The European Joyride, Swedish Version

Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer takes a look across the border at his next-door neighbor to assess the progress of cultural enrichment in Sweden.

The European joyride

A brief report from Sweden

by The Observer

The tiny little village of Hedekas in Munkedal Municipality, Västra Götaland County, Sweden is one of those little picturesque places that city slickers caught up in the modern day rat race dream about escaping to. It’s the kind of village you’ll see beckoning to you from screen savers on computer monitors in cramped little office cubicles all over the world. It’s one of those spots where time just seems to stand still and the inhabitants couldn’t care less. It’s the kind of place where everybody knows everybody, where you don’t have to lock your doors at night because you know your neighbors would never in a million years think about breaking into your house to steal your property, or heaven forbid, wish to cause you any harm.

There are thousands of villages just like Hedekas all over the Western world. You’ll find them scattered across the countryside in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, Norway, Sweden and anyplace else where Western civilization is still the dominating force. The people who reside in these places might speak with different accents, have different mother tongues, slightly different customs and traditions, but they all share some common morals and values, and they would instantly be able to recognize the similarities if they were visiting an analogous village in a different country or county. If asked, the majority would probably also tell you that they like things just the way they are.

But unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your political point of view), the Kadour family, newly arrived “refugees” from Syria, see it differently. After spending less than a week in Hedekas, they have had enough and made the life-changing decision to return to Germany, the country they said goodbye to when they decided to try their luck in Sweden. Mulham Kadour, the head of the family, has a hard time disguising his disappointment while being interviewed by a local reporter from, which has stayed in touch with the family since they first stepped off the Stena Line passenger ferry in Gothenburg less than a week ago.

The family is back in Gothenburg, standing outside the central train station with all their belongings packed in big duffel and shopping bags, waiting for the next train that will take them back to Germany, when the interview takes place. Mulham tells the journalist that he became frustrated by the size of Hedekas, by the tiny population and the massive forest that surrounds the village and just seems to go on forever. “Where are all the people?” he sighs, admitting that others had warned him that they might end up living way out in the sticks if they moved to Sweden. When the journalist hints that the family could end up in the middle of nowhere even in Germany, Mulham just shrugs his shoulders and replies that a small village in Germany is probably going to be bigger than a small village in Sweden.

It is quite clear after reading the article that the family had their hearts set on being housed in a big city in Sweden and not a one-horse town in the deep dark Swedish forest, miles away from anywhere else.

Some people might find the ingratitude and pettiness of the family shocking and hard to understand, and at first glance, this seems to be warranted. But when considering the fact that the Kadour family are not refugees, but rather economic migrants of the opportunistic kind, things start to make more sense. Because the Kadours did not arrive in Sweden fleeing war and persecution; quite the opposite. They came from Germany, one of the safest countries in the world, in the search of greener pastures. The father, Mulham Kadour, says “he didn’t come to Sweden just to get a residence permit and food on a plate, but to get a fresh start and to create a future for himself and his family.”

It should be obvious to anyone that such a person, an economic migrant ,is going to be an extremely discerning and fussy customer after travelling through half a dozen safe countries to reach his final destination, and hailing from a region where gratitude is considered a negative character trait rather than a healthy one. Here we have a classic example of a person who has taken a huge risk, put his own life and that of his family in the hands of cynical human smugglers who don’t care whether you live or die as long as they get their money. He has spent large sums with the expectation of reaching a generous welfare state in Europe where, so he’s been told, the politicians will say “How high?” whenever he says “Jump”. In all likelihood he has been swallowing the fairy tales that the human smugglers have been feeding him. Why would anyone expect such a person to settle for a tiny little village in the middle of nowhere far away from his compatriots and populated by people who in his culture are despised and viewed as inferior in every sense of the word, not to mention the fact that he has in all likelihood been inculcated with the knowledge that his own culture will eventually supplant and dominate the Western one?

Viewed from that perspective it makes perfect sense that such a migrant would be dissatisfied with the treatment he has received, and would prefer to take up residence in one of the bigger cities, preferably in a culturally enriched neighborhood with a large expat population where he doesn’t have to deal with the “locals”, where he can still cling on to his own backward culture and not have to go through the hassle of learning the local language. In contrast to a real refugee, would have called it quits the second he reached a safe haven and would be overjoyed by the fact that he finally had managed to find sanctuary, been given a roof over his head and food on the table. And that’s the reason why Mulham and individuals like him don’t care for places like Hedekas, and why many of them protest vehemently whenever they are being sent to such places. Those locations are part of the old Sweden, the Sweden that ordinary Swedes trapped in culturally enriched neighborhoods reminisce about and secretly long to live in, and which “refugees” hailing from the Islamic world want no part of whatsoever.

Mulham Kadour and his family are the focus of this article simply because they are your average run-of-the-mill “refugees” (Muslims), and their actions and mentality show us why this so-called “refugee crisis” is nothing but a gigantic scam. This scam has been running for several decades, and has picked up in intensity over the last few years and has moved into overdrive in the last few months. It has become a metaphorical runaway train that is almost impossible to stop using conventional political means. The scam arose as a direct result of timid political decision-making, third-world dysfunctionalism, Islamic expansionism and downright European political cynicism and cowardice.

The vast majority of the “refugees” that are currently hitting our shores in a manner reminiscent of the Allied invasion of Normandy in 1944 have exactly the same motives that Mulham and his family had when they left Germany and headed for Sweden, namely to seek greener pastures and prey on the collective guilty conscience of Europe and its citizens. And one has to conclude that it seems to be working out exceptionally well for them, judging by the response of the MSM, leftwing organizations and some very deluded and sheltered middle/upper-class individuals, the great majority of whom are women.

As a matter of fact people who follow current events in Sweden got another opportunity a few days ago to witness a peculiar case of “refugee ingratitude”, when forty Syrian refugees in the city of Jönköping lamented the horrible fate that had befallen upon them when they discovered that they had to relocate to a different asylum center in Viebäck, a smaller village “in the middle of the forest” to use the exact words of the group’s spokesperson, Mohamad Fadi Kanaan. Unlike the Kadour family, who at least had the decency to just leave Sweden without taking their anger out on the rest of society, this merry band of forty (male?) refugees barricaded themselves inside the building housing the local immigration department and took their protest to the city centre after they were eventually escorted from the premises, in all likelihood by the local police.

This type of behavior, which is not uncommon amongst refugees in Sweden, must be extremely frustrating for the Swedish authorities, because the authorities are very keen on shipping newly arrived “refugees” to tiny places just like Viebäck and Hedekas. Places that are seen as remnants of the old racist and supremacist Sweden, the Sweden of yesterday, the old Sweden that will have to be wiped off the face of the earth in order for a new Sweden to see the light of day. The desire to alter the country forever is so strong that the Swedish Government is even contemplating taking up loans from the European Investment Bank (EIB) to fund the demographic metamorphosis, which can only be compared with an alchemist’s unrealistic attempts of turning grey rock into chunks of gold.

This ecstatic enthusiasm for a demographic and cultural change has unsurprisingly created a flourishing asylum industry, which is the only industry that is truly booming in Sweden these days. The nine largest private corporations involved in housing asylum seekers made an astonishing SKR 330 million ($39 million, €35 million, £26 million) during the first six months of 2015, up almost 100% from the previous year. The inflated prices and the guaranteed revenue source from the public coffers means that there are huge profits to be made, and this has led some unscrupulous landlords to evict ordinary Swedes in order to house newly-arrived refugees, which ultimately means higher rental returns for these industrious and patriotic folks.

Judging by current and past trends, the Swedish authorities seems hell-bent on ensuring that every town and city in Sweden has an asylum center inside its city limits, so that they can take part in the joyful experience of getting to know newly-arrived asylum seekers from the Muslim world, and fully savor the pleasures of having Muslims as their new next-door neighbors. Before the mass invasion of illegal immigrants to Europe started in earnest a few months ago, Sweden had the dubious “honor” that saw the largest influx of “refugees” per capita of any country in Europe for more than 30 years. In the last ten years that influx has been ten times higher than the European average.

And that pace has picked up considerably. Sweden is now receiving surplus population at such a rapid rate that building new asylum centers and housing its residents in existing asylum centers is no longer enough. New buildings take time to complete and empty buildings are hard to come by.

In response, politically correct Swedish brains have been engaging in some serious brainstorming and come up with some clever new ideas that will solve this troublesome conundrum. One of the proposals that has gained some traction, apart from encouraging ordinary families to open up their homes to refugees, is to house asylum seekers in the holiday homes of ordinary Swedes in order to cope with the huge real estate demand. The irony is that many of these holiday homes are situated in idyllic locations, locations that ordinary Swedes flee to for a month or two each year during summer and winter holidays to get away from the cultural enrichment that has been rammed down their throats. Unfortunately, the idea also fails to take into account that some of the newly arrived “refugees” are probably not going to settle for such substandard accommodation, far away from the enriched neighborhoods of cities such as Malmö and Stockholm, and often in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by forests or mountains. Thus it’s of course reasonable to assume that there will be many more stories about unhappy “refugees” who complain about their living arrangements and lament their remote addresses. Some of those ungrateful individuals will surely explore other avenues and see if they can find greener pastures elsewhere, just like Mulham and his family, who decided to leave Sweden and live off the forced generosity of the German taxpayers instead.

And those who do have nothing to worry about, even though they have left half a dozen democratic countries or so in their wake. The authorities in Germany and Sweden are not going to ask them any inconvenient questions about all the safe destinations in which they conveniently forgot to apply for political asylum. Their status as “refugees” will never be questioned and their motives will not be challenged.

In fact the Swedish authorities are so understanding and accommodating that they have even instructed the state-owned railway company SJ to allow “refugees” to travel on their trains anywhere in Sweden without a ticket, which means that Mulham and his family of five can happily board the train in Gothenburg and travel out of Sweden without paying a single krona. And they are not alone: numerous “refugees” have availed themselves of this generous offer, which ordinary Swedes who are struggling financially can only dream about, to make their way to Norway and Finland, where they have applied for political asylum. It has caused quite a diplomatic rift between Finland and Sweden, and it has rightly led Finland to accuse Sweden of aiding human smugglers.

One could of course view the Swedish authorities’ decision to let refugees ride for free on their trains as an act of altruism by the ultra-politically correct Swedish state, but it could also be viewed as a sign of weakness and a leaf taken straight out of the “how to act in the new Dhimmi Sweden book” authored by the Swedish Police Department, who have implemented the dubious policy of retreating whenever they are attacked by thugs and bullies in order to de-escalate a heated situation. One doesn’t have to be an analytical genius to realize that a situation would go from normal to disastrous in the blink of an eye if railway personnel were forced to throw off large groups of ticketless “refugees” who were hell-bent on reaching their destinations no matter what. Easier just to look the other way and let the testosterone-filled powder kegs be on their merry way.

There have been several incidents, similar to those of the Kadour family and the disgruntled Syrians in Jönköping, where “refugees” have downright refused to step off busses that have transported them to their designated asylum centers, because these facilities have been deemed unsatisfactory (too far away from the nearest city etc.), and the disgruntled “refugees” have then demanded to be taken to another more suitable location.

These cases have invariably drawn the attention of the media, which of course is inconvenient in a country where such situations are considerably toned down. It is probably also challenging for the personnel at these reception centers to have to confront the angry newcomers and inform them that this is as good as it is going to get. The new “free train travel scheme” for refugees will undoubtedly make it easier and much less conspicuous to move unruly “refugees” from one asylum center to another and let someone else somewhere else deal with the problem. All one has to do now is to transport disgruntled customers to the nearest train station, put them on the first outbound train and the problem is solved, without creating unnecessary headlines in the Swedish MSM.

Although the Swedish authorities probably see this new scheme as a win-win situation that will prevent unnecessary stress and hostilities, it will probably also lead to some unwelcome and highly unintended consequences, given that the housing situation is already dire in Sweden and will soon become desperate. In such a scenario it’s not unrealistic to expect that “refugees” who don’t have anywhere else to go, or who blatantly refuse to accept their designated accommodation, will start using trains as a means of getting away from the elements when winter arrives in earnest in a few months time and simply decide to ride these trains up and down the country on a permanent basis. It is quite common to see this method employed by homeless people in cities such as London and Paris that have extensive underground systems running around the clock. These homeless individuals will simply just get on a train, find a seat and sleep for a couple of hours while being chauffeured between the various stations.

If the situation were to become really precarious — and it probably will, judging by the hellish conditions that we’ve seen in places further south in Europe that have been completely overwhelmed by the tsunami of “refugees — it’s even conceivable that some of the “refugees” will take a more militant approach and decide to occupy shopping malls, hotels, office buildings, railway stations and even break into private homes in order to find shelter from the elements and somewhere to sleep.

And, judging by track record of the Swedish police, there probably won’t be anyone to stop them from carrying out their business, at least not if they decide to operate in large groups. The immigrant-saturated Stockholm suburb of Husby saw extensive riots in the summer of 2013, which quickly spread to other parts of the country. Those riots might just be a walk in the park compared to what could happen in the winter of 2015-2016 if things get really out of hand. Unfortunately all the available data at our disposal tends to suggest that it most definitely will.

My advice? Don’t book a weekend getaway in Stockholm or any of the other big Swedish cities this winter. As a matter of fact, don’t book a European holiday at all, because there might be an uninvited guest staying in the hotel room that you paid for when you show up…

27 thoughts on “The European Joyride, Swedish Version

  1. It’s all so difficult to read and comprehend. Just when will their be some kick-back? Of all the countries under the cosh, is Sweden destined to never recover? It seems to be going at full throttle, driven by a deranged level of self-deprecation, auto-racism and an inexplicable altruism which can only end one way: Swedish marginalisation, dispossession and possibly genocide.

  2. Oh Gooodeeee!! I can’t wait to be culturally enriched! Can you? I’ve decided to have a brain transplant to “fit in” with our new status as Dhimma……

    (Father Guy has just been returned to the asylum by thise nice men in whitecoats and now sports a very fetching jacket that does up at the back)

    (his wife)

  3. Our History group at a recent meeting cancelled the plans for a 2 week tour of France and Austria in early May next year due to the so-called refugees problems .

    We decided to do a 7 or 8 day riverboat trip on the Mississippi next year instead… surprisingly almost as expensive as a flight an tour of France and Austria.

    Several people have already done the Riverboat tour and loved it… so with their high recommendation: the MISSISSIPPI RIVER it is!!

    I have been to most of the cities will stop to visit as I am a Civil War buff. In fact been in most states in our country. Would LOVE to see France again before I kick the bucket, but with the MIGRANT CRISIS , I really do not want to have that “CULTURAL ENRICHMENT” problem… with icky people who think ALL non muslims are their inferiors.

    My weekly trip to WAL MART to buy my prescriptions( my insurance makes me go there or to another equally as disgusting store) IS ENOUGH with all their ” culturally enriched” creepy shoppers and employees with bathmats /towels on their heads … wore usually with SKIN TIGHT JEANS .. YEP! SKIN TIGHT/backside enhanced JEANS!

    • While on the subject on tourism, I wonder if the feckless and spineless fools in the various governments ever considered the detrimental effects that this ‘migration’ would have on a substantial cash cow the tourist industry. Much of Europe depends on this industry. Especially the Greek islands, and the centuries old cities. I for one will be very selective in my European travels

      • Millions and millions of Muslims just wandering around what’s Left in Western Europe. For now it’s just mostly surveying the property and understanding the ropes while living work and tax free on the dimmi tax payer. European Onion.

      • Never been to Germany, probably never will now. Partly out of wanting to avoid the new Germany we are seeing more of on our screens, but also because I wouldn’t want to willingly be in the same country as Merkel. Might go for disaster tourism some day to see what can be learnt from Germany’s altruistic death wish.

    • Tourism? Tour of France? Ha ha. We’re in the middle Womb Boom III. (That’s world war with the EU and US abortion factories working 24/7 to get the kids out of town to safety.) It’s a backsides forward way of doing things but at least the frontline Muslims are on board. The Muslims just don’t realize how clever these Lefties they are sharing the goodies with for now, actually are?

      • “Abortion factories”? Get a sense of perspective, Living Lies. Individual women making a decision that this is not the time for them to carry an embryo to term are NOT part of a conspiracy to sabotage our culture, whether or not you agree with their assertion of rights over their own bodies.

        • Mark you must live a very sheltered life of high ideals and be truly a woman’s friend. Trust me. It’s a huge industry. ‘Abortion factories’ is an understatement. There are markets for baby body parts from a single cell to the seventish month plus. It’s been legal in Englsnd since 1968 and the US a few years later. Like any other thriving legal industry there are stats. (And stats I imagine depending on what you are looking for.) Do the research. Abortion is birth control for many ‘liberated’ women and easily led girls.

    • I live in France and I can assure you that there are lots and lots of lovely places to visit where you will get the impression of going back 30 or 40 years. The central part of France -Auvergne, Limousin, Dordogne is full of traditional sleepy villages with lovely stone architecture set in superb countryside and stuffed with wonderful resturants. No hijabs in sight. Of course one does see French Muslims in big towns and cities but actually despite the noises Mitterand makes France has only agreed to accept 24,000 “refugees”. I suspect too that despite decrying the various mayors who have stated clearly that they only want Christian refugees in their town that on the quiet Christian refugees are being given preference. Some have relatives already here and are more likely to speak some French. The only news items I have seen on the arrival of refugees show Christian refugees being welcomed by existing communities of Syrian Christians.
      There are large parts of rural France where the hunt is very important. Hunters have guns. There is no way that French people with second homes in the countryside would let them be used by migrants and any clandestine use in villages or hamlets would be impossible. French villagers are incredibly nosey and can spot an outsider in seconds!

      • “… you will get the impression of going back 30 or 40 years…” : It’s not an impression: if Mitterrand is president, you actually live in the French 80’s 🙂

  4. Soon when the ‘honeymoon’ is over and the local Swedes start complaining the bleeding hearts will come forth with a litany of lame excuses for the despicable behavior of the ‘new arrivals’.

    • but they will still need to “Sweden” the pot in order to make it acceptable to the natives. Now all we need to do its get some sugar-free “Swedener”
      puns intended as always 🙂

  5. The Swede elites and brainwashed minions are clueless. Any talk that varies from the ruling seven leaf coalition mantra brings on accusations of racism & xenophobia. Some communities and some individuals are becoming frustrated because private and public properties have been invaded and illegally occupied. In some cases by hundreds of illegals. The government does nothing to evict the squatters. Private property owners are just as helpless as whole towns.

    There is no clear law that can be enacted to evict illegals from municipal or private property. This past week the SVT debate program in a short segment covered this topic(excluding participation of the SD rep which is par for the course). The police and the tax authority have to act in concert for any action to take place and nobody is willing to get involved for fear of being branded racist or a xenophobe.

    This is absolute insanity. -Paul

    • It’s survival of the fittest, and those 18-35 year old Muslim males appear fit. European tourism collapse imminent but we still have the old videos for reminiscing. Best of luck to you.

    • Absolute insanity prevails all over Western Europe. However the Swedes are proving themselves to be on the cutting edge of looney with Euro west countries catching up fast. Does that make Sweden progressive?

  6. Glad I live where I do ,Muslims are a very rare and despised abomination and hopefully will always be so.
    Islam out now, is my motto.

  7. Oh what a joy it is to have our countries raped by these aliens. Aliens in every sense of the word. So long as the political elites dwell safely in their gated communities all is well.

  8. When, predictably, the Left’s sentiment-driven policies fail to work, they play their Joker card, namely Bend-The-Rules-To-Get-Ourselves-Off-the-Hook. The free train rides are an example.

    Economic migrants are NOT refugees, do NOT qualify for refugee treatment, and should be deported, as Viktor Orban, trained in law, points out.

    Germany is breaking the law by providing all these facilities to economic migrants.

    • Economic migrants who break in to a country are criminals, as Orban correctly states. Those are the rules. The Left are busy overriding them.

  9. The bottom line surely is that the people making these idiotic decisions are able to make them because they have been voted into power. Even now things can be changed for the better via the ballot box.

  10. Just think of all the bureaucratic jobs spinning off from this invasion. not just housing but social workers dealing with domestic violence, trying to cover up rapine of the local indigenous girls and women, cross-cultural workers in every conceivable part of official life, bi-lingual teachers, welfare payment clerks and so on. It’s a bonanza for the Bureaucratic State funded by the bleeding indigenous tax-payer.

    Our citizens have already suffered rape and murder, our buildings have already been blown up, our soldiers and citizens exterminated in broad daylight in our cities, our freedom of speech diminished. We’ve been intimidated and bullied by Muslims and PC Leftist Post-modern, Christ-abhorring, sanctimonious elites and their ilk. WHAT’S IT GOING TO TAKE BEFORE WE FIGHT?

  11. It’s not only socialist governments in Europe that have the same agenda.
    I live on a small Caribbean island, we have very few Muslims here, and because there’s no welfare it’s either work or starve. So this means they are not troublesome, and also no “refugees” want to come here.
    However what our socialist government is doing is building low income housing in the middle of the more affluent areas, not theirs of course. Then moving in people who have been squatting on government land.
    This means lowered property values, general rowdiness, scrap cars etc. It can’t be called white flight, but you get the idea, lots of the original residents are moving out, some even selling up and going overseas.
    It’s obviously a socialist mindset.

  12. I would like to visit England. Are there any towns which are free of these vile creatures(koranic phrase) of islam. The last time I visited was in 1975.

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