13 thoughts on “‘Anti-fascist’ members bother and heckle ordinary people laying wreaths in honour of Lee Rigby in case they might be EDL supporters.

  1. When a close member of my family started wearing that scarf and wouldn’t remove it after repeated comments, well then, one day when he left it behind, I had no choice but to add it to my garbage burning pile, did I? I was pretty happy to see it go up in smoke as I hope to see Sharia law do soon in Canada. I see a dictionary of words and emblems will be up soon on GOV. Looking forward to it. I do know when that scarf burned, I felt visceral relief.

  2. “Not in our city” = “No one will be permitted to honor a fallen British soldier in ‘our’ city.”
    By the way, isn’t it essentially fascist to claim the city as belonging only to people who think exactly as you do?

    • What? Radegunda should repeat that so we all can understand: No one should honour a British soldier in our city? Whose city? Am I reading that wrong? Not in our city? I must be totally misreading the essential British character. I do know the inroads British universities have made to turn once sensible decent thinking young adults into mush brains. Too bad, what a waste of money, only to see your child turn into a socialist who hates you and can’t find a job, no wonder!!

      • I ask permission of the Baron and Dymphna, two people I highly respect to say that Canada, untouched by the downturn in the US because we have a decent Conservative Prime Minister Steven Harper, to go off topic and say that Canada needs workers in the oil fields right now. Men and boys to learn the oil industry and women too.
        $100,000-$150,000 a year in Saskatchewan and Alberta, really another Gold Rush. The only people who made money in the gold rush of 1899 were the people supplying them. Canada is asking for workers because when they ask Canadian boys they say things like Oww, I’m not lifting a hammer, getting my degree wimps. Hammers will take you where Shakespeare wont. I think any boy or girl who didn’t fit into the Shakespeare mode has such a future in Canada. I want American boys and girls to work in the Canadian Oil Sands and make if they are worth it, 100,000-150,000/year. Coffee shop workers make better than big cities. Saskatchewan, Alberta, this is where your future is. Right out of high school. If you are willing to get your hands dirty and you know what a wrench is. Canadian students are too fancy for it. Nothing in this world would make me happier if all those American students whose teachers said they were nothing, moved north to Canada, where we will cherish the fact that they know the differences between wrenches and like hard work. They would earn so much money to go back to the US, but selfishly speaking, there are some pretty gorgeous and extremely bright women here too. Some might leave, some might stay, but no doubt we will be very happy together as Canadians and Americans always have been. Thank you Baron and Dymphna for letting me say my piece. Because truly in North America, who could be closer in the midst of all the perils we face.

        • I’m a Harper supporter but to say Canada is untouched by the down turn is not true. Come to Southwestern Ontario and see what 10% unemployment looks like.

          • “Canada is asking for workers because when they ask Canadian boys they say things like Oww, I’m not lifting a hammer, getting my degree wimps.”

            Have had my senses assualted with the echo of this multikulti pro-immigration self-loathing trojan mneme for years.

    • I meant to post this comment in the article below, sorry. I should hope they weren’t flying it at the poor soldiers funeral. Not that I expect any of the UAF idiots would even know what it meant.

  3. So: The counter Jihad movement is not to be allowed to use ‘Rigby’ as the left has used ‘Brevick’; kettle calling the pot black?

  4. “Anti-fascists” are welcome to move to whatever country that is whose flag they are marching under.

  5. Interesting, how that girl seemed to think she had some kind of authority, and how the man felt obliged to be defensive. Odd.

  6. We have been shown on the BBC today the original coverage of the coronation 60 years ago. This was a country that the left and their shadowy backers so hated they were determined to destroy it and have now almost succeeded. England in 1953, when I was two, was 99.9% white indigenous, homogeneous and cohesive and with a few exceptions united under its new monarch. It was a country of respect, self-respect, high morals, decency, altruism and honesty. But the Left hated it with a vengeance and determined to make it the test-bed for their Marxist one world revolution – in whose name I ask? The above shows the result of their infantile fascist revolution. Will England and the other countries of Europe ever manage now to restore that civilised utopia exchanged for the so-called Marxist utopia?

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