“I am the Voice of the Sovereign Peoples of Europe”

Last Wednesday German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande paid a visit to a quaint little vestigial institution known as the European Parliament. The EP is supposed to act as a lapdog of the unelected EU bureaucracy, rubber-stamping the legislation placed before it by the European Commission. It was designed to provide well-paid sinecures for national politicians who served the goals of the European superstate during the time they pretended to represent the interests of the constituents who elected them.

In recent years, however, the EP has become a forum for contention and argument as the issues of Islamization and mass immigration loomed larger and larger in European politics. Since her election to the EP, Marine Le Pen, the leader of the Front National in France, has given numerous eloquent and impassioned speeches on the floor of the European Parliament.

She did not let us down last Wednesday when Chancellor Merkel and President Hollande went slumming to Strasbourg. My understanding of French is quite limited, but the following dressing-down of Frau Merkel and her Mini-Moi is supremely inspiring, even without a glance at the subtitles.

Many thanks to Oz-Rita for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Further reading on last week’s kerfuffle in the European Parliament:

Video transcript:

00:04   The Honorable Mme LePen has the floor.
00:12   Thank you Mme Merkel
00:16   for giving us the pleasure of your company today together with your vice chancellor,
00:20   administrator of the province “France”.
00:24   Monsieur Vice Chancellor I would have
00:28   liked to call you “Monsieur le President de la Republique” to respect
00:32   your function, but just like your predecessor,
00:36   you don’t exercise this presidency. A president of our Republic
00:40   would never say: “[the ideology of] sovereignty is declinism”, as you said,
00:44   because the president of the Republic is the guarantor of the French constitution,
00:48   and the first article of the French constitution
00:52   is the sovereignty of the French nation. A president
00:56   of the republic cannot keep ignoring
01:00   the interests of France. The interests of France do not include submitting
01:04   blindly to policies decided in Berlin, Brussels,
01:08   or Washington. France’s interest, and YOUR duty,
01:12   is to defend her sovereignty. It is not an interest
01:16   of France to present this appalling spectacle of a France
01:20   as the tagalong of Germany on the immigration issue. When in a
01:24   perfectly irresponsible gesture, Chancellor Merkel said that
01:28   one must welcome 800,000 migrants with open arms, you applauded,
01:32   when a few days later she suspended Schengen and wanted to
01:36   be the master of its borders, you applaud again,
01:40   giving the dismaying image of France as a country adrift,
01:44   stumbling over such an essential question on the security,
01:48   the prosperity and the defence of French identity.
01:52   It is also not the interest of France to abdicate
01:57   in favor of Dr. Scheuble, when the economy of the continent is decided,
02:01   especially when this policy is synonymous with massive unemployment,
02:05   with insecurity and the collapse of our system of social protection.
02:09   On the contrary, it is to resist and to prevent
02:13   Greece and other southern European countries and France
02:17   from immolating themselves in an endless spiral whose only objective
02:21   is to save the euro and the German economic model of low salaries.
02:25   You both come here for a catch-up session
02:29   because your European Union is falling apart,
02:33   aggravating the assaults of immigration and the economic assaults,
02:37   forced to keep going by blackmail,
02:41   threats and intimidation. Your model
02:45   is subservience to the USA, the austerity,
02:49   unfair competition, mass surveillance of citizens,
02:53   social dumping, migration flooding.
02:57   I bring another model, one that unites the peoples of Europe,
03:01   one of independence, a Europe of nations in a multipolar world,
03:05   intelligent protectionism.
03:09   Yes, individual freedoms,
03:13   defence of our
03:17   security and of our identity,
03:21   by the complete end to mass immigration.
03:25   Some will say that I am the Anti-Merkel
03:29   I accept this omen.
03:33   I don’t allow you the right,
03:37   Madame, the right to dispose
03:41   of us in an absurd attempt at the domination
03:45   of Europe by Germany. The defence of German interests
03:50   doesn’t justify the submission of the other European peoples.
03:54   I am
03:58   the voice of the free Europeans,
04:02   of our sovereign peoples who turn their back on the EU
04:06   because they hunger for ‘Nation’. I represent
04:10   the French people who turn their backs
04:14   on you, Monsieur Hollande, just as they turned away yesterday
04:18   from Mr. Sarkozy, because they are hungry for FRANCE.

28 thoughts on ““I am the Voice of the Sovereign Peoples of Europe”

  1. I’ll repeat what I said before about Marine Le Pen: extremely brave woman who absolutely says many of the right things. Beware the wolf in sheep clothing: her economic policies are to the left of Hollande’s. And she thinks Putin is just wonderful. Sorry, but Putin doesn’t believe what he says about the resplendence of Western Civilization and Christian virtues any farther than I could throw him.

    • I disagree. If Le Front Nationale cannot win the next election then France as we have known it will be gone. Surely you can see that? There will be no second chances for Le Front Nationale after the next election if they do not win – Merkel and Hollande or whoever may replace him, will see to that!

      So what if Le Front Nationale’s policies are mainly from the Left? Polices will change through necessity. Do you wish for eventual peace with a Islam free Europe and their borders intact or do you wish for what will come if the status quo is not removed from power?

      As for Putin, well HE may be the wolf in sheep’s clothing or he may be as he appears to be, but there is one thing about Putin – he will stand and fight while the West continues to destroy itself.

      • From the wiki:

        Economist Murray Rothbard wrote that “Bastiat was indeed a lucid and superb writer, whose brilliant and witty essays and fables to this day are remarkable and devastating demolitions of protectionism and of all forms of government subsidy and control. He was a truly scintillating advocate of an unrestricted free market.” However, Bastiat himself declared that subsidy should be available, but limited: “under extraordinary circumstances, for urgent cases, the State should set aside some resources to assist certain unfortunate people, to help them adjust to changing conditions.”

        • The idea of a National Health Sevice could I suppose be pigeon-holed as ‘left wing’ – but why is that necessarily a bad thing.

          The primary purpose of government is the protection of the people – is that not ‘left wing’?

      • In its earliest days, the internet was designed by monolingual English speakers who saw no need for “weird” accented letters, hence eb page addresses can only be sent in ASCII form (the letters A-Z, a-z, numbers and punctuation). UTF-8 provides a way to encode non-ASCII characters in a web address.

        Example: UTF-8 renders e-acute [é] as %C3%A9. Thus, the name Frédéric becomes stretched out:


        More details here:

      • That’s just your browser intercepting the accented characters and converting them to something all browsers can interpret and use. The link itself works perfectly — because the accented characters have been so converted.

        %C3%A9 = é

    • Not that my opinion counts, but I’d rather see France remain France, and the French can sort out what kind of economic policies they want.

    • So what? Why should anybody care if France ends up with a leftwing government as long as it puts France first? Left and right is no longer a meaningful distinction. There is only one issue in Europe now, and she is on the right side of it.
      That was a barnstorming performance. I had a vision of the Nuremberg trials watching this. I hope it is a foretaste, not a flashback.

      • She is a very charismatic and inspiring leader, along the lines of Geert Wilders. However, we also had the camera switching to some of the “honorable” politicians/Eurocrats in the audience, who could be seen smirking and openly mocking her. It was to her credit, I suppose, that Merkel herself maintained an expression of polite but bored tolerance throughout (what I wouldn’t give to know what was going on in her head … or, on second though, perhaps not!)

    • Farage will not call out the Islamic menace – witness how many UKIP endorsements have been withdrawn from those UKIP members who have voiced their concern at the Islamization of Britain.

      Forget Farage, he speaks only for the status quo to his own reckoning.

  2. To halt the imminent implosion of Europe it’s going to immediately take a dozen more Le Pen’s in each EU country, but that’s not happening. Those willing to survive need to immigrate to North America before ships packed with invaders show up in our hemisphere, at least we have a fighting chance over here.

  3. It’s like watching the run up to WW2 all over again. Hollande is the new Pierre Laval and Merkel is a Hitler in her political ambition for Germany.

    De Gaulle would be spinning in his grave!

    • This is over the top. Merkel is no Hitler. She is out of her depth and clearly totally ignorant when it comes to the invading migrants dubbed refugees. She thinks she is acting in a humanitarian manner.

      • Gleichschalting? Check.
        Germany ruling other nations? Check
        A ruler who tries to look as if they are in control of events, but in reality is out of their depth? Check.
        Massive conflict on the near horizon? Check.
        Outcome inknown but will definitely be catastrophic? Check.

        As for your last comment, in which you assert that Merkel has good intentions, and is simply misguided, please read the following:

        “One belief, more than any other, is responsible for the slaughter of individuals on the altars of the great historical ideals – justice or progress or the happiness of future generations, or the sacred mission or emancipation of a nation or race or class, or even liberty itself, which demands the sacrifice of individuals for the freedom of society. This is the belief that somewhere, in the past or in the future, in divine revelation or in the mind of an individual thinker, in the pronouncements of history or science, or in the simple heart of an uncorrupted good man, there is a final solution. This ancient faith rests on the conviction that all the positive values in which men have believed must, in the end, be compatible, and perhaps even entail one another…One belief, more than any other, is responsible for the slaughter of individuals on the altars of the great historical ideals – justice or progress or the happiness of future generations, or the sacred mission or emancipation of a nation or race or class, or even liberty itself, which demands the sacrifice of individuals for the freedom of society. This is the belief that somewhere, in the past or in the future, in divine revelation or in the mind of an individual thinker, in the pronouncements of history or science, or in the simple heart of an uncorrupted good man, there is a final solution. This ancient faith rests on the conviction that all the positive values in which men have believed must, in the end, be compatible, and perhaps even entail one another… (Isaiah Berlin)

    • But it was De Gaulle who encouraged the ‘Arab’ influence into France and subsequently Europe. I would liken him to a French traitor whose betrayal of France was almost halted by some French soldiers who attempted to assassinate him.

      Read up on what the Allies thought about De Gaulle, especially Churchill.

      • As a Canadian, would you like my opinion on De Gaulle? Our blood was spilled by the bucket in two world wars in his miserable land, and his infamous speech here was an insult to us like no other.

  4. We are strange animals: most of us are kind and good but few of us have courage. This shows us a fine example of the latter. Thank god for these people.

  5. Future generations of indigenous Europeans can look back on these video clips and know people like Marine Le Pen (21st Century Joan of Arc), Geert Wilders, Tommy Robinson, Paul Weston, bloggers Eyore, The Baron, Dymphna, Barenaked Islam, Vledtapes, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and many others set off five bell alarms over mass immigration. Yes, the alarms are fear-based for many facts & reasons. Islam has not reformed itself past the 7th century. Over half of the existing migrants are unemployed and unable to assimilate properly. Muslims marry under Sharia law. Males allowed four wives. Western governments have no way to track Sharia marriages. Wives are treated and rewarded as unwed mothers with state benefits. I have yet to see any country including America to put any language or employment requirements on migrants such as learn French/German/English/Dutch/… in 1-2 years, get a paid job, or face immediate deportation. Each country deserves the right to its own sovereignty, migrant quotas, language, culture, etc. Unbelievable Agenda 21 is being rammed down the throats of Western countries while the OIC, China, Japan is allowed business as usual. They don’t submit to the United Nation demands. Neither does Russia.

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