You just think it’s a joke. The prison factories are probably going overtime in China, turning this stuff out in job lots and capturing a controllling interest in the Middle East laundry soap market.
Back in the ’50s there was a sequence of strips in Pogo in which the huckster/scoundrel Seminole Sam concocted a scheme to sell dirt to housewives. He asserted that soap was useless without dirt; “you can’t clean without it.”
That’s why we need more infidels — then we can sell more Dhimmi Wash!
HA HA I love it
You just think it’s a joke. The prison factories are probably going overtime in China, turning this stuff out in job lots and capturing a controllling interest in the Middle East laundry soap market.
Back in the ’50s there was a sequence of strips in Pogo in which the huckster/scoundrel Seminole Sam concocted a scheme to sell dirt to housewives. He asserted that soap was useless without dirt; “you can’t clean without it.”
That’s why we need more infidels — then we can sell more Dhimmi Wash!