Culture-Enriching Violence at German Schools

The following article about increasing violence in German schools was published last week at Michael Mannheimer’s Blog. Many thanks to JLH for the translation:

Violence in the Schools

Five Incidents in Two Weeks

At several schools in Saxony-Anhalt in recent weeks, there have been violent confrontations involving immigrants. As Silke Stadör of the state school board told MDR[1], there were five incidents in two weeks. The attacks occurred in schools in Wittenberg, Bitterfeld, Magdeburg, and twice in Stendal In the same instances, teachers were threatened as well. There was a brawl in front of a school in Bitterfeld this week. Three adolescents from Syria battered fellow students with chains. Three German youths were injured. The police are investigating and examining a connection with a mass brawl at the vocational school center in Wittenberg. In early September there, 20 youths came to blows — among them Africans and Syrians.

One-On-One Talks, Teacher Training, Crisis Intervention Teams

After the brawl at the secondary school in Bitterfeld, the school administration and the immigration coordination center consulted on how these excesses of violence could have occurred.

Since then, according to Stadör, there have been school psychologists active in each of the affected schools. They were offering one-on-one consultations. Furthermore, says Silke Stadör, teachers are to be trained in how to act in the case of physical confrontations.

According to a statement by the state school board, the percentage of foreigners, especially in secondary and vocational schools, has increased by leaps and bounds. So there is an increase in the number of incidents involving immigrants. Stadör is not willing to speak of a trend towards more violence in the schools — there is as yet too little data. However, the present burst of violence has sounded an alarm at the state school board.

Crisis intervention teams will now be formed at the schools. And there will be conversations with county and local authorities about more school social workers.


1.   Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk = Middle German Radio. The term “mitteldeutsch” can apply to something ”central to Germany geographically, culturally, linguistically, etc. Since 1990, it is most often used for Thuringia, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt.

3 thoughts on “Culture-Enriching Violence at German Schools

  1. The term “secondary school” is used twice in JLHs translation . For me, this is a general term indicating any school for pupils aged between primary school and university.

    But the state is Saxony-Anhalt. German educational terms are notoriously difficult to translate as different Federal states select (or not, it depends on the voter base/ideology of the political party in power) and stream pupils into different post-primary school types at age. ca. 12. They also keep on inventing new terms for school types.

    In the case of this state, the Sekundarschule is for pupils who are not in the academic stream leading to university, they leave school after a total of 10 years at ca. 16 years.

    A circumlocutory translation might be: “school for 15-16 year-old school leavers” . This translation focuses on the class nature of the violence, which is not revealed in the phrase “secondary school”:

    in Germany, children of the middle and upper class tend not to attend vocational schools and Sekundarschulen as defined in Saxony-Anhalt..

    Hence the violence of population replacement and hijra colonisation to the benefit of German landlords, bankers, big retailers and holders of their equities is impacting those pupils and parents least able to buy their way out of it. They cannot relocate to less afflicted residential areas, afford private transport and private hospitals, etc.

  2. It will be interesting to see, which way the next generation of indigenous europeans will turn; will they become like sheep, afraid of their every move because they have been victimized from childhood, or truly hateful and genuinely “racist” because they have been victimized from childhood?
    I feel sorry, and not a little ashamed of this life that our generation forces them to go through.

  3. It never stops being ironic for me. For decades the EU elites blamed everything directly or indirectly on 2 nations: America & Israel. This became such an article of faith that they couldn’t imagine any real threat could have any other source. This belief is not unlike liberal MSM beliefs in the US. And Europe still, even now, can’t let go of it.

    Ideology kills. The hardest thing in the world is to shed a false belief.

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