The Hajj — Czech Style

Martin Konvicka is a zoology professor at the University of South Bohemia is also a blogger who posts social and political commentary. Dr. Konvicka is also a well-known “Islamophobe” in the Czech Republic. Gates of Vienna saw him here most recently in August, when he and his associates engaged in a little performance art in a square in central Prague. They put on fake beards, dressed up as mujahideen of the Islamic State, and rode into the square (one on a camel) to announce the Islamic Republic of Czechia.

Dr. Konvicka has made headlines again recently, this time with some street theater in front of the Saudi Arabian embassy on September 11. The good doctor and his colleague arranged the stoning of the devil — it is Hajj time, after all — but using a port-a-potty instead, to represent the Ka’aba.

Xanthippa’s Chamberpot has the news on this, and much else, from Martin Konvicka and the Czech Republic. Below is her post from last night on these recent events.

The Hajj — Czech Style

by Xanthippa

Humour is the best medicine. It is also the best weapon against bullies, totalitarians, or anyone who takes themselves too seriously. Perhaps that is why humour is one of the first things curtailed when freedom of speech is threatened.

We have seen various comedians in the US lament how Political Correctness is preventing them from performing on college campuses.

We have seen Canadian comedians fined thousands of dollars for telling a politically incorrect joke.

We have seen German comedians charged and threatened with extradition to Turkey for authoring a humorous poem about Recep Erdoğan.

We know we are not far from the days when Socialist Regimes on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain would routinely jail people for telling jokes

Well, some of us know…

Perhaps those who lived behind the Iron Curtain remember it better than most of us. Perhaps that is why they cherish their Freedom of Speech and why they use humour to ensure it does not become as eroded as it has become in much of The West.

And Czechs do love their humour. It is therefore not surprising that Dr. Martin Konvicka, a brave patriot who is fighting to preserve his cultural heritage — and his freedom of speech — and his organization IMK (Iniciativa Martina Konvicky) have turned to humour to deliver their message.

And deliver it they did!

On August 21st, Czechs mark the anniversary of the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union of and the rest of their Warsaw Pact ‘allies’. This invasion had ended the liberalization of Czechoslovakia, called Prague Spring (after which the Arab Spring freedom movement was named), and was opposed by the vast majority of the population. Yet, when it became clear that the invaders were going to succeed in rolling back the progress towards liberalism and that hard socialism would indeed be imposed, many people had started licking the heels of their oppressors in order to improve their social status.

Now, Europe is experiencing a very different type of an invasion: millions of young, strong, able-bodied Muslims are flooding in, falsely claiming to be fleeing war, and imposing Sharia restrictions on the Freedom of Speech through threats of violence and massacres should the local governments refuse to impose them. And there is absolute proof that these people are not poor refugees fleeing war: some of the ones who had already been granted asylum in Europe — and living off of government subsidies — are also holidaying in their countries of origin.

Dr. Konvicka and IMK took the opportunity to draw parallels between the two invasions: the invasion of Czechoslovakia by their socialist brothers on the one hand and the Muslim invasion on the other. And the anniversary of the Warsaw Pact occupation was the perfect occasion!

As you can see from the videos above, it was a fun skit, people were enjoying it, except for the few who disagreed with the message — and who were not afraid to say so…which they would presumably be if they had thought this really was ISIS. Despite all of this evidence, Czech and International media corporations have universally reported panic, injuries and havoc…

And that is why you have to go to the blogosphere to see what had actually happened.

Following this street theatre, Dr. Konvicka was kind enough to grant this interview:

[Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video]

As you can see, humour is an effective tool to use against totalitarians of all stripes (or stars).

After the skit, many ‘Progressive’ politicians demanded an investigation into how Dr. Konvicka had managed to get a permit to stage this skit, calling for the bureaucrat who had granted it to be fired and Mr. Konvicka to be charged with something. Anything! Spreading false news, perhaps? (Would this not apply even more to the mainstream media?)

Well, there is still some sanity in Czech and the investigation had concluded just last week and found that everything was fine, and nobody has to get fired or charged with anything. Even more sanity: a judge has just dismissed all charges against the protesters who had carried gallows during last year’s anti-migrant demonstrations.

And Dr. Konvicka is far from being done. To mark the 15th anniversary of the Islamic attack on the Twin Towers on 9/11, he held a demonstration in front of the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Prague:

[Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video]

The event took place on the 11th of September, 2016, in front of the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Prague, from 2 pm until it was disbanded about 30 minutes later.

The large sign behind Dr. Konvicka, hanging on the Saudi Embassy fence, has a delightful little rhyme:





Dr. Konvicka was not the only one to speak at this demonstration. Beata Radosa, a former Muslima who explained that she used to believe that a hijab would keep her modesty and protect her from sexual harassment. When wearing the hijab did not protect her from harassment by Muslim men, she began to lose her faith and eventually left Islam. Now, she is an activist and a blogger. Her site (in Czech) is called Women Against Islam.

In her above-linked post, she points out that the Magistrate’s office warned them against using the port-a-potty to represent the Ka’aba…even though this was not specified in the permit application. This can only bring us to one conclusion: in the minds of the Magistrate’s office bureaucrats, the Ka’aba and a port-a-potty are closely related.

And, she writes, the Port-a-Ka’aba was such a danger to public safety that a whole squad of police in riot gear had to come and monitor the situation.

Martin Vitek was the third speaker and he pointed out some negative aspects of Islam and how they are connected to Saudi Arabia.

Then came the street theatre, until, that is, uniformed police officers pulled the plug on it and heavily armoured police officers arrived to let everyone know they are willing to use force on unarmed citizens if they don’t obey the order fast enough. Photos of the armoured police dispersing the citizens are at this Czech language site.

The lesson of the day? ‘Piss Christ’ is art, ‘Dung Madonna’ is art, but ‘Port-a-Ka’aba’ is hate speech. And the Czech Republic, despite being one of the most enlightened societies, is perfectly willing to use physical force to curb speech it does not like.

Czechs are, however a tenacious people. (Is it still allowed to say that or is that now racist?) Dr. Konvicka and IMK are planning more activities: on September 17, 2016, and on November 17, 2016.

Stay tuned, dear readers, for what is coming next!

3 thoughts on “The Hajj — Czech Style

  1. The Czechs have a long and proud history of resisting tyranny, religious and secular; Jan Hus fought the corruption and autocracy of the Catholic Church a century before Luther, leading (after his betrayal and execution) to a century of the “Hussite Wars”.

    After a bare couple of decades of independence and democracy from 1918, they were betrayed (by the British) to the Nazis; from 1945, they got only about three years before a communist coup. I’m not responsible for this sad history, but felt somewhat apologetic when visiting Prague three years ago.

  2. How sad. I believe my mother lived there for awhile, in Czechoslovakia. she said it was a democracy at the time — back in the 1940’s I think.

    I wonder why history is a story told over and over again about betrayal? Is that how people always roll?

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