Hamburg Integration Project: Brainwashing German Students

The following video entitled “What German students learn from refugees”, along with its accompanying text, is part of the Hamburg Integration Project, a.k.a. “OpenEyesOpenHeart”. It’s designed to force help native German youngsters to purge their inner Islamophobe — that is, to curb their natural tendencies to harbor hateful, xenophobic thoughts about the “refugees” that have been flooding Germany for the past three years.

Nash Montana, who translated the video for subtitling, said she didn’t have the stomach to translate the article, nor did she want to help the brainwashers any more than she had to. For those who can read German — and who have taken their Dramamine — the text of the original bleeding-heart bushwah may be found at Die Welt.

In lieu of the full text, Nash sends this overview, accompanied by her own commentary:

Hamburg Integration Project: Brainwashing German Students

Brainwashing students: The Hamburg project “OpenEyesOpenHeart” wants to combat prejudice. It mediates contacts between refugees and students in Germany. Lena Lührmann created the project with a few others in August 2015. Ruba Sulaimane and Mohammad Al Badawi are members of the project. Both come from Damascus, and they share pictures of their travels from Syria to Germany, speak about what it’s like to live in Hamburg, etc. Ruba will be meeting with Angela Merkel on Friday to shake her hand, as the chancellor has honored the project as a shining light and example for successful integration and refugee assistance.

At a presentation the project leader Lena Lührmann asked the German students which prejudices they were aware of about refugees. One girl said: “They take away jobs from Germans.” Another boy said: “They steal.” And that many of them have smart phones; how can they afford these at all?

Instead of going into depth about this question, however, Lührmann answered with a question: “If you had to flee and you only had forty seconds’ time, what would you pack into your plastic bag?” Most of the students were in agreement: Papers, money and smart phone. How else could the refugees navigate through Turkey, Greece, half of Europe? How else could they stay in contact with their families left behind in war zones? The smart phone as a life saver, not as a luxury item.

Lührmann: “You have to experience in real life the people about whom you only hear in the media, and then you can form your own opinion about them.”

The forty-second scenario is completely unrealistic. Most of the young men and families who flee have planned their departure over the span of days, weeks or even months. From their points of view, the students had given the right answers: Papers, money and smart phones. But in reality the only things that seem to survive with the refugees are cell phones, and papers and money seem to have gone the way of the dodo bird.

Children are impressionable, and they don’t have the cognitive abilities that their grown-up master manipulators have. That’s why they cannot defend themselves against ideological hogwash. Maybe the project leader Lührmann would have found more resistance if she had asked these questions of cognitively equal grown-ups. She would have been bombarded with questions such as:

  • What exactly is it that one has to flee across half of Europe from?
  • Is Germany really the only safe country in Europe?
  • Why Germany at all?
  • Why does someone leave his wife and children behind and travel as a “refugee” halfway around the world?
  • What happened to their papers?
  • Why do “refugees” destroy their papers?

The two Syrians have their own YouTube channel, but of course they don’t speak in German. It’s a channel for whose purpose is to give tips to refugees. They also have a website.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

0:01   The Hamburg project “OpenEyesOpenHeart” wants to
0:04   combat prejudice against refugees among the citizenry.
0:07   That is why the project mediates contacts between refugees and Germans,
0:11   and they hold presentations at German schools.
0:14   In order to enlighten the students, the project leader
0:17   Lena Lührmann doesn’t shy away from provocative questions.
0:20   As Die Welt reports, during a presentation the project leader
0:23   wanted to know from a 10th-grade class in Hamburg
0:26   which prejudices about refugees they are aware of.
0:29   When one girl said,
0:32   “they take the jobs away from Germans,”
0:35   and a boy proposed, “they steal”, Lührmann retorted
0:38   with a provocative question. She said, “If you had to flee and you
0:41   only had forty seconds’ time, what would you pack into your plastic bag?”
0:44   With this Lührmann hinted at the lack of understanding by many
0:47   of why refugees often carry a smart phone with them.
0:50   The students quickly agreed, according to the report:
0:53   Papers, money and the smart phone.
0:56   How else should these people navigate their way through Europe
0:59   and stay in contact with their families they left behind in war zones?
1:02   The smart phone is therefore a life-saver
1:05   and not a luxury item.
1:08   The refugee project has reached about 3,000 students in Germany.

8 thoughts on “Hamburg Integration Project: Brainwashing German Students

  1. A proper response would have been to query such rapefugees as to why they were fleeing to Europe; if they had answered fleeing war, then ask where their families were? And when they answered, “in the war zone they fled from”, then arrest them and send them back to their dictator on charges of cowardice and desertion. I however, would have just sent them to face the firing squad; such cowards do not deserve the privilege of passing their genes on to the next generation.

    • And then you’d be labelled as a terrorist by ideologically pure comrades…

      P.S. on a separate note, Mohammad Al Badawi in arabic literally means “Mohammad The Bedouin” – LOL – it sounds like he is a cartoon character

    • Cowards are those who bombed Libya, Syria, and Iraq so as to cause muslim refugees. So that the west would accept them to show their false compassion. Because they have no compassion for their natives. So they they fulfil their promises to Arabs and muslims that they would destroy Europe and replace it with islam and muslims. And show enmity towards Israel to show that they (Europeans) are fair players.

      All this is the result of Western brain confusion, cowardice, petrodollars, abject grovelling towards islam and no one knows why.

  2. Someone should ask Lena Lührmann why she thinks it’s such a good idea to bring in thousands upon thousands of young men who have been brought up to believe that a mass-murdering rapist from the 7th Century is the ultimate role model when all the evidence shows that you’ll get mass-murder and a rape epidemic.

    • That’s it really. The Muslims seem to be able to give everyone else the proverbial “bums rush”. Beyond suicide.

    • I don’t even own one, tedh754; just a basic mobile/cellphone, but if that works on my visits to Europe and Canada, why not?

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