Betrayed by a Muslim in Marriage

Last Thursday we posted a report by Yog about the “Love Jihad” — the Muslim practicing of abducting Hindu girls and forcibly marrying them — in India. As part of his report, Yog linked a Hindi-language video of an interview with a young Hindu woman who had married a Muslim.

Vlad Tepes had the video translated. Many thanks to Yog for the timing, and to Vlad for the subtitling:

As you can see, this video is not an adequate example of what Yog described in his post. The young woman describes a situation that was entirely her choice.

The little girls in Rotherham who were raped and brutalized would have been thrilled to have so many choices.

The Yezidi women who were recently abducted by ISIS and sold to their “husbands” in Syria were never fortunate enough to be able to make the same decisions this Hindu woman did.

Yes, we can sympathize with her, because she made bad choices and suffered as a result. But I’d like to see video interviews with Hindu women who were truly coerced into conversion and marriage. I’m certain there is no shortage of examples.

Video transcript:

0:04   What’s your name?
0:05   Sanjita Khan.
0:07   Were you Hindu before?
0:09   Yes.
0:11   I will not ask you your old Hindu name.
0:16   You said that you were betrayed during your marriage.
0:20   Tell us what kind of betrayal.
0:23   A Muslim guy started courting me; he did not disclose that he was married.
0:26   (she is asked to repeat it since she is not speaking loud enough)
0:31   Then one day I found out. It was one and half months into the relationship, but
0:35   still I was so blindly in love that I could not stay without him.
0:39   We got married. Then he told that to everybody around. Then I ran away with him
0:42   for one week.
0:49   I stayed with him one week after that.
0:52   Then my parents got hold of me and brought me home.
0:54   For six months I stayed with my parents.
0:59   Then when the question of talak (divorce) came up in the court,
1:02   I changed my decision and decided to go with Rahman (husband).
1:05   So you changed your mind in the court.
1:07   Yes, I changed my mind.
1:08   And you did not take talak (divorce).
1:10   Do you think it was a mistake on your part?
1:13   It was the biggest mistake of my life. My father even told me (then unclear)
1:17   Tell me about Rahman’s previous wife.
1:21   She was Christian.
1:22   Really, she was Christian!
1:23   Yes, she was Christian.
1:24   It means even she was not even Muslim.
1:25   No, she was not.
1:27   They have a daughter from that marriage.
1:28   A daughter (exclaims)? He left her, too?
1:30   Yes.
1:32   Thank you so much for the interview.

9 thoughts on “Betrayed by a Muslim in Marriage

  1. It seems to me she had several chances to get out, even with the courts on her side.

    However I have subtitled videos from the same interviewer I believe, at least 2 other ones which actually are nearly as bad as what happens to English girls by Muslim gangs.

  2. A few points:

    1. In India, muslims are not governed by the common civil law–they have their own sharia based law, which allows them to have up to 4 wives (this is not allowed for Hindus/Christians). In all the soft cases of Love Jihad, such as this video, a common deception is that the muslim hides the fact that he is already married once. Remember, he can marry a second time also, but he keeps this hidden from this Hindu/Christian victim. In many cases, he also hides his religious identity, as in the most recent case of the national shooting champion who thought she had married a Hindu, only to find he was Muslim.

    2. Nemesis had asked for English language reporting on the Love Jihad phenomenon. Here is a piece in Frontpage. It is somewhat dated–now lot more details of this phenomenon are available, and a lot more case studies have been done.“love-jihad”-by-steven-brown/

    3. Physical torture is part of most cases (actually the case above is an exception, and would be one of the softest cases on record). For example, here is a picture of a Love Jihad victim, with blade marks over her body.

    4. It was known in 2009 itself that the boys would get monetary “rewards” for successful conversion, with the money coming from Gulf countries. Here is the “rate card”

    (5 lakh for Hindu girl, 4 for Christian girl, etc. it says)

    5. I have worked on the ground with a women’s group that helps Love Jihad victims—mostly counselling. What we have learned is that this is done in a very professional manner. For example, each girl is given a certain amount of time (few weeks) by the end of which time if she does not get trapped, the boy moves on. The boy also has a great deal of information about the intended victim (social media, mobile charging stores etc. provide this information). Many times, accidents may be staged in order to get the girl to trust the boy etc. This is a very organized system of luring and trapping Hindu/Christian girls. We do not yet know much about the “mastermind(s)” of this process.

    • Find us more videos, and Vlad and I will do what we can. But we need “hard” examples.

      • This is a case involving rape, and blackmail using videos etc. Threats are made to the family as well (about circulating the videos etc.). I think this might be classed as a “typical” love Jihad case where the girl did not simply disappear. That latter category is quite different.

        There are many more videos on youtube itself (for example, some are linked to the end of this video). You can also look at the documentaries linked–these are by reputed news agencies such as IBN, ABP, etc. Much of my own understanding is from my face to face discussions with counsellors (who are actually devoting their lives to helping these victims), but it does not seem you value that so much.

        • Yog, you misunderstand me. I value your reports highly; that’s why I publish them here.

          But as far as videos are concerned, for translation and subtitling we need examples that really bolster your case. They will help convince people who may otherwise be hard to convince.

          It’s very late at night here. I’ll show Vlad this video link tomorrow, and we’ll see what he can do. We may need you again for timing.

        • Yog —

          I showed this video to Vlad, and he reminded me that we had already done it! I even posted it last year, but had forgotten.

          Here is the subtitled version.

          And yes, this is definitely the sort of video I was referring to.

  3. One particular case that I know first-hand. A girl was abducted by a muslim (and his friends) and kept in a safe house. She was raped, but escaped. Her parents would keep their best watch over her, but the same boys again kidnapped her on the way back from school, and kept her for some time with them. Again, she escaped, and her parents tried to protect her.

    But when it happened a third time, her parents said “this seems to be what your fate is. We want you to be as happy as possible. So now please go there, and try to make the best life you can there.” They just had to let her go. They simply felt helpless in the face of this repeated violation by the Muslim gang. The local police were not much help, due to political pressure. So these old, poor parents had really nothing they could fall back upon, and they let their dear daughter go. Needless to say, they themselves had braved threats (to both themself, and their daughter) all this time.

    I don’t know if the girl is allowed to meet her parents, or she is gone from their life for good. There are tens, if not hundreds of such cases in that province alone.

  4. I have been monitoring cases like this for decades, primarily the abduction, rape and forced conversion of Coptic Christians in Egypt, Christians in Africa, Indonesia and, mainly, in Pakistan. It doesn’t look like it will stop any time soon, particularly as the law enforcement and justice agencies in those countries are corrupt and susceptible to islamic threats.

  5. Though the Hindu female in the video seems calm and unemotional, one has to factor in various degrees and types of Stockholm Syndrome in a twisted relationship with various degrees and types of physical and psychological coercion (not to mention that the interview is rather superficial and brief). This doesn’t mean what happened to her is as bad as what happened to all those UK girls; but one shouldn’t go too far in the opposite direction either.

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