Paul Weston at CPAC: “Americans Need to Look at Britain and Say: ‘This is Never Going to Happen Here’”

On March 3 Lars Hedegaard and Paul Weston sat in on a panel sponsored by the Center for Security Policy at this year’s CPAC conference in Washington D.C. They were there to present the “refugee” crisis and the Islamization of Europe to an American audience.

Below is the talk given by Paul Weston at the event. Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for editing and uploading this video:

Paul Weston is a British-based writer who focuses on the damage done to Western Civilisation by the hard left’s ongoing cultural revolution, which seeks to destroy the Christian, capitalist and racial base of the West. He is now one of the leaders of PEGIDA UK, and is also the leader of Liberty GB. His website may be found here, and his political Facebook page here. For links to his previous essays, see the Paul Weston Archives.

21 thoughts on “Paul Weston at CPAC: “Americans Need to Look at Britain and Say: ‘This is Never Going to Happen Here’”

  1. How lovely to hear the truht.
    Paul Weston is to the point. War will come. And like he says: It will be like nothing before.

    • Yes it will be. it will be like the invasion of the NAZIs in WWII, without the bombing. Fortunatly many Americans are buying guns; it’s too bad that Europeans can’t easly buy guns.

      I don’t see a peaceful way out of this. The leaders of Britain can only continue to appease Islam. Or do mass deportations, but how do you deport 3 million people, if many have British/other EU citezenship now?

      CNN Report:
      “1 million refugees came into the EU in 2015”. Quoting UN official figures.

      • The “adjustments” would be miniscule compared to the costs and outcomes of the current pathetic “strategies”. The Muslims lie to the hated Christians and the Christians lie to themselves.

        • How do you “deport” 3 million people who intend to wipe you out a little at a time? By plane, train, boat, wooden boxes or shovels. Ugly.

  2. The ripples of applause which take place at strategic pauses and at the end of Paul’s speech indicate that not many people were in the room, which is a shame.

  3. Paul Weston is outstanding. This speech should be broadcast on national TV, kind of like a “presidential” speech would be. The “average” American needs to hear this because I suspect the majority have no clue about the doings in Birmingham and the other horrors occurring wherever Muslims gather in large groups. (sorry if I over-used quote marks).

    Does the west have no survival instincts left?

    • That’s the crucial question, Mariadee. And I don’t know how something so “instinctual” is bred out of a culture.

      • By the relentless pounding day after day after day. Take it from me, I spent 12 years in southern California prior to the internet where the LA Times called me a racist if I didn’t not only allow but welcome Hispanics into our community, our schools, our health services, our parks and our police stations.
        We were intolerant bigots if we didn’t want to share our classrooms with those not ready for school and we were denigrated if we weren’t willing to use our children as free tutors.
        The violence that came with this underclass and the taking away of our freedom to move within our communities, use the services that we paid to build was downplayed and, at every turn, there were “human rights” advocates to rail against the police for “targeting” these people. And every Monday you got to read of the carnage of the previous weekend.
        It is still happening in SoCal, we extracted ourselves from it.
        The media had such a strangle hold on this discussion that you dare not even speak of it in polite company. I will never forget meeting up for the first time after we moved with girlfriends and their complete venom of the events that were transpiring in their communities back in SoCal. But, they let it happen. We, on the other hand, bailed out. I’m not sure if either of us is morally superior.

        • Bab’s

      • I suspect it happens the same way it does with the bonobos (primates). The “progressives” absolutely idolize bonobos. The amazingly positive spin they put on them on CNN was disgusting.

        Bonobos are passive, the females gang up to dominate the males, they all have sex with each other constantly regardless of gender. Sounds great! A naturally occurring validation of Brave New World feminist “progressivism”.

        Only problem is they’re going extinct as they don’t have the instincts to be able to survive in the presence of any threat that can get past the natural barriers that isolated their habitat. The only way they could have evolved the way they did is that they’ve been walled off in an area with plenty of food. As soon as that’s no longer the case, they’re dead without artificial (human) help from outside. In their case, humans are both the predators and the defenders. But they can’t deal with any threats on their own.

        The leftist message is: humans are evil predators.
        The real message should be: Bonobos are incapable of surviving threats on their own.

  4. The 1994 stopping and blocking of California Proposition 187 put a third world fix on California. Now a very hostile environment exists for what has since become the English only speaking “Anglo” minority. “Feelty steenkin’ Greengoz”. ?

    • eeerr….”The Mexican “reconquesta” and non response from Americans has not gone unnoticed by the soldiers of Allah now consuming our midst.

  5. We live in a remote area in the Southern U.S. We didn’t have to buy many guns. I
    inherited my great-great grandfather’s Smith & Wesson revolver. He worked as a
    lightskeeper on the Tennessee River & carried because his job was dangerous due to
    the rough characters that roamed the river at that time. My husband has crossbow &
    various other armaments. Our people don’t intend to be sitting ducks. There are
    several Jihadist training camps already in the country & we see the handwriting on the
    wall that the black Muslims & Middle Eastern Muslims have written there. We are not
    amused by the stupid crawling around in the woods they’re doing. Stupid because
    there are rattlesnakes & copperheads in these woods as long as a man is tall. Is it the
    inbreeding that causes the ignorance?

  6. I suggest that all European countries refrain from granting citizenship to new Immigrants and their descendants. They may be granted permanent residence, with property rights, but NOT FULL citizenship. Thereby, because of the number of children they produce, if they are non-citizens, they will not be able to vote for elected Members of Parliament. Thereby, they will not be able to change the laws of the country.

  7. I suggest that all European countries refrain from granting citizenship to new Immigrants and their descendants. They may be granted permanent residence, with property rights, but NOT FULL citizenship. Thereby, because of the number of children they produce, if they are non-citizens, they will not be able to vote for elected Members of Parliament. Thereby, they will not be able to change the laws of the country.

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