Beyond Barking Mad

For some reason the following story of multiculti madness in Sweden reminds me of a recent news report about accusations that panelists on a BBC Radio 4 gardening program are using racist language when they talk about “native” and “non-native” plant species. This WAYCIST obsession has gone beyond barking mad into some new twilight world…

From Breitbart:

Swedes to Remove ‘The Concept of Race’ from All Legislation

The Swedish government plans to remove the concept of race from all legislation, claiming that accepting that there are different races means one race is superior to another.

However, the National Afro-Swedish Association has criticised the proposal, arguing that the concept of race is important in order to highlight discrimination.

Swedish Integration Minister Erik Ullenhag told Sveriges Television (SVT) this week that: “We know that there aren’t really different human races. We also know that the fundamental grounds of racism are based on the belief that there are different races, and that belonging to a race makes people behave in a certain way, and that some races are superior to others.”

He said the “concept of race” had a negative connotation and was likely to stir up prejudice. Therefore he will remove the word from Swedish legislation.

“Legislation should not include the word race, if we argue that there are not actually races. I have wanted to remove the concept of race for a long time,” the minister said…

However SVT reports that Zakaria Zouhir, a Left Party activist and President of the National Afro-Swedish Association (ASR), opposed the Government’s decision on the concept of race: “It is an important tool to highlight the structural discrimination that exists in society. And that affects a significant portion of society’s citizens, solely because of their skin colour.”

Hat tip: Paul Weston.

20 thoughts on “Beyond Barking Mad

  1. “We know that there aren’t really different human races. We also know that the fundamental grounds of racism are based on the belief that there are different races, and that belonging to a race makes people behave in a certain way, and that some races are superior to others.”

    If the dominance of sprint events by Black atheletes is not due to a statistical superiority in that endevour then it must be due to structural racism against Whites. I demand an investigation.

  2. It’s not barking mad, it’s exactly what the concept of cultural marxism set out to achieve.

  3. The more you claim you are advanced the more confused, dunce, blockhead, dumb-ass, silly, light-headed, pathetic, pitiful, you become. Hey Swedish students when you look at the spectrum how many colors do you see?
    – Only one color : somali.
    – Bravo! you are the most advanced people on earth.

  4. “We know that there aren’t really different human races…”

    And the Emperor wears the most fantastic clothes, doesn’t he, Mr Ullenhag?

    Meanwhile, in the real world, the UK’s National Health Service website has this to say :-

    “Body tissues have racially specific characteristics, which means that transfusions and transplants are far more likely to be successful when the donor and recipient are of a similar ethnic background. If you’re black, your best tissue match will usually be black. If you’re Asian and need a transplant, you’ll probably need an Asian donor.”

    • well then, let’s just ignore reality and replace it with the p.c. narrative. Equal medical treatment whether it’s harmful or not.

  5. “We know that there aren’t really different human races…” Mr Ullenhag.

    “Body tissues have racially specific characteristics, which means that transfusions and transplants are far more likely to be successful when the donor and recipient are of a similar ethnic background. If you’re black, your best tissue match will usually be black. If you’re Asian and need a transplant, you’ll probably need an Asian donor.” The National Health Service of the UK.

    Sweden – where Political Correctness can be guaranteed to always beat Science and common sense..

  6. “Human skulls fall into three distinctive shapes, which reflect their owners’ degree of ancestry in the three main races, Caucasian, East Asian and African.”
    “By taking just a few measurements, physical anthropologists can tell police departments the race of the skull’s former owner with better than 80% accuracy.”
    The information above is taken from the book(page 70) “A Troublesome Inheritance – Genes, Race and Human History” by Nicholas Wade.
    Does this mean that Swedish forensic pathologists can’t identify victims of murder by using this kind of techniques. It will be a sad day if it happens.

    • Sweden faces many sad days in its future. The refusal to accept reality is a particularly self-destructive form of hubris.

    • Unfortunately, skull measurement was a key aspect of the Nazi pseudo-science of “Aryanism.’ See one of the famous photographs of Roman Vishniac

      Like in so many other areas, Hitler is the worst thing that happened to the white race, and that includes the suppression of the concept of race and of white ethnocentrism– a natural impulse rampant among all other races, hence their gradual inundation and takeover of whitey’s world. Sweden, Norway or England will be the first to go, but those are just the canaries in the coal mine.

  7. Actually, leaving the concept of race out from government legislation and publications can have beneficial effects.

    For example, statistics showing that black or Latino populations have lower academic achievements, higher drop-outs, and higher unemployment can no longer be used. The fact of higher incarceration rates for blacks, Muslims, or Latino cannot be used. In other words, racial disparities would not longer be attributed to prejudicial treatment. No wonder the Swedish Afro society objected to such a policy. They would no longer be able to use the natural differences in races as a wedge to pry more money and influence from the government.

    The advancement of science is doing away with race as a valuable marker anyway. Why use racial classifications when you can measure the intelligence, skills, and genetic composition of an individual directly?

    Of course, race as a focus of public policy still has some benefits. The issue of tissue typing and genetic predisposition to diseases, as has been brought out by crosscop, is one. The issue of immigration is another: in the absence of some very specific filtering, it makes sense to completely exclude immigrants from certain countries.

    All in all, I would say that for government to leave race completely out of legislation, if followed to its logical conclusions, would be more beneficial than harmful. Of course, the leftist legislators didn’t really think the issue through, and assumed that government agencies will continue to use the concept of race when necessary to claim discrimination.

  8. This is one of the finest examples of Swedethink snd Swedespeak ever encountered in the wild.

    Marty Feldman’s famous “What hump?” was in a work of fiction but we can see here the erasure of the line between fiction and reality.

    It’s all quite interesting. This mental alchemy.

  9. A Common Core compare-and-contrast test item:
    (1) “The Swedish government plans to remove the concept of race from all legislation, claiming that accepting that there are different races means one race is superior to another.”
    (2) “The Swedish government plans to remove the concept of sex from all legislation, claiming that accepting that there are different sexes means one sex is superior to another.”

  10. So when a white women gets raped and a white man gets beaten up it won`t be racist any more because there`s no race ! Convenient legislation ! Don`t solve problems ban them using the law !

    • Well now, Schweeeeden ALSO gave their Nobel “peace prize” to:

      Yasser Arab-fat and Barry Whatshisname…….so go figure.

  11. The time of Dhimmitude will soon be upon them and they will deserve it. When they have no choice but to look on helplessly while savages [detailed actions redacted] will it occur to them that they could have prevented it even if it meant hurting the savages’ feelings?

  12. Hope this isn’t showing off, but some may be interested. In the days before “care in the community” there used to be a a large lunatic asylum in Barking (in East London). So “Barking Mad” is not a canine reference.

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