Islamic Bullying in Tennessee

Below is the latest newsletter from the Tennessee Council for Political Justice.

Newsletter #159 — Islamist Bullying in Tennessee

Tennessee has a law against bullying in schools because we believe that bullying is bad. So every school district in Tennessee has policies committed to eradicating bullies.

But we tolerate Islamist bullying. These bullies use name-calling like “bigot” or “Islamophobe” whenever anyone raises questions about matters like Muslim Brotherhood networks, Muslim Brotherhood plan, or questions the “Muslim as oppressed victim” narrative.

We also tolerate the way in which mainstream media abets Islamist bullying.

On January 15th the Tennessean newspaper published Paul “Iesa” Galloway’s response to the Paris jihadi murders. Galloway is the new executive director of the American Center for Outreach (ACO) which he says represents the political voice of Muslims in Tennessee.

Galloway’s resume includes running his own public relations firm. He claims an expertise in “rebranding,” aka professional spin doctor. He founded CAIR-Houston and operated it for four years. He served on Mohamed Elibiary’s Freedom and Justice Foundation board alongside arch Islamist Abdulhakim Mohammed, the former imam at the Islamic Center of Nashville (ICN), who was a mentor to Memphis jihadi Carlos Bledsoe.

Galloway’s predecessor at ACO, Remziya Suleyman also used the “Muslim as victim” narrative and Islamophobia as her rallying cry. The AMAC (American Muslim Advisory Council) founder and former chair, Daoud Abudiab will try to revive the Islamophobia tactic with his spring 2015 Islamophobia Conference.

“Islamophobia” is name-calling designed to suppress any criticism of Islam and Muslims. It was invented specifically for this purpose by a Muslim Brotherhood front organization, the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT). The IIIT was part of a 5 year terrorism financing investigation for being the largest monetary donor to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group and because it has other questionable ties to terrorist groups.

Being a Muslim Brotherhood insider by virtue of his CAIR leadership, Galloway knows the Islamophobia tactic is losing its impact because subsequent to each jihadi attack, the public is less convinced that Muslims are the real victims. The Associated Press eliminated the term “Islamophobia” from its stylebook which is the media “bible” to guide accuracy in reporting. Remember this the next time you pick up a newspaper or read a report.

The Associated Press has also redefined “Islamist” as:

“An advocate or supporter of a political movement that favors reordering government and society in accordance with laws prescribed by Islam. Do not use as a synonym for Islamic fighters, militants, extremists or radicals, who may or may not be Islamists.”

This new definition is supported by CAIR. Why? Because it fits precisely to the short and long-term goals of the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan for the West as written in their 1991 Explanatory Memorandum.

Do You Think Islamists in Tennessee Are Credible?

Galloway is keeping the “Muslim as victim” narrative but emphasizing the “American Muslim” characterization to try and differentiate U.S. Islamists from the rest of the ummah. Suleyman tried that also. However, she wasn’t able to explain how Islamists here are different than the ones in France and England who say they want more, not less sharia in their lives.

Neither Suleyman nor Galloway can explain why Islamists say they want sharia no-go zones like the ones in France. A 2012 poll of U.S. Muslims showed that 40% want to be judged by sharia law over U.S. laws.

And Galloway says he is “frustrated” that Islamist leaders who disavow any and all acts of terrorism isn’t the final word on this issue? And why is this even relevant? After, actions speak louder than words.

Uber-liberal Bill Maher doesn’t find Islamists credible either. Nor does he accept liberals who abet Islamist bullying. Islamists like Galloway and CAIR have Muslim Brotherhood DNA and aren’t credible either when challenged about their work to impose sharia law in the U.S.

In Tennessee, Galloway is faced with the same problem Suleyman encountered; they can’t support their political spin with facts because:

  • imams being imported to Tennessee to preach at the mosques and minister to Tennessee’s Muslims, have been Islamically educated either in Saudi Arabia or at Al Azhar University in Egypt. Al Azhar, credited with starting the Islamist movement, is closely tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and stands for the propagation of Islam and sharia law for all the world.
  • Muslim advisory councils like Tennessee’s AMAC were conceived with the help and support of Muslim Brotherhood organizations like the IIIT, CAIR and the Muslim American Society (MAS) and have the same goals.
  • AMAC founder and Board member and former ACO Civic Engagement Coordinator, Drost Kokoye, routinely demonstrates (here and here), the same anti-Semitic Jew hatred which fuels the Muslim Brotherhood’s Hamas. CAIR’s executive director Nihad Awad, a regular visitor to the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, has publicly stated his support for Hamas; no surprise since CAIR was started by leaders of the Islamic Association for Palestine, which included Nihad Awad.
  • Drost complains publicly about being labeled an American and then her co-worker Suleyman complains about being considered an “other”:

  • the Muslim Brotherhood front organization the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) says it supports gay rights and then Tennessee Islamist activists Drost and Suleyman publicly mock gay marriage:

  • The AMAC founder and board member Sabina Mohyuddin praises Muslim Brotherhood organizations for helping American Muslims “stay true to their religious values while being uniquely American.”
  • Islamist leaders like Galloway and Daoud Abudiab work to co-opt interfaith dialogue while students at the private Islamic school in Knoxville, Annoor Academy, use a textbook that reinforces negative stereotypes and misinformation about Christians and Jews.
  • Imams in Tennessee mosques bring in CAIR and Muslim Brotherhood Islamist speakers like Jamal Badawi and Siraj Wahhaj, who preaches that the U.S. should and will become an Islamic state because “Islam is better than democracy” and refuses to condemn Osama bin Laden for 9/11. And speakers like Zaid Shakir who tells the young Islamists that under sharia law “the kafir [non-Muslim] won’t be equal with the Muslim. The Christian or the Jew will be a dhimmi. They won’t be equal with the Muslim.”
  • the European Court of Human Rights held as sharia law that: “a sharia-based regime was incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy as set forth in the Convention [on human rights]… particularly with regard to its criminal law and criminal procedure, its rules on the legal status of women and the way it intervened in all spheres of private and public life in accordance with religious precepts.”

The Tennessee Islamists Galloway, Suleyman, and AMAC representatives claim that the way to counter what they believe is hate speech against Islam and Muslims, is more speech. But when they don’t like what they hear or when their propaganda is exposed, they revert to bullying.

Whether its “American Muslims” or “Muslim Americans” doing the bullying, they still can’t put lipstick on the Islamophobia pig.

5 thoughts on “Islamic Bullying in Tennessee

  1. Associated Press defines “Islamist” as:
    “An advocate or supporter of a political movement that favors reordering government and society in accordance with laws prescribed by Islam. Do not use as a synonym for Islamic fighters, militants, extremists or radicals, who may or may not be Islamists.”

    Some observations:
    “a political movement”.
    Islam is “an ideological political movement”, explains Anjem Choudary. All muslims are members of this “political movement”.

    “laws prescribed by Islam”
    The “laws prescribed by Islam” are Sharia. “Islam is Sharia, and Sharia is Islam”, says Abu Imran, Fouad Belkacem of Sharia4Belgium. There is no Islam without Sharia. The Koran, which is part of Islamic Law, commands muslims to use violence against non-muslims.

    Islam commands muslims to Impose Sharia Law on All Mankind (I.S.L.A.M.) using force if necessary.

    “fighters, militants, extremists or radicals,” are all likely to be involved in physical actions, attacks, or at least demonstrations. The end purpose of such actions is the “reordering of government in accordance with laws prescribed by Islam”, the very category where AP instructs journalists NOT to include them.

    The distinction is unusable.

    • “Do not use as a synonym for Islamic fighters, militants, extremists or radicals, who may or may not be Islamists.”

      AP, apparently, doesn’t even recognize the concept of Muslim terrorist.

  2. Polls and percentages.
    The polls and the percentages of muslims who say they want Sharia law or whatever are interesting and informative, but they make no difference to what Islam is.

    Islam is not defined by polls, nor is it influenced by them.

    Islam is not concerned with what muslims want. Islam instructs them what to do even if they dislike it. There is no freedom of conscience in Islam.

  3. Now if some christian kid was cuaght bullying a islamic kid they would be expelled and the news media scum suckers would be making it their top story of the day as well all know what biggots these wretched liberal joutnalists are

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