A Culturally-Enriched Shakedown in Stockholm

Cultural Enrichment News

Swedish Muslims are planning a demonstration in Stockholm tomorrow afternoon to show their displeasure with the Mohammed movie, which they consider blasphemous and insulting to the world’s 4.77 quintillion Muslims.

Our Swedish correspondent has sent a translation of a letter from a Muslim group to Prime Minister Reinfeldt Foreign Minister Bildt. The translator includes this note:

Tomorrow, Saturday, September 22 the ‘Imam Ali Islamic Center’ is organizing a “peaceful” demonstration in Stockholm.

It begins at 1400 on Östermalmstorg. According to their spokesman the current video insulting the Prophet Muhammad is worse than the Holocaust.

In a letter the ‘Imam Ali Islamic Center’ exposes the Swedish Foreign Minister to light extortion:

We believe that these forces intend to increase hostility to Islam, which in turn paves the way for hostile counter-action, which politicians have a major responsibility to stop.

Below is the Center’s letter, as published in FriaTider and translated by LN:

In God’s Name

Respected Foreign Minister Mr. Carl Bildt

Once again, and against all the principles of freedom, the last Prophet, who announced the final revelation for all mankind, is insulted by a group of shameless people.

We strongly condemn the production and distribution of such films which aim to spread hatred and strife among different ethnic groups. The latest shameful movie against the Prophet Muhammad is contrary to the given principles that should apply to peaceful coexistence among different groups within a society.

‘Imam Ali Islamic Center’, which is one of the largest Islamic congregations in Scandinavia, therefore wants to draw your attention to the following:

1.   One of the main principles of peaceful coexistence is that different religious faiths and ideologies are respected. The shameful movie in question is an insult to all Muslims, who make up a quarter of the Earth’s inhabitants. It is therefore an affront to the principle of peaceful coexistence and respect for dissents.
2.   The Quran teaches us to accept criticism and to discuss with the dissidents, but not to insult prophets, saints and respected personalities of different religions including Islam, Christianity and Judaism. This is a disgusting Act intended to DEVASTATE peaceful coexistence and should be condemned by those who want to keep or promote peace.
3.   Many of the hostile actions against Muslims, especially after September 11, are due to ignorance about Islam and its divine principles. Producing shameful movies and disparaging caricatures, in our opinion, stems from ignorance about Islam. But the most recent film, as the producer himself admits in an interview with Israeli and American media, is driven deliberately and against the policy objectives. We believe that these forces intend to increase hostility to Islam, which in turn paves the way for hostile counter-action, which politicians have a major responsibility to stop.

4.   We believe that the recent shameful picture is included in part of a systematic effort sponsored by groups whose purpose is to create strife between Muslims and other groups.
5.   Although the film has offended Muslims’ feelings, this must not lead to attacking U.S. and other embassies worldwide. We therefore condemn such attacks because we know that Islam is a peaceful message.
6.   We expect the Swedish Foreign Ministry to convey our complaints to the international community and wish that both the Swedish Foreign Ministry and the international community would condemn the shameful film and all similar actions.
7.   Finally, we suggest, on behalf of all Swedish Muslims , that a law be passed in the country that criminalises insults to all religions. This is to ensure peaceful coexistence in our society. We hope that Sweden will be a pioneer in enacting such a law guaranteeing the given human rights.

Imam Ali Islamic Center Stockholm

As of this writing, more than 600 people signed up for the demonstration tomorrow Saturday, 22 Sept 2012.

For a complete listing of previous enrichment news, see The Cultural Enrichment Archives.

11 thoughts on “A Culturally-Enriched Shakedown in Stockholm

  1. Man, the inbreeding is strong in this one. Let’s just take one example. “Many of the hostile actions against Muslims, especially after September 11, are due to ignorance about Islam and its divine principles.”

    Quite to the contrary. Satirical expressions about Islam and Mo are the result of our learning about Islam and our utter REJECTION of it.

  2. Let the Muzzies riot and bust up some stores and cars, the more the better. It’s good for the Swedes to see how their replacements act.

    I’m serious, the Swedes are like Dodo’s after their welfare system 60+ years stripped their families of men and reduced them to mere naval gazing sperm donors. Not to mention killing any sort of competitive spirit. Now with the family structure all but eradicated by the Left, they need to get a nasty dose of reality courtsey of the Muzzies.

  3. I don’t know which country is further down the road to Dhimmitude, Sweden or Norway. Undoubtedly there are plenty of Swedes and Norwegians who rail against what is happening in these nations, but where are they in any numbers?

    I wonder if the Swedish cowards that now govern Sweden will order their police to regain control when the Muzzies run riot?

  4. heh I think someone should send in a petition asking the same about nazi-ism with the exact same wording. Seriously counter-jihad UP YOUR TROLL SKILLS!

  5. Swedish politicians most certainly have a major responsibility to stop violent Shariah enforcement by Islamic Supremacists on the streets of Stockholm.


  6. There is no such thing as swedish muslims, only muslims in Sweden. They occupy Sweden and continuously keep pushing the battle lines. This is merely one line, another opportunity for them to islamise Sweden more. While swedish people are still set on zombie mode.

  7. “Finally, we suggest, on behalf of all Swedish Muslims , that a law be passed in the country that criminalises insults to all religions.”

    Translation: Finally, we demand, on behalf of all Muslims here and everywhere, that Sweden adopt Sharia Law to legalize polygamous pedophile rape of girls – and boys – so that Muslims are assured that non-Muslims will omit to 1) hurt our ‘sensitive’ pedophile feelings by discussing our rampant child molestation and abuse based on the model of our sacred pedophile ‘prophet’ Mohammed, and 2) send our sorry selves back to our self-created Muslim hellholes.


  8. Imam Ali? yes Shi’ites. They should mind their business with Pakistan. Pakistan could destroy Iran with nukes.

    If we can’t criticize religions, attack the “secular” Left. Declare Trotsky to be Fascist (Kronstadt, Makhno etc.)Believe it as a religion, and they can’t criticize it anymore.

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