or the old Greek Empire under Alexander. The horn that waxed great unto abomination (AC) is one of four and the one towards the south and east – towards the holy land (Israel). When Alexander died, his kingdom split into four. The portion that encompassed the area around Israel was the Seleucid portion of the Greek Empire. That includes modern-day Israel, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and parts of Turkey.

    The Iran and Iraq trouble me. Follow my thinking here. If these events in the middle east – our war in Iraq creating a democracy, and Iran flexing whatever technological muscle it thinks it has – are indicative of the end times, then I begin to look at other prophecies beyond Daniel and into Revelation.

    Technically, Jesus indicated that the birth of Israel (the budding of the olive branch) would be the sign of the end, and that generation would not pass until the end be fulfilled… that makes the end anywhere from 40-100 years from the birth of Israel in 1948.

    Revelation has the AC coming from a country and taking a country that appeared dead (the famous deadly wound in the head is not AC, but a nation) but coming back to life. Babylon (Iraq)? The dead Persian Empire? AC takes the country, not by force, but by words. So we might think a politician – or so I would imagine. But then he does something no other king did before him (what, we can only speculate) and then concludes a peace with Israel allowing them to rebuild their temple.

    Finally, my point. What troubles me is that AC joins with a False Prophet to work signs and wonders. He also causes all mankind to bear the number – barcode on a sub-cutaneous resin implant, using a hypodermic (the US perfected this in the 80s) that allow men to buy and sell. John specifically described the number as in the hand or forehead. Forehead because some people don’t have hands, but everyone has a forehead. The current UPC barcode starts with a six, changes code on a six and ends on a six – the long double thin lines in your typical barcode. I have a great book on it.

    The troubling part. The AC causes this to occur the world over. Those who refuse are beheaded. Can you even guess now what troubles me?

    If Christians are removed,
    AC is revealed. AC comes from Islamic regions. Since only Christians and Jews are forefront in the resistance to Islam, and Christians are removed leaving Israel to cut a deal with AC… that implies that Islam is going to be coupled with the number.

    That means, Islam will be here, in America, triumphant. What other entity, anywhere still uses beheadings?

    So, Islam is destined to win against America by virtue of the removal of those who would oppose it (in the majority). See what troubles me? Democracy loses.

  4. I think that the illusions of the great majority of non-islamists in Iran is a lie, why? because they don´t rebel against this dictatorship with the worst of nazism, marxism and islam. It´s the worst.
    But in practical terms, Ahmadineyad is a helper for us, he is saying what is islam, he isn´t saying the eufemism “islam is peace” and things like that.
    You can visit by blog in

  5. Franze — I have been to your blog many times, since we’re on your blogroll!

    Franze’s blog is A fructibus eorum cognoscetis eos (“By their fruits ye shall know them”, Matthew 7:16). But be warned! It’s all in Spanish, of which I read very little. He has a post up now about Tariq Ramadan — quote: “Tariq Ramadán, heraldo del terror y del odio”

    Spanish-speakers should head on over there.

  6. Bill, I can feel your anxiety, but I think you should be re-assured that the Rapture doctrine isn’t biblically based. Islam is definitely an “anti-christ”, since it fulfills all the defintions from the Gospels and Acts (false prophets, false laws, animism – actually an inverted form that says all imagery is evil – idol worship – if worshiping a meteorite isn’t idolism, I don’t know what is – persecuting the faithful), but the modern doctrine of a single Anti-Christ figure appearing in these end times is just that, a modern doctrine. It has no biblical basis. The anti-christ figure portrayed in Revelations is more likely linked to Nero than anyone else, especially taking the fact that the Hebrew transliteration of Nero’s name is Nun Resh Nun Qof Samech Resh, NRN QSR, as Israel at the time tended to adopt Greek spellings for the caesars. Hebrew letters serve as their numbers, and NRN QSR also adds up to… 666. 🙂 The Anti-christ is not any particular man, but a spiritual and attitudinal problem amongst groups and individuals. Islam is anti-christ in its very nature, by not only denying the divinity of Christ, but by proclaiming itself as superior to his teachings, and those of the chosen people. It is antichrist because it is born out of war, rather than peace. It is antichrist because it seeks to persecute Christians, and to kill off those who refuse to believe.

    You also mention Daniel. The prophecy of the weeks in Daniel was meant to be one continual period, but the rapture doctrine “stops the clock” just as the last week is about to start and inserts a gap of about 400 years. In reality, that last week of Daniel’s prophecy coincides quite nicely with the ministry of Jesus, who made a convenant with Jerusalem and was executed after three years. His execution ushered in the new convenant, rendering the old Hebraic sacrificial system obsolete, and effectively destroying it.

    I could go on for pages about this but that would be rude to you and to Dymphnia and the Baron. Let me just finish by saying that we do need to be alert to these things, and that Islam poses a very real threat to the world, but we aren’t to be raptured, America and the west aren’t to be ground under the thumb of a new caliphate and Islam is going to loose this war. We have nothing to fear. It’s all temporary anyway…

  7. Archonix – yes, I’ve heard those particular renderings of prophecy before. I cannot agree with them. However, your final refrain – “We have nothing to fear” – accurately sums up my sentiments if not for the same reasons as you present.

    Whereas I believe Islam will win in that I am gone from this earth, leaving me nothing to fear of that result, you say there is nothing to fear because Islam will lose.

    In the event Islam loses, you would be correct.

    Taking this out of religious discussion for a moment, from a secular point of view, I do not see how the west will win this battle. Islamists have made this a religious war. Europe is about 85% secularist. America is about 15% secularist but a secular approach determines our foreign and domestic policy. That means that the fanatics of a radical religion who are willing to die for such are waging war on an enemy who is not willing to die for anything.

    Our forefathers went to war over taxes. We fought a bloody, losing battle for years against the most powerful nation in the world. OVER TAXES. Who, today, would pick up a gun over an increase in the capital gains tax rate?

    No one. America has become the weak nation Islam claims it is. We might be productive. We might be patriotic. We might even have the most effective armed forces in the world, but they’re willing to die to win; we are not.

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