Letter From Spain: The Elections

This is the fifth in a series of letters from AMDG at La Yijad en Eurabia.

Elections in Spain

The first TV debate: The PP mentions the immigration problem

Even if there is no substantial development regarding the campaign for the National Parliamentary Elections in Spain, there is plenty of news in these first days of the official campaign. The main one has been the first TV debate between Zapatero and Rajoy. I am rather skeptical about those debates; I have serious doubts that they have ever changed the mind of a meaningful proportion of the electorate. In any case, this has been the most relevant event up to now.

I have to say that I did not see the debate. What for? I have just read the part on “social issues” (Spanish transcription), which includes some references to immigration by Rajoy. This part of the debate was opened by Rajoy, who mentioned immigration as a new social issue and referred to the “crowding out” effect in social services. He mentioned the figures of new immigrants:

In the year 2005 more than 700,000 [immigrants] entered Spain; in 2006, more than 670,000; more than France, Germany and the United Kingdom altogether. In the year 2007, more than 725,000; again, more than France, Germany and United Kingdom altogether, and we are the second country, only the USA has a higher number of foreign residents.

Yes this is an immigration tsunami. Zapatero did not answer and changed the topic to his social achievements: that is, the increase in spending. Rajoy reproached him for refusing to deal with immigration. He went on with the figures:

I gave you the official information from your Government, on residence permits: in June, 2004 there were in Spain 1,776,000 regular foreign residents. In December, 2007 there were 3.9 million, that is to say more of the double. For you this seems not to be a problem, but there are people to whom this is actually a problem: those who want a place in the school [for their children], who want vouchers for the school canteens, which want access to public housing; it is necessary to manage that the rights of each one, because they all have rights evidently; do not harm others’ rights.

For you this does not matter, but for me it does. Also the fact that 10% of the foreigners, being only 10 per cent, account for 34% of the population in jail; 40% in Catalonia. Do you know why this happens? Because there is no control; we need order and control; this is what must be done: legal immigration with a contract, fighting against illegal immigration and, of course, an “integration contract”; not to forget: we have all equal rights and obligations; we are equal in duties and in opportunities.

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Finally, the “moderate right” dares to link immigration and criminality. I have serious doubts that the PP would really tackle the issue. Rajoy just proposes to control immigration, but what we need is to stop it, in particular the immigration from Morocco. At least, it shows that the PP would be receptive to the pressure of an anti-immigration party.

I will not elaborate on the other parts of the debate. If interested you can consult the Iberian Notes (Monday, February 25, 2008) and the results of the different polls on who the winner was. I agree with the conclusion. Rajoy was better, but he did not at all knock out Zapatero. We will have to see the second debate (I think I will see it this time, even if I have already decided on my vote). It seems that it will be interesting.

Zapatero has declined to attend two events he had already accepted, one organized by the Spanish blind association, another by the second largest university in Madrid. Some malevolent tongues suggest that he needs some extra time to prepare the second debate.

PS: The most notorious association of Spanish Muslim converts has asked the Muslims to vote for Zapatero (Spanish).

3 thoughts on “Letter From Spain: The Elections

  1. This is part of a reoccurring pattern in developed, democratic countries. The parties of the left conspire to import large numbers of third world voters. Being unable to consistently control elections in other ways, this is their scheme. If the electorate does not vote as they want, they change the electorate.

    If US citizens could vote in Spain, Americans, through larger numbers, would decide who runs Spanish governments. Spaniards would rightly object to such an arrangement. It would rob them of the right to vote. The result would be profoundly anti-democratic. Why is it any better if hordes of North Africans vote in Spanish elections?

    It is always the same. The enemies of freedom and democracy always attempt to prevent government by the people. If that cannot prevent elections, they try to manipulate the counting. If they cannot do that, they manipulate the voting lists. The evil is the same, whether they call themselves monarchists, fascists, communists, or socialists. Only the name changes.

    Similar forces are trying to do the same thing in the US. The leftist are trying to fill the voter lists with felons, fictitious people, dead people and “legal” and illegal aliens. The challenge is very grave. If the leftists get their way, democracy may be dead for a generation.

  2. Good stuff.

    One of the media-left’s tacttics is portraying immigrants as the victims of racism. Switching the argument to the native victims of immigration is the way to do it. Especially as it is the working class voters of the traditional left that are usually the main victims. If done well the argument should steal core voters away from one side to the other.

    It is the best tactic for centre-right parties imo, though, as mentioned, you can never be sure they’ll actually do anything if they win.

  3. FYI: Immigrants from Hispanoamerica can get Spanish nationality in 2 years. Immigrants from other countries, in 10.

    I would increase it to 5 and 20, respectively.

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